Archive for April 24, 2017

#A to Z Challenge–S


As I mentioned before, my daughter doesn’t have cable. She has Netflix and Hulu but doesn’t find herself in front of the set all that much. She like YouTube and podcasts of all kinds. She’s rather intellectual and prefers science to fantasy. And so I am always learning something new from her.

On road trips, she has downloaded podcasts for those long stretches where there is no reception. While traveling this time she introduced me to someone I already knew. I read Wild by Cheryl Strayed so when she said she had the podcast, Dear Sugar, I was pretty excited. It was full of good advice and spirited fun. I plan to try and tune in every now and then.

My son and daughter (it was the both of them that brought me back home from Reno) have set up a fun adventure for when traveling. They like to set up a challenge for each other as to a period of time for the music they will listen to on their long ride. So when they took me home and then on the road trip to Bend they listened mainly to music they thought represented the early 2000s. Since there wasn’t a lot I recognized I found it fun and enlightening.

My most fun was on the trip to Bend (when we were taking Kali for her check up at the vet). It was on Good Friday so it seemed appropriate to listen to Jesus Christ Superstar. I know many don’t like that. I’m sorry. I have always found it to hold depth and memories for me. I had friends at AVC who did the musical and did a far better job that the movie or Broadway bunch. My friend sang lead in the SuperStar choir generally thought to be the ghost of Judas but she did such a fantastic job I still remember. That whole troupe did an outstanding job and those scenes play out when I hear this music. It was wonderful for my daughter to let me have my little tradition as our traveling music.

jesus christ superstar

Isn’t it amazing how sounds can help a drive go so much more smoothly?



Check out the #AtoZChallenge!


It has been two winters since we lived in Reno. Some towns when I go to visit after leaving make me giddy (any of them near the beach) just being there. Some, like Riverside, bring me to a deep depression. Reno just seems surreal to me. Except for my family and friends, I feel very little for the town.

Here are the typical postcards. If you like casinos and bare mountains…

reno sign

reno mountain casinos

Sure these are pretty pictures, but I wouldn’t want to live here. My vacation was spent in family and friends’ homes. That is where the beauty lies in Reno.



Check out #AtoZChallenge!

Quitting Quest (momentarily) for


Yes, my favorite Q word is quail. They gather around our porches a couple times a day. Many of them. One could say a covey! They kept the snow from building up next to the back porch as they scratched it all down looking for the food we scatter for them. They look something like this:


Even though they are here, I did see some on my trip to Reno. Just not as many all together. They are such interesting birds. My brother is in charge of feeding them. The quail know when he will be throwing the seeds for them. They gather at the end of the driveway to watch for his car. Then they run up the driveway into the back to be in position for seed. There must be four families out there. They don’t fly much, just run. They build their nests on or below the ground. We saw them stretching up out of the snow in the winter. Amazing quitters–critters.



Quell your questions about the #AtoZChallenge. Click HERE.


Once or twice a week in a normal week, my pals from Reno and I get on Google Hangout and chat. It is a way we can see each other and just enjoy our time together, even if it isn’t in person.

Thanks to my son and daughter I was able to see my pals this past week. One of those pals came to see me at my daughter’s and sometimes took me places. Even took me to the next city to see our other pal. We were too busy visiting and knitting to take a picture so I substitute this. The other pictures were of women around tables. We weren’t around tables. We were on the sofa (I like sitting on the floor.) And I believe there should be more guys who knit, feminist that I am.

guys knitting circle

Even so, knitting with my pals while visiting was the best of fun, I think for all three of us!



Yep, still behind, but still Plugging away. Check out the #AtoZChallenge to learn more.

Other Entertainments

I think it was around day three in Reno that I ran out of things I wanted to watch on Netflix. I wasn’t in a reading mood. I just wanted to work on my knitting and watch things when I was there alone, or even when I was able to be with my Pal (that will be my next entry). Since Daughter didn’t have cable, as I said before, I watched her Netflix or Hulu. So on to Hulu.

One of the first shows I ran across was Doris:


I loved how her friends were there for her, how she wasn’t afraid to try even though she was scared to death! Great cast!

age of adaline

Though the Age of Adaline had an interesting take about immortality, it merely points out how little the life of a woman has changed in the last few decades. Good for watching without analyzing, though.

The next time you want to have a good cry watch:

miss you already

OMG!!!! My daughter’s cat and Kali were on either side of me as I loudly cried. I had to stop the movie and reassure them that I was okay. If you have had cancer or friends/family who have experienced this awful disease in their lives, use your own judgment as to whether or not you can handle this bittersweet film.

The trips to and from home were packed with music and podcasts. But maybe I should share that later.



Though I am still behind, I am still taking the #AtoZChallenge. To see how it is supposed to be done go here.



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