After months and so many tinks, nearly remaking these several times over, I finally finished my Sneaker Socks. These will bring back all the memories of the wedding and Wisconsin. I brought these and the hat I just finished a couple of days ago. The hat was helpful as it was easier and didn’t need the concentration these socks took. I constantly made mistakes and had to find my way back.

So comfortable!
Low enough for sneakers.

I didn’t think I’d like that ribbing in the foot area, but it feels like a foot hug. I love it! I may add that to future socks.

I know I’ve shared the tutorials before but these have helped me a lot!

She has a three-part knit along.

I followed most of it. But the bind off was too hard for me. Instead I went with my fav, Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind off. Even that had to be tinked and redone a couple of times.