This is the feet and pants of the bear I’m learning to knit. See yesterday’s blog for the YouTube.

By the way, see the end of the needles? These were part of a little box my mom gave me decades ago. I don’t know what the gob is. Maybe putty? Gum? And I’m not sure but that these may be ivory from the days when we did such horrors as chop of elephant tusks for our knitting or makeup supplies. Still, it is cool to have inherited my mother’s needles.

This will be another hat.

This little squiggly doll was made a year or so ago. I don’t like stuffing and sewing so he went into the WIP cave of lost souls. But my daughter’s new interest in knitting toys gave me a boost to try and finish him. I need to stuff and sew on the arms and give him a hat or hair and a face.

Two hats
Frogged and remounted socks.
A lapdog that wouldn’t let me knit.❤️
On my last third of the diamond painting.