Tag Archive: fires

Made it, Monday

Well, I made it to my daughter’s. It was a long but fun ride with my friend. We enjoyed 60s oldies to get us through the trip.

Sadly, we had to drive through a lot of smoke to get into Reno. So much burned on either side of the freeway. A lot of home lost or in danger. Many were evacuated awaiting a chance to see if they still have homes. It’s so sad.

My people are safe. But this is not so for so many.

Meanwhile, temps are in the triple digits. Thank goodness for AC in the homes I’m visiting.

I’m so tired from the trip I think I’ll retire early.

Hope. That is the word in my constant thoughts. 

I hope they can knock down the fires with the least amount of harm to lives and land as possible.

My husband took this when out shopping. This was looking south, the direction I hope to travel soon.

I hope the fires are out so folks can enjoy their summer.  Not just mine. Everyone has been trapped from the pandemic and now we all hope we can get out and enjoy each other and the world at large.

And just as we all feel safer about venturing out, fires, floods, hurricanes, a new variant. I hope our glee to enjoy life isn’t premature.

I hope to hug my adult children and their new families.

I hope the routes are free and clear to make a safe, fun drive. I don’t want to push the fates or God with my will on this. My regrets could outnumber my desires, I’m afraid.

So it is with hope I face this next week. And as in the year past I’ll be flexible to how it works out.

Per Linda G. Hill

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “hope.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Blurry Dark Friday

I was on the Zoom meeting with my friends around 4 in the afternoon. Suddenly my face disappeared on the screen. I looked around and it was dark. I turned on the light. I thought nothing of it. Too busy chatting to notice.

Kali needed outside. I put the laptop to the side. When I got to the door, I thought my cataracts had gotten way worse. My eyes burned. I rubbed them gently. Nothing cleared. This is what I saw:

The world was smokey and yellow. The sky was dark as 9PM not 4PM. You should see a field or two, trucks or cars on a highway, and Green Mountain which is only 12 miles away.

The only good of all the smoke is that our temperature didn’t reach the 90s. But as I said to my son, not breathing and cooler is not a goal I would endorse.

For those who are curious, this is from the Bootleg fire in Chiloquin, Oregon.

There are so many fires in Northern California and Oregon. It feels like a rerun of last year. The draught is so bad lakes are drying up. Again, I realized that the folks in the fires and those in the east with hurricanes and floods have it worse by far.

But maybe, don’t you think, global warming/climate change should take the lead beside the epidemic as something to work harder on than the band aid approach we’re giving it?


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