Tag Archive: yarn


Yarn is a magnet that pulls in me,




My cats.


So before my cats notice I’m not knitting, I need to get back to it.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/


Per Linda G. Hill:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “magnet.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

One-Liner Wednesday

Why do I have such a hard time finding a one-liner when all around me is YARN!

Thank you, Linda G. Hill for this fun, easy prompt.

One-Liner Wednesday!

What Day Is It Anyway?

While talking with my friends today, there was a hubbub in the yard. I went out to see and found that a neighbor’s visitor’s dog had come into our yard and killed our rooster. That was so sad. The dog was young and the owner was so apologetic. The neighbor buried the rooster. I felt bad because it was his rooster that had migrated here to our yard quite a while ago. This rooster was so protective of the ‘girls’ that none of the hens were hurt. But I will miss his guarding our home and letting me know when it was time to give up the toast crusts. Yes, I share my breakfast with the fowl beings.

It was the hottest day for us so far. 91. I think. Lots of humidity. We got out the little AC and put it in the window. Tomorrow cooler but wind and thunderstorms are expected. I hope for the cloud to cloud lightning as we don’t need fires with all that is going on.

Yes, it was a Friday. Trash picked up and empty for another week of refuse.

Though not as gorgeous as my friend’s from Carson, (sorry I can’t share that one, not mine to share) we, too had a beautiful sunset.

That last picture looks like it was raining over the fields to the north. Just a little cloud, but it was doing its best.

Oh! And I got some pretty yarn I can’t wait to make more socks with.

Janet gave us our prompt word for today. Thanks so much, Janet! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there!.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 23rd, 2020, is “drive.” Use the word “drive” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Drive equals passion. Passion may include romance but in my life passion is what you live for. In my past this was my passion:


Not so much the roses or that is it a keyboard. But piano, music, voice. I felt most alive when in that element. As with reading my tracking has made reading music very difficult and headache-inducing. But I have found that my passions have a good shift control in that they can be redirected.

A lifetime passion has been the beach. Though I haven’t been for a couple years I tucked the experience into my cellular memory. I can go to the beach in my dreams, in my meditations any time I need to smell, feel the spray, feel the heat of the sand, hear the waves, envision myself walking or dancing at the beach or swimming in the surf.


But every day, this is what drives me:


I know to some this is boring. But during the time I am learning new stitches, feeling soft yarn, I can go to the beach or sing or think of my next story, or binge the next show.

Speaking of which, this is the show I’m bingeing now:

I’m watching it on Hulu. If you want to watch you have to be quick as it is leaving Hulu soon. It is sweet and fun to get to know the characters. A couple of the main characters just got their driver’s license. There. I managed to use a version of the word one more time!

One-Liner Wednesday

I have a yarn or two to tell you, but this is ONE-liner Wednesday.

One-Liner Wednesday challenge courtesy of Linda G. Hill.

A2Z, Y, CampNaNo 2190429

Yarn is fun whether telling or knitting/crocheting. My yarn telling is pretty well finished. If you take yWriter’s word for it I ended with 50,584. If you take Word’s word for it I ended with 51,336. The validating machine must be broken because neither amount sent me to the winners’ circle. I only need 50K darn it!  Maybe too many are hitting that validator at the same time, though I’ve never had this problem any of the 10-16 times I’ve finished novels on NaNo or CampNaNo. I wrote to the company to see what’s up but they say they don’t get back to you for 2 business days. Well, that takes me past the final date for this NaNo. Well, at least it took my fact page to the finality with the arrow in the target at 100, all the graphs stating I made it, so…I’m satisfied. I will try to write a bit more tomorrow and see if the machine is working.

Though I haven’t stopped knitting during this month, I have done far less than normal. I have a lot of stuffed bodies and body parts that need to be stuffed and sewn together. I finished several little baby hats that need those last bits sewn closed and labeled to go to the people who need them. I’ll try to post the pics as I finish a few. The leader of the Hugger Hats group told me to make more of the dolls as she has a doctor who wants to give them to stroke patients as they are helpful tactile comforts for them.

I’ve been happy with the story I was able to write this month and feel encouraged to get all the books in the series up and edited to the best of my abilities. As much as I read, I think I am feeling accomplished with my stories It feels different enough to not feel like the same ole story as what’s out there, yet the energy I feel as I read them make me want to read them again. Does that make sense? I’m not trying to brag. Not at all. I’m trying to review with the same kind of eye as when I read other books. I am so grateful to have these characters growing and dictating to my struggling fingers the pictures they give me. I hope as I edit the more poetic words or phrases will appear as I know that writing fast leave my vocabulary and grammar wanting.

Did anyone else do CampNaNo how’d it go for you? How did you like doing the A-to-Z Challenge? I will put my thoughts on that on tomorrows post? As I am picking up and looking around think of me as waving to all of you. What’s happening in your life while I was buried in wordage?

I can remember the first time I heard the word ‘Serendipity’. I don’t know why I learned it or even the year. What I remember is an excitement to know the word. Then I remember watching for it to happen. And it happened a lot!

It was years later that the movie came out.

I liked it so much I bought the DVD. But somehow their serendipitous adventure paled to many of mine at the time. Mine were not romantic encounters but manifestations I felt, in part, I drew to me.

As much as I want to give you a list of these happenings, I feel my brain is not up to that task right now. The closest I can come is how a few years ago when I lived in Reno, I couldn’t afford yarn. My fibromyalgia was worse in Reno. Again, I don’t know why. But I found that if I could keep my hands busy I could distract myself from the pain. So I started making things of plarn.

Stacking containers for folded plastic bags or sliced strips to crochet with and plarn balls.

The bag-bag chair. Was a laundry bag but the cats like it so much when I filled it with plastic bags for future projects when we moved. It is similar to a bean bag chair in size and comfort. But like I said, this belongs to the cats now.

This is one of the small containers I use for little bits.

If you look back into this blog and on my Ravelry page you’ll see a lot of fun ideas that kept me feeling less pain. Until crocheting itself started hurting. I still have a lot of those projects and they are still in use. Nice to know all those stupid bags became useful items.

Then we moved here and I learned of the Hat Huggers who have tons of donated yarn for donated comfort items. The leader taught me to loom knit and the rest is history. Someone else’s comfort is the result of my own comfort. I think of this as a serendipitous adventure. Though I could still work with plarn and I have lots made into balls ready for crochet (loom knitting it isn’t as easy, nor is needle knitting it as workable.) And maybe if I get bored I will go back and make a few things. Until then I’m looming a 10-stitch blanket, socks for my brother and lots more hats and toys.

I’m not so good at directing serendipity or manifesting. Because if I could, I wouldn’t mind making enough money to have my own yarn to make things for me. The donated yarn can go to my family and friends as long as I make sure to claim it on the rosters. Still, I want to go to a store and pick out the soft stuff and know it will be my own hat or my dog’s sweater. Or my own sweater? Or money to buy one– or more skeins of yarn.

Or meet the next teacher of my path. Maybe they’ll have yarn?

So this was a yarn about serendipity. For some reason, I feel I should apologize. I wish I was more alert today as I know I have stories of cars and houses that happened and lots of new friends. Just not specific ones for now. When I think of them I’ll post them, okay?

Thank you, Linda, for Jotting fun. Thank you, Jill, for another chance to remember a beautiful word, Serendipity, full of blessings.




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