Tag Archive: diabetes

Life in the Fasting Lane: The Essential Guide to Making Intermittent Fasting Simple, Sustainable, and EnjoyableLife in the Fasting Lane: The Essential Guide to Making Intermittent Fasting Simple, Sustainable, and Enjoyable by Jason Fung
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I borrowed this audio copy from the e-library on Libby. I have had a lot of fun listening to this book. Even though it is non-fiction, I found it hugely entertaining.

The narrators, Brian Nishii, Courtney Patterson, Piper Goodeve, had me fooled as I truly thought they were the authors. Their voices were energetic and friendly. I have heard Doctor Jason Fung on YouTubes. By the way, look him up; fascinating and informative videos.

The three authors give you different views of Intermittent Fasting. The Doctor gives scientific, medical information. Megan Ramos gives the advice she gives to her clients, and Eve Mayer talks about her weight loss journey. I like having the book broke up that way. It’s nice not getting overwhelmed by the medical data, or too much advice told in one spot, or too much of a person’s journey without knowing the science of why certain things happened.

Okay, maybe I didn’t explain this well enough. This might show how much I enjoyed this audiobook. I plan to buy this so I can revisit it from time to time. Glad I got to borrow it from the library first.

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The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes NaturallyThe Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally by Jason Fung
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I actually finished this one a few days ago. It was a library Kindle book. As usual, I used text-to-speech to get through it.

I read the Obesity Code first. So this is the follow-up book. The information is similar in that it is about Intermittent Fasting and how it can help both conditions, obesity, and diabetes. I found both books quite interesting and inspirational. Though this one seems to have redundancies and often repeated itself. I figure that was to keep the medical eyes reading. There were a lot of charts to help prove Doctor Jason Fung’s theory.

If you are interested in IF, please give this and his other books a look. I think I need to get the hard copy as a reference.

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The Energy Disorders: Diabetes, ME/CFS and FM – Can Diabetes Tell Us Anything About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia? :: Health RisingHealth Rising.

Review: Undrawn

Undrawn by Conchie Fernandez
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclosure: I received this Kindle version book on an author giveaway day.

Honestly, have you every let something sit on the shelf too long? That is what happened here. I wish I would have read it right away. I usually have an email back up to let me know how I received a book. This time, I only had the tags (shelves on GoodReads) that I set up when I got it. So this review isn’t timely. Sorry.

I have a problem reading contemporary books. They are too real. I like to read to escape everyday situations like family dysfunction and death and how those two problems play out in real life. And though this book is well-written, this is what jumped out at me: dysfunctional, rich family with high expectations. Throw into that a gay son, another son who would rather pursue his art, who won’t be following into law school, who has diabetes (type 1)… bossy oldest brother… Real life. I suppose if you are living in an enchanted land this would be the story for you. For me? Depressing.

The author, Conchie Fernandez, has made the kind of book you don’t want to put down. You want to see what will happen. You want to see if there are any redeemable moments for any of the characters. So I would guess that it is hope that drives the book. Ms. Fernandez’s characters are realistic. Her research seems strong yet subdued. It is a quick read and inspires me want to paint.

As I said before if you are escaping reality, death, cussing, etc. this isn’t for you. If you want to read good writing, great characters, enjoy!

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Power Foods for the Brain: An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory
Power Foods for the Brain: An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory by Neal D. Barnard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Let me be honest. I didn’t read this word for word. I found myself overwhelmed with the science, and all. If you like to see why Dr. Barnard’s diet to reverse diabetes and protect your mind and memory then this is your book. I was already convinced by his more recent book about reversing diabetes: Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs. But this particular book is more about Alzheimer’s and other diseases of the brain, something I worry about because of grandmothers that died of that dreaded disease. So I took note and will be more aware metals that are in my diet. Luckily, I eat no meat or animal products (most of the time). I drink filtered water which should help.

There are recipes in the back for those who are so inclined.

Dr. Barnard keeps his explanations simple enough for the average person to get through. He puts enough personal stories to keep it relevant. And I believe in his scientific research.

This was a library Kindle book. I couldn’t afford to buy my own. I did buy the Reverse Diabetes one after the borrow as I believe I will refer back to that one more often. Yay, for raw foods!

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Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar: How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil To Lose Weight, Prevent Allergies, And Boost Your Immune System
Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar: How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil To Lose Weight, Prevent Allergies, And Boost Your Immune System by Brian Night
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

If this were my first book on coconut oil and apple cider vinegar, I might have given the book four stars. The thing is, I found nothing new here. All the information is there along with a few recipes for food and topical applications. It did remind me to make sure to use these two gifts of nature. If you haven’t read about C. O. or A. C. V. this is a good start.

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Coconut Oil: How To Implement Coconut Oil In Your Diet For Weight Loss, Detox And Better Health (Coconut Oil Handbook
Coconut Oil: How To Implement Coconut Oil In Your Diet For Weight Loss, Detox And Better Health (Coconut Oil Handbook by Daniel Adam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is mainly about the benefits of coconut oil. There are a few recipes including a way to use the oil in a cleanse diet. I doubt with my diabetes and fibromyalgia that I will do that fast, but I do feel encouraged to use the oil more often. I do already use it to cook my tofu and pour on GMO-free popcorn and, if I remember, I rub it into my skin or hair. I try to use only coconut oil an not other oils or spreads.

This is a quick read. I recommend it to anyone who is curious about coconut oil

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Diabetes Diet Made Easy For Vegans: Proper Diabetes Management Using Vegan Recipes: Diabetes Diet Meal Plans, Recipes And Easy Lifestyle Guide by Dana Tebow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After reading about the author’s own medical needs I knew I had to read this book. It is mostly a cookbook, but the first part talks about how to adjust a vegan diet for those of us that are vegan and gluten-free. There were a couple times the author alludes to meat, wheat, fish and dairy, but that is only for those that might need to adjust to the more carnivore diets.

I didn’t try any of the recipes, but looking them over they look absolutely delicious! I would have loved even more recipes. Also, have you looked into the benefits of coconut oil? Anyway, keeping this available when I feel ready to cook! 🙂

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Dar49 Daily

Dar49 Daily. Is out!!!

What are the side effects of aspartame, stevia, and other sugar substitutes? « The Eating Academy | Peter Attia, M.D. The Eating Academy | Peter Attia, M.D.. My sis-in-law shared this after I posted about the diet cola. Thanks Joanne!


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