The Witching Hour (Lives of the Mayfair Witches, #1)The Witching Hour by Anne Rice
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This is the longest torture. It took me weeks to finish reading (listening) to this book.

On the one hand, Kate Reading, the narrator, could make a phone book or dictionary sound good. There were times when it felt that was exactly what she was reading. There is a lot of background knowledge that Anne Rice included in the book that didn’t seem necessary. But Ms. Kate kept my attention even through that.

On the other hand, there were exciting parts that kept me awake for hours as the narrator could do all the voices and give each character their own personality. So many voices she needed to create for this book!

There are books a person should probably save for daytime. This is one of those. Yet I did it before sleep every night. Ugh! I would try to end the experience on a boring part or positive note.

I don’t think I will read the rest of the Mayfair Witches series. I’ll stick with the television program. There are so many begats, like the Bible. The show does that in a different and concise way. I am hoping the birth of Lasher isn’t at all like the book. And I can’t stand that idea. The incest issues were also off-putting. That birth procedure creeped me out like the ending of Demon Seed. I wanted to throw the book! Ugh!

And Rowan is so much more interesting in the show. She’s barely there in the book and then disappears.

I hope I haven’t turned off others to try the book. But I must warn those who have the issues that I mentioned above. I’m not a fan of horror, and I would put this book in that category.

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