Your prompt for #JusJoJan the 14th and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “once upon a time.” Start your post with “Once upon a time,” then write whatever comes to you, whether it be fact or fiction. Have fun!

So, here we go…

Once upon a time, when people were kind, there was a bully. But kindness and blah, blah, blah.

What my stream is taking me to my knitting. I didn’t get to do my Finishing Friday. And my knitting is calling loudly, almost like a bully.


No, this is not a bra. Unless, as my hubby called it, a foot bra. Right. Toes for a pair of socks. Frogged a few times. I will probably need to frog again as the ChiaoGoo red-lace circulars are too short. So I bought a longer cable but there were no ChiaoGoos. If I can figure out how to load the project on my new Knitters’ Pride Royale Circular Needles. Size 8 like what the toes are on. But the new cable is 45″.
These toe-bras were made on size 1 40″ ChiaoGoo Circular Needles. Too small for the worsted weight Caron Jumbo. It was killing my hands to work this tight. So frogged, again. Learning to make Toe-up, 2 At a Time socks is complicated. Finding a proper pattern amid all the YouTube tutorials is tough. So I’m learning as I go with many frogs.

My newest try (just frogged again within the hour). These on my second set of Knitters’ Pride Royale Circular Needles, size 8, 45″ cord. I found my cast-on too long at 20. So I’ll start the next pair with Judy’s Magic Cast-on. Let’s try 16. Then the toe won’t look so boxy.

Just a quick review of the Knitters’Pride cords. They are so tightly coiled they are hard to work with. After research, I learned to steam or heat the cords. That helped the coiling, but they are not nearly as flexible as the ChiaoGoo red-lace circulars. But maybe with a little practice I’ll get used to them.

Other knitting and loom knitting projects are coming along. They just aren’t the extreme challenge as the Tu2AAT socks.

And the dragon is coming along.

I’m loving him!

Okay, back to the tiny bras!

And they lived happily ever after.