Tell Me Everything: A MemoirTell Me Everything: A Memoir by Minka Kelly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The name Mindy Kelly didn’t ring a bell. I still am not sure I have ever seen her in shows. But the book was recommended on one of the morning shows, and I thought I’d look it up. Luckily Libby had the audio version. Mindy reads her autobiography quite well.

Ms. Kelly’s life was nothing like my own. I felt awful for her for the things she had to survive as a child and teen. But I do appreciate her spirit to try to live properly and healthily. She is an inspiration in how she looks at life now, and her attitude seems to pay her well.

If you read this, keep the Kleenex handy, as the end parts are very touching. I highly recommend listening to this book. There is a lot of knowledge and power packed into her life and her story,

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