Grandma Gatewood's Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian TrailGrandma Gatewood’s Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail by Ben Montgomery
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Though Patrick Lawlor (Narrator) did a good job telling the story, I felt it would have been better with a female narrator. Still, it wasn’t about the narrator or the author. This book was dedicated to Grandma Gatewood, her life and times, and the many hikes she walked just because.

Regardless of the way the story is told, I felt inspired by Grandma Gatewood. Granted, I find a walk of a couple of miles more than enough. I think maybe because I have other things planned for the rest of the day. I wonder, if I told myself that this day is for walking if I would find it more enjoyable than trying to get back on time for this or that appointment. On the other hand, this is winter and the wind is horrid. And I might melt if it rained, excuses, excuses.

Anyway, I was lucky to find this on Libby You might like it too.

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