Tag Archive: Diamond Art

More like sort of beginning.

I’m at 41,852 in the autobiography. Dividing it up like this between three months is nearly painless.

I finally got the beach sunset up. Square drills are the worst! Some are still trying to pop off. I hated my painted frame. I used too much sealant trying to keep those tiles on. So the idea of a sunset on a beach is on the wall above the piano. My dream area in Dar’s Dabbling Den, right next to my gifted Mermaid (thank you, Georgia). Yeah. Now I see they need to be straightened. And tenor recorder tried to get into the act.

I started a new diamond painting. A lighthouse. It is bigger than others I’ve done. It’s for my husband.

Here’s a quick unboxing.

Size. And look how great those symbols look. This should be easy!
It came with easy instructions.
Two pens and cushions instead of just one. At least two waxes.
Lots of little baggies.
Open on my easel in my drill catching tray/lid. The bags of colors.
Another look at the drills in baggies.
Here’s my first days work. That bit on the upper right. I had to roll up the left side to fit in my easel.
Today’s work. Play!

Knitting socks continues but less than the diamond painting. But the progress doesn’t show up much in pics, just a couple rows each.

So what have you been up to? Being retired is great!

The Artist Way, Morning Pages Journal.

That’s what I try to share here. Things that bring me joy.

The things I make aren’t professional, but I love working on projects and finishing.

Here’s one

Yahoo! 100 words extra! Already set up next month’s Junowrimo of 20K more. I miss dragons and planets but Moving (my newest working title of my memoirs) is more fun and more work than I thought it would be.

No pictures until totally finished and hung on walls but working on straightening, sealing, and framing my diamond paintings. I can’t wait to unwrap and kit up my next, a lighthouse for my husband.

No pictures, but continuing knitting a couple pairs of socks.

Spring brings me joy. The mesquite are starting to bloom. I’ll wait until full bloom to capture. But yesterday we caught sight of a bright yellow bird. I thought it was a finch. But today I got a good look. Unfortunately, he kept moving beyond my phone picture range. But I Googled what I saw. Turns out to be a Western Tanager.

Aren’t they beautiful?

And I’m writing this early as today is my last long drive. My final eye recheck is this afternoon. At least not early in the morning. Still, so many 5 hour driving days are so wearing. Maybe by July I will have recovered.

I think tired is the reason I’m not seeing more improvements. My eyes are tired and blurry. I hope to find ways to get better this afternoon.

Speaking of tired. I just realized, this is Tuesday!!!!

And Happy Tuesday!


Finished awaiting sealing and framing.

I can’t wait to hang this on my tea cabinet!

Toes done. CinDWood 1/4″ fine-gauge, 56 peg. Socks for a friend.

Toes done, again. The sock on the right was how far along I’d gotten when I saw it was time to frog the whole mess. So I’ve started a new pair. This is the ‘His’ of KB His or Hers sock loom. This is a charity pair.

The Tea Dragon is nearly done. Probably, tomorrow I’ll place the last diamonds.

I’ve done Morning Pages two days in a row. Of all the finished or near finished projects, the 6 pages are what I’m most proud of. It is hard to do them.

Five more days until this NaNo goal is reached.

Junowrimo will get the next part of my autobiography.

Last night was another beautiful sunset.

Still cold, windy and rainy. But the sky is gorgeous!

The eyes keep getting better though the bruises and swelling make it look like I was in a brawl.

I can’t wait until I look more like my Bitmoji.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Linda G. Hill says: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “clear.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy! Follow the link above to learn how to play!

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

“Clear!” The Hollywood doctor yells as the body on the table jumps. Clearly, acting is taking place. Often they hit that defibrillator several times, and, hopefully, the pretend patient is saved. The music plays dramatically, and you sit on the edge of your seat. Then, whew, the physician drops the paddles and sighs.

Seeing the screen clearly now, I can read what the actors are saying. I can’t stop talking about how great it is to have a bright shiny new eye where a poor blind orb used to be. Heck, I am back to writing this blog on my laptop. I can actually see the screen better without glasses than with. My brain is trying to catch up with the new input. I’d love to see how all that works. If an older person needs to keep making new connections to keep their brain healthy, having cataract surgery has to help keep the person young.

Meanwhile, I haven’t stopped with my knitting or diamond painting.

Scrappy socks
nearly halfway done

Oh! And though there have been days I couldn’t see well enough to write, I still have managed to get back on track with My Life which will have another title, like maybe Chicken Dumpling Soup or Moving. Anyway, heres where I am:

yWriter7 tells me if I write about 900 words a day I will be able to hit my 20k goal on the 31st.

Monday morning we leave at 7AM to go get my right eye decataracted (that can’t be a word!) Tuesday morning we leave at 5AM for my recheck at 7:20AM. I’m not a morning person. Never have been. But for this I will manage. Because by Tuesday everything will be clear.


Even though the computer and internet have been messing around with me, I still made progress on dragon. Yay!

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “hat.” Use it literally or metaphorically. Have fun!

“Hat…” Was mentioned twice here. It was the first thing I thought of with the prompt.

Hat sunglasses, sunscreen. My mantra before a walk.

But keep this under your hat, I sometimes don’t. I know I should. But sometimes getting out there is hard enough without adding more tasks.

Hat, hate, that, oops can’t follow that stream, especially when adding an ‘S’. Well, hats, works. Just don’t put the ‘S’ at the beginning.

Okay, stream gave up to vapor. But I wanted to share the finished dragon. No straightening or frame, but diamonds are in place.😊


And new painting has been kitted up.

My kitchen can’t wait for this cutie.

Oh how I wished to be done today but I have a few more scattered diamonds to put on. So tomorrow it will be fully diamonded. 😉

Can’t wait to move on to the next one.

Socks done. Now the hard part, getting them in the mail.
Dragon nearly growling off the page!

Not as much done on the writing. Pretty tired from stress, long drives, actual surgery, so I mostly vegged

Scrappy socks for charity.

Reading. I’m having to learn to track, or figure out which glasses help best. And I won’t know for a month. So Audible and Text-to-speech is still my friends. BUT, standing in front of the mirror winking first right eye then left eye, the surprise is that my left eye sees my reflection better than the old favorite my right eye.

My new big E. At first I couldn’t see the numbers with my left eye. Well, before surgery it was a blotch on the wall. It’s about 10 feet from my recliner. My ‘good’ eye, the right still sees it, even the second hand. But gradually poor weak but refurbished left eye sees the numbers now. YAY! This is quite the adventure!

Sock on the right will be finished tomorrow. Hopefully, the left will be done by Monday.

Speaking of Monday, my first cataract surgery is happening at 12:55pm. I’m nervous and excited.

Will I finish this weekend? I hope so.

The writing is doing okay. The memory not so much. I took the readers through all my 11 houses the first couple years of my married life in my twenties. I suddenly remembered a room that my mother-in-law help me rescue but I couldn’t remember which home it was in. Suddenly I realized I had left out the first home we bought. There was the room!

May has gotten off on quite the path! May Day, May the Fourth Be With You, Cinco de Mayo, not a flower or margarita in sight. Tons of winds and a little rain.


Petualang Baru

Law that attracted me!

My transformation from outwardly rituals to internal mantra of sub conscious mind


unlock your dream doors

Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

tiny hearts

binge thinking and other things in life

How Free is Free

How does a free blog site work when everything is tied to dollars? How do you create content without using proprietary themes when it seems even the colors and fonts are tied to upgrades for usage? Is it even possible? I hope to find out.


...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...


مجلة السلام الاكترونية


Senior Girl Is Here. Now Ready Set Go Read Me.

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Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.