Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “practice/practise.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Practice makes perfect. I used to believe that. I practiced my heart out and became a less than mediocre pianist. Not only have I practiced piano until bloody, but I have also written novels until I am crazy. I admit I am not a natural talent in either art. I do have talents, but I can’t do those things anymore for various reasons. The passions are there.

That said, maybe I have been too hard on myself. There is still hope, and I need to lower my expectations for a while. Aiming for perfection during a pandemic seems a lot more stress than I need to put out there. So if I want to hit 50K, I am going to extend my goal through next month. I will write every day as much as I can. But I can’t handle the stress. Writing Pandamapocalyps helps express and explore thoughts on the virus and letting my imagination play with it. But I need to keep it fun as a stress reliever. That way, I can play with the Pandas.

By the way, my word count is at 27,047. I’ve had the laptop in my lap all day. I barely made over a thousand words more. But as I left yWriter, I was having fun in the story, so I can’t quit. I just want a little less stress. I miss knitting! I need more of that in my life.

So that is my #A2Z version of the #SoCS and CampNaNo report.