Tag Archive: toothache

Webs Are Up

But I’m not. Fevers running to 100.1. I’m sure it’s a bladder infection. Two things I’ve never had but…2020! Toothache and BI. I slept most of the day. Ugh!

Hope you’re having a better day.


Tired, toothache Monday. Muggy hot with headache. That is all.


Fever is down. Day was cooler. Got to Zoom with friends.  Tooth still keeping me sleeping or in pain. Losing weight is the plus as I rarely eat. I think the antibiotic is working so I’m hoping not to be feeling poorly for much longer.

Once again I write from my phone.  I hope to stream tomorrow.

What Day Is It Anyway?

Another quick one. I think it is Thursday but the heat and tooth have me wondering. I am on an antibiotic and the pain killer. I am feeling better but still not quite energetic enough to care. The joyful spot is I have a friend visiting today. 6′ and masks. No hugging. But lots of fun and chatting that help me forget the bad and the day.

I promise by the weekend I will catch up on as many blogs as I can.

I miss you all!

One-liner Wednesday July 22, 2020

Thank you for your thoughts, vibes, and prayers!

Badge by Laura @ riddlefromthemiddle.com

Thank you! My husband just had an appointment on Monday so 4 hours of driving. This morning he’s driving 3 to get my antibiotic and painkiller. What a guy!. The dentist is sure that the pain is due to infection. He can’t even pull the tooth until the infection heals. My temp is usually low. 96-97. But yesterday it was up to 99.1. How much was tooth and how much this bloody heat, I’m not sure. I hope it’s better tomorrow. My friend is coming to visit. She’s bringing a pup tent so she can maintain distance. We’ll all wear masks for a couple of days.

One-liner Wednesday is brought to us by Linda G. Hill. It is an easy fun prompt to get us all writing, even if just a line.

Day Two

Way too hot to have a toothache. No appointment until August!

Climbing back to the slighty cooler floor. Not even enough energy for Bitmoji


Toothache Thursday


Okay. It isn’t horrid. I have had a couple visions of an ice skate (Castaway). But I’m not to that point yet. In fact, I have an appointment to see:



Not as worried about the tooth. It is more the ride and the chair pain. Any suggestions?


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