Being Henry: The Fonz . . . and BeyondBeing Henry: The Fonz . . . and Beyond by Henry Winkler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was okay. I do like that someone talks about how it feels to be dyslexic and how it can go with you your entire life. Even if you can somehow learn tricks to help you through some situations, it can mess with your self-esteem for your whole life. Just wait until all the systems start going down; those tricks that got you by when you were young now leave your grasp.

What Henry Winkler teaches us is to find new ways to work your life. He writes books now and does a lot to help others, including kids. Even if we can’t do things others can, it doesn’t mean there isn’t something we CAN do that others might find difficult. Teach each other well, and help each other.

I listened to the audiobook with Mr. Winkler reading. It is hard to read at bedtime as he has a lot of energy in his voice that wouldn’t let me relax and go to sleep. So I suggest reading in the car, on the way to work, or while out on a walk. There are a lot of gems worth hearing in this book.

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