Tag Archive: epic

The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time, #1)The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Well, there are a couple of weeks I won’t get back.

Okay. Some people will love this and climb down my throat about this epic adventure. These may be the same ones who hate my opinion of the Lord of the Rings series and the Star Wars series. Those people are more likely males or still haven’t shaken free of forgiving male-heavy reads or shows. Look. I get it. We had no choice of what to reading when I was a kid. All the adventures were about guys. But for the adventure, I’d read.

‘Oh, but you had Nancy Drew!’ I hear them say. Yes, a girlie girl who took time to straighten her nylon seams, donned lipstick and could run like the wind in heels. No, thank you! Sure I enjoyed looking like a girl, but the reality is, let’s have the adventure without vanity like most of the guys could.

Ahem. Sorry, here’s me stepping off the soapbox.

This read was the Libby audio version. The narrator, Michael Kramer, was hard to take. His female voices were demeaning. And though it says there was a female narrator, Kate Reading, I don’t remember hearing her voice until the end of the book.

I remember when they were giving this first book away to entice folks into reading the series. It was EVERYWHERE. I refused. I hate coercion like that. The only reason I gave in now was that the television show is coming up, and I wanted to compare. My husband has watched a bit of the series, and he loves it. I hope they have learned since the writing and the show will be equal in adventure.

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The Mists of Avalon (Avalon, #1)The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

November 8, 2017 –
54.0% “Due to Kindle’s new updates I haven’t been able to read for a week trying to recapture the book I’m reading and figuring out where I left off. Then the text-to-speech stops working and the formats get changed so I can’t even read what to do about it. AMAZON!! DON’T FIX WHAT ISN’T BROKEN!!!! KINDLES ARE FOR READING BOOKS!!!!!”

The above was the first thing I wrote about the book. I tried listening to the Audible version and found the woman’s voice just didn’t work for me. Especially when the older woman voice seemed the same as a male voice. I finally just returned it to Audible thinking I would have better luck with my British text-to-speech voice. And that did help me but as I said above, Kindle itself ruined this experience altogether.

As for the story, there were parts I found interesting but mostly I found that the quote that Tyrion spoke about the gods repeating in my head while reading this book. Neither seemed to care for the women even though the goddess was supposed to be helping the women. Sorry I won’t quote Tyrion here because I don’t want to offend anyone. But those of you who are Game of Thrones fans will remember Lord Varys and Tyrion on the wall talking about the gods.

Maybe had my reading experience been more consistent with books in the past I would have a more favorable review. But I am quite disappointed in the book and with Kindle and Amazon for ruining it for me. I am not at all caring to go read the rest of the series. I’m sorry to everyone that this is how I feel about this book. I have heard so much praise for it over the last few decades that all I can do is shake my head. Please do try it. It’s just me, I’m sure.

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Lichgates (The Grimoire Saga, #1)Lichgates by S.M. Boyce

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

When a young distraught young woman finds herself in another dimension her life is forever changed. As long as she becomes what this new reality wants from her.

It was an interesting read but the minute it became like epic fantasy I became bored with it and nearly stopped reading. For those who love those ancient stories, this will be quite pleasing. But I only liked it when the modern woman who has now lost her parents finds herself back and forth in time. I thought it interesting to watch a modern woman adjust to old ways but when the story veers off to the inhabitant of that world, YAWN! Thank goodness it went back to the main character it became more interesting again.

Maybe others will like it better.

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A Matter of Faith A Matter of Faith by Sophia DeLuna

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sorry it has taken me so long to review this. I picked this up so long ago that I can’t even remember when or why. But since I was feeling my addiction to Sophia De Luna’s writing, I thought now was the time.

Okay, this was a short story. Not my favorite kind. It was long enough to care about the characters and for a storyline to develop. But, as is my customary response: I wanted more. This could make a marvelous epic fantasy with LBGTQ flavors. Tell me more about the world, the kingdom, the characters and their families. Why doesn’t the secondary character have faith in herself or life itself? How were the talents of healing discovered and are their other talents?

What happens next?

I loved it so far. I want more!

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Water DarkWater Dark by F.T. McKinstry

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I was given this e-book for an honest review.

So… honestly, I wanted to give the book three stars. I just don’t like epic, male-lead fantasies. But what brought it up to four stars was how well written this story was.

I listened to the story through my text-to-speech feature on my Kindle while following along on my tablet. It was a fast read. And only as I was preparing this review did I see that this is part of a larger series. No wonder I just couldn’t feel attached to any of the characters. I found myself lost at times and re-reading a passage to see what I missed.

Even so, I think if you are the ‘epic fantasy’ type, this would be up your alley. If nothing else it is a great example of excellent writing.

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A Story of River
A Story of River by Lana Axe
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I am one of the few people that finds Lord of the Rings to be the most boring, male chauvinist books around. So I have to say, that if you like LotR you might like this. I found myself wanting to read other books. I had a hard time liking any of the characters. The one I did like? Well, I think the author didn’t know what to do with that character. Too bad. She was the only female that wasn’t arm candy.

The last few chapters of the book were engaging but had I not felt I needed to read this, I wouldn’t have gotten that far. I hate to give such a mediocre review. It was free for an honest review so I felt I should. But like I said above, there are a lot of male nerds and geeks that would love this and want it to be a video game they could play in their mother’s basement. Bad Dar, snark much?

Oh, I did like the dryads and River, too bad the story didn’t surround those instead of evil and war. Meh.

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