Tag Archive: duolingo


Learn a language with me for free! Duolingo is fun, and proven to work. Here’s my invite link: https://invite.duolingo.com/BDHTZTB5CWWKTRCEDW4VUJLREI?v=sm

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “link.” Use it as a noun or a verb; use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

It is hot here. I don’t want to turn on the laptop and heat the room further. But the hardest part of posting from my phone is keeping the links right. Hopefully, credit goes where it is due.

Weird that the prompt is a word I’ve used often this past week as I sang the praises of  the Flexee Loom. Still loving it  as I work hat number three.

As I close this cellphone quickie, I plan to do my Duolingo. And the word for ‘left ‘ in German is ‘links’

Sorry the segways didn’t link up better.

Have a great weekend!

It is 10 PM and I still have to finish 2,000 words for #CampNaNo and blog my #A-Z/#WDIIA. Okay, I will have to do this fast. At least I finished most of my languages on Duolingo. Well, I did German and Español. But not français or Esperanto. I usually spend a good half hour on the languages.

What Day Is It  Anyway? Well, we started the day with Sunday Morning and then an e-service on Zoom. So looking at the lower corner of my computer informs me that it is the fifth of April. How confusing has your day been? Sometimes the people in your house seem like enemies instead of loved ones. Then we realize we are all scared and the one thing we don’t want is to lose these people. I would guess the tighter the budget right now the harder it is to keep it together.

So that leads me to the 50,000-word challenge of CampNaNo. So up until now, I have amassed 4,735 words. I should be at 8,335. So if you will

I better get over to yWriter and write. I’ll try to give a bit of a summary tomorrow. My fingers and imagination need to fly! Ah, but that is a letter for tomorrow!


I hope you are doing well, staying safe and figuring out how to get along in all of this epidemic.




Per Linda:

It’s Sunday, and time for the 19th prompt for Just Jot it January 2020, brought to us by Jim. Thank you so much, Jim! Please be sure to visit his blog to read his post and say hello. And follow him while you’re there!.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 19th, 2020, is “gobbledygook.” Use the word “gobbledygook” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Is it just me, or are the prompts harder this year? Last year I felt a bit of inspiration with each prompt. This year my brain comes up with gobbledygook. Thank goodness in that that is exactly what I needed tonight.

We are now bingeing on Anne With An E and loving it far more than I thought I would. I kept telling myself that I was waiting until I read the books. And I obviously want to read it for when I went to see if I have it in my kindle or audible library I found I had four different versions of the complete set of books.

Though I have enjoyed taking German and Spanish on Duolingo for a few years now, the subtitles of French that show up on Anne With An E do look like gobbledygook to me. I tried to take that language, too, but taking more than one language is probably unwise. But I never can decide at which language I want to excel in.

Well, there you go, I did think of something to discuss! Here’s the Anne With An E trailer.

Free-form Friday 20190215

While my friends in Carson City and Reno were showing me their sudden snow and near blizzards, I took this out my front window. It was windy but we didn’t get the snow predicted either yesterday (except that sideways bit around midnight) or today. Forecasts yesterday for the 10-day had us under snow except for Sunday and Monday. NOW we have no snow until next Wednesday. Life is looking good!

Meanwhile, still making toys and hats and nearly finished with my brother’s first sock! I know once the weather is warmer I will be out walking. And I think the chair yoga with Adrienne and gentle chair yoga that I do with my husband should have me ready to get out there more. Then knitting will be done less often.

You know, I often get discouraged in that I expected this part of my life to be like the Jetsons. We don’t have folding flying cars. We do have robotic vacuum cleaners and video phoning. I can talk to two friends and at the same time! Even when they aren’t in the same location. I can talk to my adult children on holidays even though the roads make it impossible to visit in person. Today was one of those days when my friends and I chatted for hours.

Our newest idea? To try and communicate to each other in Spanish, even if it is only in written form. One of the friends was in Guatemala for a few years so she is far more advanced but rusty. I have blogged about learning from Duolingo. I’ve dropped all but Spanish and German. At one point I was up to Japanese, French, and High Valarian besides the other two. But I felt I wasn’t doing any of them justice. I can’t give up on either Spanish or German as I have had classes in each. The trouble is I often translate to the wrong one. Die-s and la-s and Der-s and el-s get messed up.

My goal is to keep my mind alive. If I can learn to communicate well with others in these other languages all the better. My biggest dream/nightmare is when my mind goes and I’m trying to communicate with the nursing staff I end up saying something in either or both those languages instead of English. LOL! Okay, maybe not so funny if I really need to say something important like my head hurts or I have a broken leg.

Anyway, I think I need to go to the library and pick up something about letter writing in either language. Any suggestions? Have any of you done the Duolingo or another system of language learning? How’s your weather? Is it Spring yet?

Tuesday Talk

Yeah, I have no idea what I am going to talk about. I just want to make sure I stay in the habit of blogging. No more A to Z. No more CampNano. I haven’t even done any knitting lately.

When my kids were little I felt like I was being followed by four tornadoes. Making a list of what I needed to do made me feel worse when nothing on the list got done even though I was busier than ever. So I started making lists of what I did get done, even if it was a repeat of the same things over and over.

So here’s the list for today:

Moved two chapters from Word into yWriter so that I could detail everything and get lists of items, locations, and characters in each scene.


Did a few minutes each of Russian, French, Esperanto, Japanese, Spanish, and German. Yeah, my list has grown on Duolingo but I find it fun to work on all of these. I may never be conversant with any but I may have a better understanding when I meet people who speak these, or when I find words in books of these languages.

Found out that I have a road trip with my Honey coming up. Unfortunately, it is to a hospital in Portland. Fortunately, the motel (hotel?) is covered so for this minor procedure. We just don’t have the kind of doctor he needs close by. Yay, Road Trip!

Unfortunately, I don’t think we can take Kali. Fortunately, there will be two people here to give her lots of loving while we’re gone. One plans to take her on long walks to wear her out. Maybe she won’t miss me? I will miss her.

For my background of the editing, I have been binging on Z Nation. It isn’t as good as TWD but there are moments that I am proud of the way they handle certain issues. And it is more humorous.

I guess that about covers it. What did you do today? How do you edit? How do you get things done? What do you do to improve your brain/body?


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