Sense and SensibilitySense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I know others will see my rating and be quite disgusted. But I read all the Thomas Hardy books in my twenties, and I think I got this romantic type of male-dominated society books out of my system. The writing is musical, presenting a nice break in plain talk and low vocabulary flow.

I wonder if I had a more modern, popular reader, if I would have loved it more? I just didn’t enjoy Victoria McGee’s interpretation much. /

Back in the day, and we don’t have to go back as far as Jane Austin’s time, how about the era of Billie Jean King? Getting a wealthy man was the main goal for a female. Even when I read the Thomas Hardy books, I still thought that way. It was taught to me by my church, family, and society, but now, having lived 73 years, I think all of that was a waste. Women should have spent as much time growing our minds and independent abilities as menfolk.

Still, reading historical novels reminds us of a time gone by. Different thoughts, fashions, and inventions prevailed. Mostly, this book makes me thankful we live now.

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