Tag Archive: Empty

Finishing Friday

Look what I found at BiMart when I went to town last. $14.99 I thought it would be fun to learn.
It is a cheapy but to learn tuning and chords will be fun.
3 more inches to heel turning.
Here’s the nightmare. I was working the socks below on another pair of these. And the joint between the needle and the cord broke. May I advise you, never buy Knitter’s Pride Royal cable needles. The way the cord curls up and tangled with the yarn will have words coming out you didn’t think you knew.
So I transferred from the broken cord and needles to Double ended needles and then to these shorties. I don’t like working socks singularly. Ugh! So I transfered back onto those hateful Royals until my new Chiaogoo red-laced cable needles get here. At least I don’t have to stop working these fun slipper socks.
These I found tucked away and forgotten. But a birthday or Christmas gift is closer than I thought.

I actually started editing the NaNo Empty today. There is more I need to write but going through bit by bit will help me see where parts of the untold story go.

Happy December!

Thus Thursday

Exciting help for writing at 4 and 6 AM as my characters woke me and demanded ‘The End’ and then an Epilogue. Ha!
Yep, I made it! Thanks for all your support! There is still more story I need to write, but now there isn’t that deadline effect. I’ll add more as I edit over the next couple of days.
This is the second hat as part of a couple’s gift I’m working on.

Feeling accomplished and happy.

For your support. Especially, Yvensong who suffered long anxious write-ins with me.

One-Liner Wednesday

To meet my goal, I only need 1,825 words. 👋

Finishing Friday

Three pairs of socks at different stages. Mostly Chiaogoo  red-laced TAAT Toe-up. The pink socks are on Knitter’s Pride Royal. (Hate! can’t wait to get a better set!)
Hat in progress
Solitrax. My partner watching the Jodie Wittaker Doctor Who. Getting ready for tomorrow.
Still have 800 to add tonight (370 done at the moment)

NaNo Null

Yve shared on Facebook

Look what I got done today:

Yarns galore. None being told.

Empty Progress

The math of 14×1667=

Yeah. I do more math during NaNo than the rest of the year!

My friend and I are both behind. We are finding zooming sprint sessions helps a lot. So we’re going to try one more this evening.

I’ll write a blurb as soon as I know where these characters lead me.

Tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment, X-ray to see what could be causing my blood pressure issues. My friends have diagnosed POTS but we’ll see.

To make it worth our while, we plan on getting shopping done, and a battery bought, and dog hunt. I so miss Kali. I want another dog! So I guess that’s a couple requests for good thoughts and prayers.

Maybe there’s a dog out there that needs me as much as I need a dog?

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “create.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Creating can be fun, if you have all the time in the world and no stress. But when guilt gangs up on creative juices it seems there is no more juice.

Yep, that’s what is happening with the NaNoWriMo. I have 16,115 words at this moment. I’m going to go find prompts to move the story along. I need 18,337. See ya tomorrow!

Finishing Friday


You see these crazy fun socks were nearly to the heel part. I found a mistake. Tinking back.

See the markers up near the needles? That’s how far I needed to tink.
This yarn is so cute and fun! Makes me want to do them up nice.
Now just a little more than toes. But a chance to make a better pair.

A quick NaNoWriMo report. Empty now has 15,231 words. I should have 16,670. So back to the storyboard.

One-Liner Wednesday

Thank you, Linda, for One-Liner Wednesday

I’m tired but still need to write 707 words before bed. 👋

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “meat/meet/mete.” Use one or use ’em all for bonus points. Have fun!

Linda’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Meeting the word count in NaNoWriMo is the challenge of November. Today I should have a total of 6,668 words. No one is going to mete out punishment for not reaching that goal, but I try not to write things that are not fun for me. That means I want a story I can chew on. Something meaty. Even if my main characters are vegetarian.

By the way, my project is entitled “Empty.” And it no longer is. I actually have 6,585. My characters are in trouble so I need to get back and make it worse before heading to bed.

Here’s a working cover:

Imagine being this dancer but you look in the mirror to see an empty room.

No vampire, but something is up. I don’t know until my characters tell me. It’s fun!


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