Roping in my ADD thoughts has always been a problem. And my many hobbies are just the tangible ideas. There are not enough hours in a day to do all the things I want to do.

That is one of the reasons I blog. It is a place to remind myself of my passions and thoughts that might just escape to the ether never to be seen again.

Today I got to open my next diamond painting. It is from the set of four dragons. I pulled it out randomly.

Here’s the unboxing.

I know it’s a dragon but I can’t figure out what I’m seeing.
It is a good size. And yes those are stray drills from previous paintings. Keeping the projects in an upsidedown bin lets the lid become a catch-tray.
My new container for the new project’s drills.
This one went sideways. But the point I was making was how clear the symbols are. What a relief from my first two projects.
I think I see a mommy and dragonet.
Here are the colors. The symbols are alphanumeric, yay!
The wax, tray, and pen. And the rope of drills. Well organized and easy to kit up. A lot of black! In fact, that’s what I got done today.

On another note. We walked 1.5 miles today which amounted to 49K steps. Wahoo us!

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “rope.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!