Tag Archive: Cold

Your prompt for #JusJoJan the 13th and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “close up/close-up.” Use the verbal phrase “close up” and/or the noun/adjective “close-up” somewhere in your post, or write a post in the spirit of the phrase. Have fun!

Photo by Andre Mouton on Pexels.com

A face only a mother could love or one more wrinkle? The close-up may not bring in the bucks, but what about personality? What about love? Those who are as touchy as a cactus or close up their hearts and hide from emotions are even less appealing. It isn’t easy to be around the monkey, for the energy is tough to keep up with. Walking on eggshells for the touchier relationships is tough, too.

I’ve been lucky enough to live with the types I mentioned and have to admit that as hard as it was, there were good times, too. The monkey is more fun than the cactus, but when those anti-touchy-feely types feel safe and can find their center, they can reveal their hearts of gold. Long, honest talks can bring understanding. It’s not easy. Early traumas can trigger anyone. Even me. Making me a part of the problem while hoping to be part of the solution. Yeah, bring it up close, and those gray hairs and wrinkles have good reasons to be there.

It’s a lot of work, don’t you think? And worth it.

Just like the leg warmers. And speaking of close-ups, the areas that I had to do decreases, look like little hearts. I think I see a correlation. Maybe not.

The stream went cold. Just like when our electricity went off a while ago. We finally got our foot of snow. Not enough to cover the bushes but it’s looking better.

If you click on the photo, you can see the snow close up. But you still can’t feel the cold.

Per Linda

This one liner from my good friend on Facebook. Thanks Yve! I know how you feel! I can’t wait for walking weather!

Icy snow hasn’t had much chance to melt since it snowed so beautifully a couple weeks ago. Though pretty, still, the cold is getting old. Even blue skies don’t make it better. I’m fact, clear skies almost guarantee colder than norm temps. It is always warmer here if there’s a cloud cover.

So maybe that is why my mood has gotten less than sweet. My creative writing muses walked out on me. So no writing has happen for a couple days. Not sure what to do about that, or if I should keep the 50k goal or make it a little easier to reach.

One thing I have been doing non-stop has been knitting, tinking, and reknitting rows and rows of these socks. I think I finally have it right.

The heel turned on the top. That’s next on the bottom sock.

The NaNoWriMo stopped all interesting TV watching. Suddenly I noticed I missed a couple weeks of The Walking Dead. Yikes! So today I caught up. I don’t think I have any tears left! Two of my favorites didn’t make it. 😭

I’m almost finished with Sunflowers.

I’m getting back to knitting. Now that I get it, the heel turning, again, I need to practice.

How’s your Monday?

Morning keeps breaking.
Clear beautiful. But COLD and the snow hasn’t melted a bit!

Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “morning.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

It didn’t snow last year. At least not much. But this year Winter didn’t even allow Fall to happen.

Thank goodness Evening allows Morning.

One-Liner Wednesday

One-Liner Wednesday

Found on Facebook. True story! It has been constantly snowing, sometimes sticking, always windy. And cold!

Ta Da Tuesday

Not sure I like this. I can’t understand what I’m looking at. I still need to straighten drills, seal, and paint on the frame. I think this set of four dragons will go over my bed.

Here’s the next picture. It is harder to see than the one above.

It’s the process not the end result. So tomorrow I’ll be ‘kitting up’

Oh, and it’s snowing. I’m hoping we’re getting enough to pull us out of an exceptional draught. It sure is cold!

It’s April?

Ta-Da Tuesday

Wow! It’s already a Tuesday! This week has been BUSY!

A pair getting ready for their heels.

More Diamond Painting happened. I’m so happy my friends got me into it.

Haircutting is calling. This bob is getting to me. Maybe another pixie?

26 degrees and snow tonight. Tomorrow night single digits. Glad our bedrooms are warm!

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “tree.” Use the word “tree” or write about a tree. Any kind of tree. Enjoy!

When I saw the prompt I planned a whole different stream. I thought it would be about putting our Christmas trees up, today. But it has been so cold and windy that all I could do was knit under the electric lap blanket.

The other topic was going to be about working on my diamond art projects. I did watch a bunch of YouTube videos about how to get started.

The only way this stream hits the word ‘tree’ can only show up is how our trees are bending towards the east from these horrible cold winds. We have been promised snow. But I beginning to feel deceived.

Once it snows it’ll be warmer. The humidity makes everything better.

This was a few weeks of ago. The trees are naked now. I hope they are still standing tomorrow.

A Few Snowflakes Last Night

In the teens last night. A high of 34 F today. Tonight 8 F. I’m tired and cannot get warm even with the heater on high. So my brain is not bringing the creativity! Stay warm everyone!

One-liner Wednesday

My feet are STARK cold: Winter is coming.


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