Archive for November 30, 2014

Other WomenOther Women by Lisa Alther

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading Original Sin by Lisa Alther and having a hard time liking it in any way, I had a decision to make. You see I got both of these books through Kindle Unlimited which means they were free to borrow. I thought about returning this one, Other Women, and not reading it at all. Thank goodness I didn’t. I loved this book!

If you have had a good experience with a counselor, dealing with problems of the past or current ones, this will feel familiar. I think everyone should have a good counselor once in a while to air the mental stuff that you might not want to weigh down your friends and family with. And here in Other Women there were plots and characters that felt so real that I was sorry the book ended. I think I might read it again, sometime.

Though this book ended quite well, all threads neatly sewn up, I still wish there was more. I want to see what happens next. We are left with ideas as to how life might continue, but I knew I would miss all these people as much as the real people in my life. I like when an author can do that. She created a reality that felt real.

Just saying that made me smile. Wasn’t it because Original Sins felt so real that I hated it? I think I could relate more with the characters in Other Women much more deeply than I could with the characters in Original Sins. So maybe that is why the reviews on both books had such a variety of ranks. I guess it has to do with your own viewpoint of the world.

This is one book I will have to buy someday. I think many will love it as much as I did.

View all my reviews

Um, yeah. I have just gotten to the halfway point of the word count. I really should have worked the outline better. Still without one, I do like how the story is proceeding. Things have happened I didn’t expect and characters have evolved far differently than I imagined when I began. So even though I am not getting the cute dragon winner’s banner, I feel good for having a story to work on that I feel good about. I miss the days I could blast out a novel in the required 30 days, but many of those novels I wrote are not worth a lot. AND those quickies leave me with so much more work to do in the editing.

Meanwhile, I have still been reading a lot, so now I have a review to write. Heh!

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