Tag Archive: won

Not one to compete against others, I find it hard to believe others care so little about each other to want to win. I have played board games with a group of people who cared more for teaching the game and strategies over pride of who came in first.

Once everyone felt confident in the game we laughed and encouraged each other. Often the newbie to the game won. What pleasure the whole procedure was. Even when others won.

Two of my favorite games.

On the other hand, I am always in competition with myself. I love learning something new and growing in confidence and control. When I feel I’ve mastered a stitch or game, I know I’ve won

Seriously? Okay. Thanks.




You have read 80 books of your goal of 80!

80/80 (100%)

A Weapon of Magical Destruction (Agents of A.S.S.E.T. #1)A Weapon of Magical Destruction by Katie Salidas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a GoodReads Giveaway. Thank you!

I was pleasantly surprised that I liked this book. It wasn’t another teen angst story wrapped in Sci-fi. It was an actual adult in the working world dealing with a sudden onslaught of magic. (Smile) The writing was good but it was unsettling with the vampires, etc. Even so, towards the end, I seemed to care what was happening regardless of the vampires.

Book 2 is on my Kindle Wishlist on Amazon. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

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Bold: Stories of Strong WomenBold: Stories of Strong Women by Sandy Ward Bell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I won this book from GoodReads Giveaway. Though I knew it was an anthology of short stories I thought reading about strong women would make it worth my while. So thank you for letting me read your book.

BUT, I just don’t like short stories. Yes, the women seemed to have opinions but I didn’t see them as any stronger than others. Maybe with more story, I would have been impressed with them but, not so much. And it is worse is you read with text-to-speech as it is hard to know when the last story ended and the next story starts. I can’t tell you how many times I had to go back and figure out why it wasn’t making sense suddenly. OH! It’s a new story. I guess that is something to keep in mind when writing for the Kindle market, make sure to put a something there at the end and start the new one with a hashtag or something.

I finished this book a week or so ago but life got busy and I had to wait to write the review. I honestly can’t remember any of the stories to say more about them. Obviously, there are folks that loved these stories so go read their reviews. You may be one who loves them, too. But give me a series and depth of characters. The stories are well written, I do remember that. I like the cover!

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FemmeFemme by Delia Strange

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Disclosure, I won this copy in an author giveaway.

New planets and beings, new mores and fashions. Talents. All the things I like in a sci-fi fantasy. But this one didn’t quite do it for me. Maybe it is not for my demographic. There was a lot of angst of the adolescent or new adult. Maybe they would actually love it. In fact, there were some lessons in the story that I thought would help many young people without being preachy.

Even so, I want to know what happens in the next book. I will try to get around to reading it as soon as I can. But, YAY! for strong Femme and sci-fi!

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Review: Ashes

Ashes by Linda Laforge
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I won this paperback version from First Reads giveaways on GoodReads.com Thank you!

This is the first ‘tree’ book I have read in a long, long time. Most of the time I have a hard time with font and line spacing and find myself frustrated and getting headaches. The font in this book was dark against white background and was large enough to allow short periods of reading. Still, I miss the text-to-speech help and the ability of instant dictionary lookup.

This book is strange. Science fiction gone wonky and scary. Maybe because of that it is best that I did take it in small doses. There is dystopia and questions of paranoia to keep you wondering what is really happening. But stay with it. The story is good, and very imaginative. I am so glad I read it.

On the downside, I think the book could use more editing as there are misspelled words and sentences that make no sense. It isn’t often enough to pull one out of the story but it is there. Oh, and without giving any spoilers, the lisping is the worst to read. The message given is strong and I think would stand better without that constant impediment.

Anyway, I think most sci-fi buffs will like this book, especially those who like apocalyptic dystopias.

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