Archive for February 25, 2017

#SoCS – Compassion

This falls in with some of my thinking lately.

How do we draw the line on compassion? Most of us have it, to some degree or another. It begins with learning how to share, in our toddler years. Which is probably one of the reasons those of us who lack it tend to bring up children who lack it too. Does it begin with consumerism? With the idea that if we work hard for something, it’s ours? Perhaps.

Where do we draw the line on who we’re willing to share with? We have compassion, naturally, for our family and friends. For those we care about who we have met. But how about the strangers we pass every day on the street? How about people who are marginalized and bullied… by even some of our governments? From the outside looking in, it seems to me there are two types of people – those who believe they and they alone are…

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HOW is this done? I know it isn’t real, at least I hoped not. But still, I posted this on Snopes on FaceBook hoping for and educated answer–where was it filmed, what is that fish? I don’t know how to photoshop but I had hoped for some answers as to how that can be done.

Those damn rope swings….. Like Viral Fishing
I’m not sure if this comes across as video. If not maybe this:
will help you find what I was watching and the mean-spirited answers. Okay, some of the answers were quite funny and there were one or two that I thought held promise for real answers. But this is SNOPES a place where asking questions shouldn’t be treated with such a lack of respect for the person or question. It seems to me that as a country we have taken on such judgmental attitude towards others that no one can feel safe asking questions. Where did the saying, “There is no such thing as a stupid question” go?
Here is what I presented on the flow of comments after that picture on Snopes:
“Just to address the elephant in the room. What is the stupidity you are disapproving of? That I posted it? That the fish is swimming in a shallow lake? That the guy is out having fun swinging on a rope over a lake? First, I am not a computer or photoshop expert of any kinds. I have seen the Discovery Channel River Monsters type shows so there are large freshwater fish out there–maybe not this large. And unless you are the privileged folk who have never had to swim in a lake or camp in the dirt, but who have never had the thrill of swinging on a rope swing into the pond, lake, river–hopefully over deep enough water not to get hurt (and I would have tested that out before swinging as I knew someone permanently paralyzed from jumping into shallow water.) The only person on here that might have hope is the one that took the time to not call names and just explain what it could be. This is why we are not having a good time with the other side of the political aisle. We can’t just be judgemental because our experience makes us superior, regardless of the words we use. It is the lack of compassion and the patience to educate that keeps us separated.”
How can we begin to heal if we can’t feel safe enough to ask questions? Sure some have fallen for ‘fake news’ and we have all been a little gullible at one time or another, but if others can’t feel safe to ask their questions or speak the truth they know without others bouncing on them with superior attitudes, how will the right answers ever be believed? And if there are no safe spaces to present our questions, regardless of our political or religious leanings, we will just create more and more fear and what we fear most will be what rules the world.
So do we take a chance of climbing on the swing and jumping in, or do we fear that unknowable and remain fixed in fear?
What can we all do about this? How?
This Stream of Consciousness Saturday is brought to us by Linda G Hill.  Drop by and join the fun!


This was supposed to be finished three days ago. Funny thing is… I started this when my brother had to walk 8 miles round trip to and from work. He has since got himself a car. Still, he says he needs it. It’ll wrap around his neck a couple times (more if he doesn’t treat me right 😉  ). That little tiny wad of yarn is all that was left of the skein. This scarf took up nearly the whole skein! I still have to do some minor things before giving it to him but he’ll get it before lunch tomorrow. By the way, this is from the three skeins my daughter gave me for my birthday on December 9th when I got Kali.


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