Tag Archive: tree

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “spruce.” Use it as a noun or a verb, use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Not a spruce. Just a trio of fake trees. A live pretend tree won’t get here until the day after Christmas. And it is Rosemary not spruce.
This guy always looks spruced up for the holidays. He just likes to photo bomb if the tree gets attention.

So with the health issues in the house we didn’t get to do much sprucing up around here, even though we have company coming tomorrow.

I’m excited that I get to see #3 and his special lady. And we plan, if weather permits, to finally hike to Crack in the Ground. I’ll take pictures and send the YouTube if we get to go.

And right on time these socks are ready for the new owners. I hope they fit. They fit on the blockers.

My brother has been busy. Our floor in the bedroom was so bad it was like tightrope walking. My husband fell and with a lack of good flooring it was hard to help him back up. Anyway my brother got busy and made a safer floor for us. No more falling. And he was the decorator, putting up and finally lighting our tree and window. We are so lucky to have him around.💜🤗

May all of you have a blessed Holiday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas.

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “tree.” Use the word “tree” or write about a tree. Any kind of tree. Enjoy!

When I saw the prompt I planned a whole different stream. I thought it would be about putting our Christmas trees up, today. But it has been so cold and windy that all I could do was knit under the electric lap blanket.

The other topic was going to be about working on my diamond art projects. I did watch a bunch of YouTube videos about how to get started.

The only way this stream hits the word ‘tree’ can only show up is how our trees are bending towards the east from these horrible cold winds. We have been promised snow. But I beginning to feel deceived.

Once it snows it’ll be warmer. The humidity makes everything better.

This was a few weeks of ago. The trees are naked now. I hope they are still standing tomorrow.

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