The Rabbit HutchThe Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay, the truth is I am only 50% finished. And that was pushing it for a couple of nights.

No. Just no. I am not in the mood for little character discoveries. I am a deep-series person. Not getting to know my imaginary people any better than a pass on the street is not something I can handle.

Please don’t get me wrong. I am not saying YOU won’t like it. You may very well love it. Check out the reviews. They are so varied. It’s just not for me.

I must admit to loving the voices of Tess Gunty (Author and narrator), Scott Brick (Narrator), Suzanne Toren (Narrator), and others. But it was not enough for me. I need more story in my books than what they offered.

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