Tag Archive: #Unfinished Friday

Didn’t finish much this week.

Tomorrow I’ll start the arch of the foot.
Arch is done. Now I’m going to learn the Fishlip heel. I will run a rescue line just in case something goes wrong. At least I won’t have to tear everything out.
I’m almost halfway done.
Yeah. Laundry needs to be folded before I can go to bed.
I’m loving watching this the second time around. So fun, but attacks issues we should think about.

Sorry. Not sorry. Just didn’t finish the Sunset Beach. There was only straightening, sealing, and painting a frame, but for me the straightening is the hardest. Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll ‘gird my loins’ and face it.

The socks are nearly finished. Just putting on the ribbing.

And it looks like I’ll have just the right amount of yarn for both socks.

Editing/reading first round is nearly done. I’m happy that I almost doubled my goal for February. I set up this months’ goal as just finishing. Though the project has nearly 58k I set the goal (extended last months’ goal) to 60k. That will encourage me to write a couple thousand to build a few characters up.

Sorry cell picture of the computer screen doesn’t do well. But hopefully, you can read it. I have 45,190 in my project so it seems an easy goal.

After frogging yesterday’s hat, I nearly have a brim finished on the new one. Within a row or two, I will put that first row in the middle onto the pegs, knit the first and the last row together, and then start the main part of the hat.

And after ‘frogging’ yesterday’s podcast attempt, I spent the morning learning about starting a new project. I used Wondershare, the free version, to try and work on what might be salvageable from yesterday. I have only gone through the first couple of steps and feel confident I can do something to help others. Here’s their first YouTube.

So my attempt for tomorrow is to show how to set up for NaNoWriMo and hopefully show how my friends start theirs in other programs. I will even walk through setting up a new project on NaNoWriMo. Though I finished (Pandamapocalypse) and won last year’s, That book isn’t finished. I got halfway through another during the first CampNaNo with Marina’s Mission. And suddenly, I had another story, Meeps creep in, but I haven’t posted word count to NaNo yet. And now, because of #Inktober, I suddenly have Crystal. Which I set up in yWriter yesterday thinking I had screen sharing going on Zoom. Nope, it was just me talking, and all you could see was my glasses as I had to get really close to the screen to see. The nice thing about NaNo now, as opposed to how it used to be, is you can divide your wordage between projects or even aim for pages edited or other types of goals. So I plan to share that tomorrow also. So the mistakes of yarns yesterday become new projects today.

cat yarn

Unfinished Friday, #Inktober

I had planned to finish my #Inktober for the last three days but, life, you know? I even know where the story goes, so, here’s the first sketch. I’ll finish the rest and add ‘compass’ tomorrow somehow. Below the roof, tick, and helmet sketch.

Unfinished Friday

It may look like a couple previous hats. But this one will have a basket-weave pattern on part. But here is the hat in progress:

Happy Friday!

A pair nearly finished. Ankle done on one. After ankles then cuffs and done.

Because we have to keep the house dark on these hot days, knitting doesn’t happen as often or as long. My eyes complain at the strain.

Much of what was supposed to be done by today still patiently waits.

Maybe we should all have the patience of tasks undone!

Unfinished Friday

I’m here with the same unfinished pair of socks as last week. Wow! Who knew I would get so little done? I did add an inch or so to the ankle and have halfway finished the cuffs.

This week has gone very fast. Every task I set up for myself got side railed and remains to be finished. I’m still learning about podcasting and now have a mic. I have a stand to hold my phone as I record. But the table and area I plan to do it all still remains a chore. But the excitement of getting it started and reading aloud to friends. Or getting to know how I will overcome the stage fright, and social anxiety, scares me. Yet seems the thing to do. So tomorrow the table will be readied, and I’ll figure a way to read while I still have the cataracts. And still no appointment for the surgery. I have excitement in me for the first time in a long time. And I’ll probably finish these socks tomorrow.

Happy Friday!

Bitmoji Image

UnFinished Friday

The above socks sans cuffs are among many projects not finished this week. Three days of appointments, two of which were out of town (two hours each way), kept me from my usual machinations. I had to look up that word. I’ll stick with it as it might make those who know me have a giggle. There are no evil schemes afoot—just my knitting, writing, and editing.

Dare I say this? COVID19 has made doctor visits more efficient. I take along
reading material and knitting for those sitting times. So far, that hasn’t happened
at all. Walk-in. Temp check. Empty room with empty chairs to fill out forms.
Then call to a solitary room—everyone with masks and lots of hand sanitizer. I
felt safe, and the jobs were done quickly and like a well-oiled machine. And no
uncomfortable waiting in a room of ill people. It is as though they have
figured out how to take care of individuals. I think that is a good thing. Now,
will they be able to maintain the good when things go back to ‘normal?’

Still, no time to sit and read or edit or knit or write while waiting.
Talking with my husband and singing happened. Those don’t have a finish line,
do they? I hope not. Well, soon enough, I will have new eyes, and I will be
able to read real books. I miss the tree books!

Well, back to knitting as I watch Doctor Who. Did you know that the first of
Christopher Eccleston’s Who is on HBO Max? He was my first Doctor Who. Though
David Tenet is my favorite. Had better writers been used, Jodie Whittaker would
have been. The actress did the best she could with what she was given.

By the way, if the URL shows up in the podcast, I’m sorry. I’m still
learning how to do this.


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