Tag Archive: Q

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter Q
#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter R

I don’t know if I’m behind or how I got there but I’m seeing others beyond R and I’m barely think of Q. 

For some reason I feel like streaming. No plan or plot is showing up. I feel like the queen of lazy. No rhyme or reason.

Since I’m tired I’m in a quandary both mind and body wants to quit. Be quiet. And seeing no rescue in sight, I’ll go with the Monday que: what’s being made?

I’m calling this one, Shooting the Curl. Still working on this bottom section. Lots of black and dark drills make it tough. But tomorrow lighter colors promise an easier paint.
Nearly finished. Heel done. Just ankle and cuff left.
Decrease of heel but nearly finished.

Finishing arch heading towards the heel.

Watermelon yarn caked and ready to start a new pair.
A new challenge. How to repair a heel.


Another challenge:

Figure out how to make these fit better. Tinking for start.
A zombie needs assembly. Thanks, Yve.
And a Christmas gift in April (my favorite kind!) Thanks again, Yve!❤️ Aren’t they cute!

Time for Duolingo then 🎵🎶

Finishing Friday

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter P
Didn’t get enough time yesterday so Pictures will lend a weight.
Almost finished with the bottom of what I’m calling, “Shooting the Curl.” Yes. Another beach diamond painting.
My mixed slipper socks are at the increases for the Fleegle Heel. I like the arch ribbing I learned on the no-show sneaker sock.
I seem obsessed with Sudoku. I’m already on 35 of the new book.
Said new book.
I’m finally on the decrease part of the Fleegle Heel of the cotton socks. These I’m testing the elastic thread to strengthen the heel. That thread is hard to work with.
These are slower but turning out nice.
My daughter is making a pair out of this yarn. It made me so excited I had to find this watermelon yarn. With seeds built in! I have to wait for the fine needles to be free. But I can’t wait to start!
I found Kindle books for my Ukulele and
For my recorders. Just for something new to fiddle around with.

None of my music pursuits are quiet.  But I need to get busy on them. So I have to quit writing.

And oops! There’s

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter Q

A to Z Challenge, Q (Sorry)

Quickly, because I still have a ton of real-life stuff to do,

Quietly, so as to calm my soul

Questioningly, I wonder why I am here instead of doing Du—o, True!

I realized this was a quirky mess that I should


(See ya tomorrow. This wasn’t a cry for help unless a teacher wanted to quiz me on horrid poetry. I just needed to get Q out of the queue!)

A2Z, Q, CampNaNo 20190419

Besides a thunderstorm quaking the skies and sinus and earaches, I’m tempted to quit being on the computer. So I thought I better post now and get quiet. Besides listening to the rain and thunder is so much more fun that wracking up words! I’m at 30,654 I need over a thousand, but the brain and storm are not in cahoots! So here is my first scene of today’s writing. Maybe all I’ll get done. I’ll have to go crazy tomorrow.


“Quiet!” Dusty hissed. “We must stop this quarreling. We know what is causing this and we are dragons. No matter what size, we need to rise above this. I don’t know how much of that grass we ate, but let’s not try anymore.”

There was a lot to do. They had landed on Xeno through the wormhole but they still needed to find Ora and friends. While no one was around they became their human selves. They wanted to fit in so they donned grey sweat suits rather than quaint lady-like dresses. None of them felt comfortable in dresses. Besides, they might have to run and dresses were never practical.

Now suited up they meandered toward the wooded area. Dusty knew that that was the direction of the school. As they got near to the school they heard a ruckus. “I swear to you, I’m not qualified to deal with these kinds of children. They ask question after question, acting like little kings and queens! I quit!” A woman cried, stomping out of the nearby building.

The lady ran into the woods and nearly ran Dusty and Maggie over. She stopped when out of sight of the building. “Dusty! It’s about time someone come help! Things are getting crazy!”

It had been a long time since Dusty had lived on Xeno. She didn’t recognize this woman. At least not at first. Then as she looked at her she realized it was Enelrad in the form of a human. To keep others from knowing they knew each other she asked, “Do I know you?”

“I’m Sarah. You?”

“I used to be Bertha, but when I lost weight I decided on the name Dusty.”

Sarah smiled so big it nearly looked like a dragon smile. “I’m so glad to meet you, again. I’m so sorry you had to witness my explosion. That school is out of control. No one should have to work there.”

The women decide that it was a good time to sit on the ground and talk. This was an area of no cameras so they could talk freely. “So tell us what is happening there?” Maggie couldn’t wait to find out.

“The children used to be well disciplined. They would quote the leader stand in a queue, were polite, saying yes, ma’am, no ma’am. But suddenly they argue and fight. They don’t care about manners. They don’t study their lessons.” Then Sarah lowers her voice to a whisper. ‘I’m not sure who is listening. Since Ora and our friends got stuck in another dimension there seems no consistency to how people or even animals will act. I was hired on the spot when they found me here with Daniel. Since I seemed to help him come out of his shell somewhat. (He is my mate after all!)’ she added with a wink. ‘But Daniel is not there, I can’t find Ora, Zella, Milo or Daniel anywhere. That first time here I was able to see the edges of a dimensional bubble and set her free, but I can’t find them, so I don’t know where the bubble is. I decided to play it out and work here and see if I could learn more. But the school, the officials, everyone in the compound are out of control and erratic in behavior.’

Dusty smiled as it caught her on her funny bone, ‘So just no quality control here?’ That’s a far cry than how it used to be. Almost the complete opposite.’ Then she explained what they had learned through the wormhole experience and the ‘cranky grass’. She invited Enelrad to join them on their quest to find Ora. Maybe with everyone looking they will find the answers, and start minding their ps and qs!

#A to Z Challenge–Q

Quitting Quest (momentarily) for


Yes, my favorite Q word is quail. They gather around our porches a couple times a day. Many of them. One could say a covey! They kept the snow from building up next to the back porch as they scratched it all down looking for the food we scatter for them. They look something like this:


Even though they are here, I did see some on my trip to Reno. Just not as many all together. They are such interesting birds. My brother is in charge of feeding them. The quail know when he will be throwing the seeds for them. They gather at the end of the driveway to watch for his car. Then they run up the driveway into the back to be in position for seed. There must be four families out there. They don’t fly much, just run. They build their nests on or below the ground. We saw them stretching up out of the snow in the winter. Amazing quitters–critters.



Quell your questions about the #AtoZChallenge. Click HERE.

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