Tag Archive: fibro-flare


Well, the prompt word for #Stream of Consciousness Saturday was Yard. Yeah, I’m a day late. I was too tired to think about our yard. Even though it was sort of warm, finally, it was too windy and I was too tired to do much more than stand there as Kali did her OUTSIDE thing.

Did I mention I was tired? Yeah. Went to bed before I had the chance to write the blog. Oops! Didn’t wake up early either. Still kind of tired.

Wish there was a magical person with a magical lawnmower to mow that green stuff that is near the house. That might create a yard. Then another magical person to knock down most of the foxtails and other yellow stuff before the fire season starts. Yeah, that’s the day after the freezing temps it will be 110 in the shade–Oooo–grumpy, too!

So, you can see, maybe why I wasn’t into this prompt. Broken hubby, bro working 6 days a week, me on the tail end of fibro-flare facing the word, YARD. Even if it weren’t the prompt word of the day it looms over me with a vengeance.

Maybe I could have enjoyed the thought that a yard is really 3 feet! Broken down even smaller is 36 inches. I tried this last year. I’d go out and work on the “yard” a postage size part of the ground at a time. Never got past the front porch and the back porch before the heat robbed me of energy and fibro killed me. But the postage stamp places still look better a year later, so I say if a yard is as good as a mile, an inch is as good as a mile. And didn’t I move here for the sky anyway?


This is my contribution to the #AtoZChallenge a day late and many dollars short.



I Hate Being This Tired!

It is almost 10 PM. I usually have a couple hours left to get things done. I’m afraid I am petering out early. If I find a bit more before midnight, I’ll try again.


The Title? I can’t remember it..

Fibro Fog

Fixing Fibro Fog in Your Daily Life.  it’s the difference between being able to hold a job and having to quit. For others, it means no more driving. It can involve severe problems with short-term memory, multitasking, learning a new skill, spatial orientation, numbers, remembering common words, and absorbing what you read.” 

My last job was part time and fun for the most part. But I was hurting so much for standing all day, the fog was so dense that I couldn’t follow instructions or remember names of customers. This from a person who had learned to tricks to remember everyone’s name 10 years prior. I don’t drive, I get lost too easily. The worst part is writing sometimes looks like a child rather than and author wanna-be.

Where are you in your pain and fog?

Being the scientist

Being the scientist.

Oxalates: The Grain-Free Diet Trap – Empowered Sustenance. I am gluten-free/vegan I don’t know how do to this diet. Has anyone else tried? Any suggestions? I don’t like meat. I do love my cheese and had a hard time giving it up because of dairy allergies. The gluten-free seems to agree with my system, but still the fibro-flares are wild! I recently started taking gabapentin. I have looked it up and it sound promising, but I would rather not take drugs of any kind and change through diet and lifestyle. Trouble is my lifestyle lately includes much time in bed whining.

Be Aware: Whining

English: Vladimir Bystrov. 2006 Russian Premie...

English: Vladimir Bystrov. 2006 Russian Premier League (FC Zenit St.Petersburg v.s. FC Spartak Moscow) Русский: Владимир Быстров в матче 7-го тура чемпионата России 2006 против петербургского «Зенита» (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In case you have wondered where I’m hiding, picture a little whiny ball of pain curled up on the bed. That’s me. Except I can’t stay in a ball. I must constantly change my positions. It’s like those first few days when you know you’re catching something, you’re all achy, can’t think, pretty worthless to everyone. Can’t even stay focused on a book or television show. Too cold then too hot, dizzy–blech!

For me that is a flare, a fibro-flare that comes with fibro-fog. Nothing soothes the pain and it is ALL OVER!

It always comes as a surprise. I felt so good last week end and the first of the week. When my pain isn’t the major part of my life, I do things, fun things. I make plans. If I think of the pain, I almost think it was just a dream. Hey, maybe I could go back to work?! Maybe I could go on that awesome hike!

I did manage to go to my writers’ group on Wednesday evening. I had a great time. Even started a new story that was fun. But then by about 9pm I started fogging out. I couldn’t sleep all night. Thursday was a blur and that blur continues today. Grrrrr! I know I can’t get a job. I know I can’t make plans. Still, I try not to sleep my day away. I read small amounts, surf the web lightly, try to write down ideas of what I might like to do when the flare becomes more bearable.


After going through this for a few years, I do console myself with the fact that it doesn’t last forever. Along with that notion comes, when it is gone I am so wiped out that it takes a few days to recover. Then I can’t remember all the things I wanted to do once I got well. Any exercise routines must be started anew. All the tasks around the house that waited on me are still there. Then I am overwhelmed with what to do first, and I feel bad that what I want to do is run around the block, go to the park and play. I don’t want to do housework or boring stuff. Yet, at 63 the life of guilt hits me with the hammer. Then the cycle continues and no fun is had.

I must learn to find that happy medium. Maybe she can help me! 😉


Petualang Baru

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