Tag Archive: X

Linda’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “show.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!

Plus, I think I am on the letter

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter X

It seems obvious:

Where’s the show?

X marks the spot.

So, I guess it’s a creek of Consciousness. I should at least show I have a mind to follow. 

Still, nothing is coming up.

This xes out the whole process. Sorry. No show today.😥

A to Z Challenge, X

My least favorite letter. It is the hardest to use without the usual xylophone, x-ray, and words that don’t start with x. But today, on my walk, I saw a sign. I didn’t think to take a picture, so I will see if I can find one. Edit: We took the same walk today, and I took the picture. Yeah, I’d be more afraid of the sagebrush!

It looked something like that. But we never saw the dog. If it is friendly, I would have given xxxxs and ooos. I miss my Kali. But if not, we would have to jog instead of walk, I think. And change our walking route.

According to Linda here’s how Stream of Consciousness Saturday works:

Friday’s here, and I’m late for your Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt. I’m sorry. 😦 Explanation to follow–and no, it’s not that I forgot about you. During the month of April, I’ll use the appropriate letter of the day to correspond with the A to Z Challenge so anyone who’s participating in both challenges can do so at the same time. Here’s your prompt:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “xp.” Use it as a word, or find a word with “xp” in it. As always, use any way you’d like. Enjoy!

After you’ve written your Saturday post tomorrow, please link it here to this week’s prompt page and check to make sure it’s here in the comments so others can find it and see your awesome Stream of Consciousness post. Anyone can join in!


Since I have already written the ending of my novel and find I am not at the goal of 50,000 words I am needing prompts like crazy. When that happens I go to YouTube and find NaNoWriMo Virtual Write-Ins that have prompts and discussions that help inspire my writing. In today’s case, the prompt was the characters are having problems communicating. I got a lot of story out of that so I will only include the bit that fulfills the ‘xp’ requirement for Stream and A2Z.


Even facial expressions were lost. The blobbies thought that smiles showing teeth meant aggression. They would smile and attack the other people. And with so many people they couldn’t tell who were the blobbies and who were the gene-popping humans.

The humans spoke to one another as they smiled and were attacked. “I think these guys think like monkeys. They don’t see a smile as friendly. Let’s try to just be calm with lips together and nod at each other.”

Hearing the voices, the blobby humans that they were being talked about so they were still feeling defensive,

The gene-popping humans started using telepathy to see if that helped. Can you hear me? Can you understand me? they said first to each other then to the blobby humans The gene-popping humans would nod and say yes. But the thoughts were still in English and so the blobbies didn’t understand what was in their heads. They held their hands up to each ear as if trying to get rid of the sounds in their heads.

Let’s try pictures.


For those of you who are fans of the NaNo ‘sprompts’ and virtual write-ins, you might recognize the name of the fluffy stuffed dinosaur. He probably appears in a lot in NaNo stories. I will probably need to rename him and other beings but for now, just getting the writing done is the most important part. He’s kind of a mascot for us.

My blobbies are feathered with scales. As young ones, they look like chickens, but as adults, the scales and feathers make them rather messy dragon-like creatures.

Oh for those who are wondering, my word count should be at 45,009, But mine is at 45,143. Woo Hoo! I would like to get ahead so that I can take the time and do my Escapist Coloring Club entree. Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow while not having an A2Z letter prompt.

In case you hear a squee–my brother is finishing fixing my shower so that I don’t have to use the scary tub I have fallen in before. I can’t wait to have MY OWN SHOWER! Girls only!!!!! (But I guess I’ll have to share. –NOT AT THE SAME TIME!) You all have no idea how it is when you get old! You take showers for granted. I did. Imagine water streaming and cleaning you without making your back hurt or feeling like you are going to fall! Okay, all that is probably TMI. If so I hope you skipped it!

Happy last week-end of April! Hope you’re having a great one!








This could be the most challenging of the #AtoZChallenge. I wanted to go with the easy, xylophone, or x-ray, but couldn’t think of enough to fill a sentence much less a small blog post. So I went to my online dictionary and ran across words I knew but needed a refresher. So I exited the dictionary with a minor idea. Let’s see if it works.

Are you a xenophile or a xenophobe? The roots of the words are easy in this case. xeno=people especially foreign or exotic. Phile=lover of. Phobe=afraid of. A lot of us don’t think about it much. We tend to think we like everyone.

That would be true for me. I like to think I like all people. But throw me into a room with more than two people I don’t know and I go into a panic with sweats and shakes. One on one, I am fascinated by all people and their stories. If I get to know them well enough I can handle them in a bigger group of folks I know.

Parties? Church? Can’t handle the crowds at all. Even the nicest of groups like the Unitarian Universalists, probably the least judgmental of church groups I’ve ever been in, too many and I am a basket case looking for the nearest exit. (See what I did there?)

I get my xenophile fix by reading about people from other places and walks of life. I think everything you read that stretches your understanding reduces the possible cases of xenophobia.

colorful xylophone

il_570xN.633693719_ddlh colorcoded keyed toy piano

But Hey! I learned to play the xylophone before I learned the piano. It had many colored keys like my first little piano. I was and am a little upset that adult pianos are black and white. Mine is pretty and I love rooms of black and white, I would love a room of those colors and a black baby grand, with the tiled look going into the indoor pool of the same colors. Now that is seXy! But red and yellow black and white and brown and purple, blue and green, this started out a song but the dream of this piano/xylophone overreached! Oh, but the piano room with the wood as the main feature could use a glockenspiel! Ooh! Xylophone vs glockenspiel! There’s a topic for another day!


Notice the above paragraph has no people? Yeah, for a few seconds there I was not nervous. As much as I love people and want them in my life there are times that I could X them out and bury myself in my music or art or writing, reading–ah but sooner or later I crave social interaction. I long for long talks and learning others’ stories. Suck it up, shake and perspire, enjoy the Xeno!

Where are you on the Xeno charts?



Nearly finished with this fun #AtoZChallenge!


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