Tag Archive: yWriter

#WDIIA Editing Day!

NaNoWriMo is doing another group push. It’s called Now What 2022. It helps to have these things to try to kick me in the butt to get my editing and more writing done. So for my own accountability, I’m keeping track of words as I add my second Haven book back into the newest version of Writer. I wrote this and Haven back when the program was newish. yWriter5. We are now to yWriter7. I am nothing but redundant in my saving my WIP. So I consistently save the day’s writing in that program to RTF. Now decades later, I am glad I did that.

In this case, I can find my book, Haven Above and Beyond, open it in Word, and then use Grammarly to help me weed through and make a better version, if not rewrite the whole thing to make more sense. And as I enter it into a new yWriter7 project, I can count the word as I paste the worked-out bit in. I set my goal to 25,000 words. I have a few of my other books set up with the same goal because I might feel like moving around. I am not good at editing. I love the adventure of imagining a new story. But jumping into the mess and fixing what already played out as a movie in my mind, I miss a lot, and fixing things just doesn’t come easily. So the word count to date is 2,949. There are two scenes within that that are entirely yellow highlighted as I hate how it reads and will have to totally rewrite them. That’s okay. I’m glad I can see the awful within that movie.

So between editing, Diamond Painting, making a new charity hat while watching Sweet Magnolias, Duolingo, finding the moments to walk or play the recorder, and having a high need dog, I can get pretty turned around. I am grateful to be retired, with nothing but time. But there is never enough even without a job hogging it up.

Oh! Did I mention that in our tiny little community that had one gas station/convenience store and a tiny grocery store, both of which are charging twice as much as they used to, and even then, they were high? We just got a Dollar General. My son and brother went the other day. They came home and told me that it was a TARDIS of a shop, bigger on the inside. My husband and I plan to check it out tomorrow. Who knew, back in my big city days that I would be this excited to go into a Dollar General?

Photo by Oleg Magni on Pexels.com

I’ll try to get my own pics tomorrow. As if most of you haven’t seen a Dollar General! 😂

Do-over Please

This day! Yikes! It started with a sad situation for my son.

Our internet has been so sketchy today.

I attempted to do my first Podcast. I did the recording on Zoom. I thought I was capturing the set-up of my yWriter project for this November. What I got is a recording of my glasses and my voice yammering on and on. Then I could go no further because of a bad internet connection.

So to soothe my soul, I pulled out the hat I was knitting. It was supposed to be a fast one as I was e-wrapping. But 5 inches in, I found it was too large. So I had to frog-it, rippit. Now it is only an inch long and that’s part of the fold up brim.

Tomorrow is another day. I’m hoping for insight. Anyone know how to share screen on Zoom on the laptop?

On the plus side one of my NaNoWriMo project is ready for wordage!

Quick Word Count Update

Despite everything, I have managed 27,549. What I had to rewrite I wasn’t nearly as happy with. But today’s writing was fun. So I am happy. And quick math of the goal equals 26,672. So I am still a little ahead.

Meanwhile, I found my Scrivener’s license, so I will copy and paste the whole story to both WriteItNow and Scrivener so that there will be a lot of copies of the story. Tonight was writers group and one of the writers there, who has been published, said that she printed out her work as she went. I don’t know if I can afford to print out the draft. But I don’t want to lose bits as computers haven’t been the most reliable for me of late. How do you all do that?

Trick or Treat is nearly the exact term I would use for 2020. I have been keeping a journal and writing a book for first CampNaNo where I wrote about 25K and now starting at midnight plan to add another 50K. Getting ready for the start of NaNoWriMo this year required me to edit the spring start of the book and make sure all the journaling and whining and prompts not touched got put in the section of yWriter that keeps that count for being in the total word count. I want that count to be purely story.

All of that to say, I have now relived 2020 from March on. It has been a slow and boring rollercoaster full of angst and sometimes loneliness. Since my book is loosely based on the pandemic, it is titled Pandamapocalypse (I may have to rename it as I can never remember the way to spell it. Clue: There are Pandas and Ma’s but remembering is there an ‘a’ or an ‘o’ after the second ‘p’ and then after the ‘c’ has no hints to hold onto.

During this year I have watched more series than I think I ever have. It is curious how the writers come up with their plots. One thing I have noticed is that if it is a long series they resort to using the holidays as they come. Making sure there are tricks and treats for Halloween seems to give them lots of fodder for maybe even two episodes.

My characters have only experienced Easter and that was too fearful to do more than think it and move on. So they are going to get a treat both on Earth and on Haven as they all celebrate in ways to help them enjoy life again and yet stay to the mission to see why it is spreading and how they can help stop the process. My trick for them is how, now that the virus is human, things can get worse before it gets better while trying to keep it light enough that I want to write.

Well, I did manage to blog. Yay, me! Hope you all had a great Halloween and didn’t get tricked.

Happy NaNoWriMo to those that are joining me!

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Per Linda G. Hill: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “trick.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Wow! How did we get here already! It’s already Friday! It’s been so long since I have been inside a business. Somewhere on this blog, I talked about taking my Kali to the vet for her shots. Somewhere on this blog, I told about going and getting temporary fillings. By the way, they are still there. I hope they will continue to hang on. <–My first “O” word! I think it was the beginning of March. OMG! It seems like forever ago. It seems like yesterday. It reminds me of how we have always remembered common dates. We ask, ‘What were you doing when JFK was shot? Or ‘Where where you when we heard about Bobby? And the not distant past asks, Where were you working on 9/11?

This one is different. Maybe it goes like this: What was the last real day before lockdown?

The thing is, I never went anywhere before. As retired folk, we can’t afford to go anywhere. Often the bones were hurting, and I didn’t feel like going anywhere, Now, I feel like hopping in the car and just driving forever. I’ve always been a bit of a hobo, I like to travel. And fibro put an end to that. Too tired. But now I think I have rebellion working overtime. The body is still complaining. I barely have the energy to walk around the yard. But not being able to, enforced by the wicked virus, is crazy-making. Right?

So that is what day it is. Anyway, Word count that was caught up yesterday on CampNaNo. Behind again. Ouch! So I must leave you and get over to yWriter and see what I can do to fix it. My characters are having dance parties in the middle of the Pandamacalypse. And today is the day on Grey’s Anatomy that O’Malley dies. O’Malley! {See what I did there?}



According to Linda G. HillYour Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “key.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!


The key to a good series is good editing. Hey, that sound professional, right? Yikes, how do you writers do this part? Since I finished writing in November I have chosen to keep at it by editing. I chose to move back into the novel I wrote for CampNaNo (April 2019?) Haven in 3D. It was going quite well. I opened the project in both yWriter and Word and used Grammarly to get me through. I may not have everything in the final order, there may be big plot bunnies running around. But at least it will not have glaring grammar or misspellings. After I correct a scene I copy it from Word and replace the one in yWriter so that it is also corrected.

I got as far as chapter 6. Then I had a mass of questions about past characters and planet issues. Did you hear the screech of the sudden slam on the brakes?

Where did I hide the novel about all of this? The title is Earth the Final Frontier. That project has over 92 thousand words according to the yWriter project and 99 thousand words in the Word version. Why the discrepancy? I haven’t figured that out yet. But I am pleased and proud that I have that many words in one novel anywhere!

So now, shifting gears I am into the first chapter of ETFF. When I get far enough to find said characters and can get back to Haven in 3D I will have rescued the key element.

I have a build-in amount of time I can put into editing. It seems to be four or five hours and then I am spent. I am done with words. I feel like Eliza Doolittle, “Words, words, words! I’m so sick of words!”

So the key to good editing is knitting! Bye! Now, where is that little hook-doohickey?

(You see what I did there? hehe)

Today? Editing!

What is worse than looking at a blank page?




I spent today editing my CampNaNo story, Haven in 3D. I don’t do it like the picture, though I think I might near the end. My process is: Open yWriter project. Open Word with the RTF of that project. Then I open Grammarly Pro. Though I don’t think I am down to the words but the actual overall story, why not fix what I can as I read?

After I have cleaned up a scene in Word, I copy and paste it back into the yWriter scene and move on to the next scene. I think I added 26 words. That was a surprise because at first, I was killing words left and right.  I spent from around noon to just an hour ago. I covered one chapter and two scenes from the next chapter. I needed to do this one to have all the information I needed for the one I just finished. It is fun to get back to the spring novel. It has all my favorite Haven characters. I can’t wait to get the series up for everyone to enjoy. It could just be me. I hope not. But if so I have had a fun time living part-time in another universe!

So, I think I am getting my stride back. Without losing a second, here are my first few paragraphs from the first scene I’m writing tonight.


Seeing their counterpart joining each other and singing, the dragons did the same. Screeching, squealing, nearly screaming would more define the sound of the dragons but their riders were delighted. They pretended to conduct the trio into harmonics most humans would never tolerate. But the girls were thrilled. They too started singing in the most dissonant way. They could feel the vibrations between the bubbles ripping. They could hear each other better and better. Soon they could run to each other and swing their bodies onto the backs of their dragon friends, and they soared skyward wishing to never see this beach ever again.

Looking down onto the people on the beach they realized they couldn’t leave. They still needed to help humans save their elfish spacemen. They figured if they took the creatures to Haven, they could actually bring the elves back to life. So each dragon picked up the dead and blinked to Haven.

The second they landed on Haven they realized their mistake. Haven still wasn’t in charge, and the cousins’ mothers were still as dead.


Sorry to leave you on such a sad note. There is a promise that what we see isn’t so, but that needs to be worked out. Haven in 3D is the title and is a sequel of Haven the first book I wrote in 2001 and can be found on Wattpad.

I’m sorry if this is confusing. I know the story I’m telling, and even knowing the whole picture I am still working out the bits. Mostly I am trying to get out my 1,667 words a day to make it to 50K by the 30th of this month. I currently have 33,734. My goal is to hit today 36,652. CampNaNo is challenging to say the least!

The last few days have been horrid health-wise. My allergies and fibro are fighting for me to be sleeping 24/7 instead of having a working brain and tapping fingers. I’ve even started drinking coffee at night, and yet I sleep and not write!

Hopefully, you all had a good Holy Day/Easter. I have to admit that I’m glad I didn’t have eggs to boil and color or high energy kids jumping about. Been there, done that, t-shirt and all. Our neighbor’s chickens have been visiting lately so we have possible broods getting ready. I love his hens and the gorgeous rooster and our black and white speckled girls seem to like the company.

Look how much I wrote here! Why am I not getting that many words over in yWriter? (I’m doing okay. Just complaining. Sorry) Well, I won’t if I don’t get over there and continue typing! See ya all tomorrow!

A2Z, Camp NaNo, K 20190412

Here’s yesterday’s first scene in the fun of the A-to-Z Challenge.


“Come in. I was just setting a kettle for tea. What’s up” Judy was used to working. Even on Haven, when Haven was there, she preferred doing for herself as much as she could. She thought all the wishing for things was a killer in disguise. People need work to grow.

“Have you heard from the guys? It is so much harder to stay centered down here. I don’t hear telepathic messages as often. How are we supposed to stay sane in here, knowing Haven is in danger, knowing our friends and family are out there. I’m getting a knot in my stomach from the worry.”

“Chamomile for you, dear.” Judy laughed. “I’m kidding. I do worry, now, too. I do think the key to this is to keep ourselves as open as possible and meditate several times a day. We had gotten out of practice out there.”

Rather than sit at the table while waiting for the teapot to whistle, Anna and Judy kneeled and then sat in the lotus position and held hands. They didn’t know what they didn’t know until they were quiet and knew. Anna nearly kicked Judy in getting up so fast. “Haven is in trouble. Enelrad can’t land here. I wish she hadn’t left again.”

“At least we know that the guys are okay. Henry says they found the group in the cave. They are all happy and healthy and willing to help.” Judy kept her knitting kit next to her chair. While she waited she knitted. She covered her knees with a light-weight blanket, not for the draft, but to keep the yarn from going everywhere. Everyone in the cave had something made by Judy. They all wore them with pride. Others were now learning to make clothing or playthings. Keeping the hands busy helped them to stay focused on here and now, rather than lost in worry.

“Hey, I’m making some kidney bean soup. Would you take that knife and cut up the onions?” Judy knew that Anna needed something to do and cutting up vegetables seemed to help. Their kinship had been active since way back on the ship. Sisters of the planet. Judy loved her cave home. There was a king-size bed, and bookshelves full of everything from fairy tales to the Koran. She was even fond of her copy of ‘How to Kill a Mockingbird.’

By the way, my current word-count is: 18,510.

Have the planet becomes a human in Haven in 3D Here she is as Ora Ja Ja.

My first book, Haven can be found on WattPad. Or the first three chapters, on my site, here. I am gradually bringing the whole thing here. But right now writing Haven in 3D is taking up my time.

I have been needing to review one of my other books, Earth the Final Frontier. A lot of the characters from that book are in my current book. Is it wrong that I really like that book? I’m reading it as my night time read and yes, there are things I need to edit, but I am loving the adventure once again. I wish I could bring that excitement to all the books in the series.

By the way, Earth the Final Frontier has over 92K so it is taking me many nights of reading. Are there writers in my blogosphere that have a way to keep track of all the characters, where they’ve been what we left them doing, quirks, etc? I do have yWriter to keep track. I have an Excel spreadsheet but my eyes have troubles with looking at it. I almost think I need to write it all on a wall. Wish I had one I could use like that. I know before I publish these I will have to make a character list to go at the beginning or end of each book so no one gets lost.

Something like this would be wonderful!

“Carefully, Beth cracked open the door checking for children who might be cowering nearby.”


How’s that! Bam! Covered it all! (See what I did there? Leftover B with current C.) The above is the first line I wrote today. One-Liner Wednesday is one of Linda G. Hill’s gems.

A-to-Z April Challenge starts out here. Today’s letter, if you hadn’t guess by now is:

CampNaNo can be found here. I’ve only added 14 words today making my total 4,017. I’m writing a novel called Haven in 3-D. This the cover for now:

It is in my series that starts with Haven my first novel doing NaNoWriMo. I’m mostly using yWriter to get me going. Enough commercials?

How’s your day? I better get busy lots of errands before I can write!


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