Tag Archive: Food

The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer (Blue Zones, The)The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer by Dan Buettner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was quite interesting. I was lucky to get the Kindle from Libby. Now, I want to get the paper version to catch the pictures, recipes, and ideas to read more slowly and start bringing more of these ideas into my life. What I’d really like to do is travel to these countries myself. I look forward to watching this on Netflix.

I used to live near the Seventh Day Adventist communities, the one in Loma Linda and the one in La Sierra, California. My friends attended that church, so I had an early intro to the vegetarian diet. That fit quite well for me as I never liked meat. I got to have special dinners with those friends and was amazed at the variety and full flavor of everything offered. The only thing I would object to is the smog. It was very thick in those areas. I would bet that these people would live even longer elsewhere.

This wasn’t a long or engaging read. I used Text-to-Speech and was through it in a couple of nights. Like I said, I look forward to having the book.

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And the flounder is how to not hyperfocus on diamond painting and reading. I find there’s so much to do and read and so little time. I need at least 48 hours for my day!

The Particular Sadness of Lemon CakeThe Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My friend, Michele, recommended this. I found the audio on Libby. The author, Aimee Bender, narrates, so you know the right emotions show through.

Synesthesia is the word that came to mind about Rose Edelstein. But this is far different from tasting color or smelling shapes. Tasting the chef’s mood or the affair her mother is having is a lot to believe. That her brother can disappear to another dimension or time is truly unfathomable.

The story is slow, but it made a good bedtime book. It had plenty for the imagination to work on.

I was disappointed that we didn’t see people using their talent for good. But maybe this is more realistic. But the ending was underwhelming.

Worth the read if only to explore a unique idea.

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Life in the Fasting Lane: The Essential Guide to Making Intermittent Fasting Simple, Sustainable, and EnjoyableLife in the Fasting Lane: The Essential Guide to Making Intermittent Fasting Simple, Sustainable, and Enjoyable by Jason Fung
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I borrowed this audio copy from the e-library on Libby. I have had a lot of fun listening to this book. Even though it is non-fiction, I found it hugely entertaining.

The narrators, Brian Nishii, Courtney Patterson, Piper Goodeve, had me fooled as I truly thought they were the authors. Their voices were energetic and friendly. I have heard Doctor Jason Fung on YouTubes. By the way, look him up; fascinating and informative videos.

The three authors give you different views of Intermittent Fasting. The Doctor gives scientific, medical information. Megan Ramos gives the advice she gives to her clients, and Eve Mayer talks about her weight loss journey. I like having the book broke up that way. It’s nice not getting overwhelmed by the medical data, or too much advice told in one spot, or too much of a person’s journey without knowing the science of why certain things happened.

Okay, maybe I didn’t explain this well enough. This might show how much I enjoyed this audiobook. I plan to buy this so I can revisit it from time to time. Glad I got to borrow it from the library first.

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KetoFast: Rejuvenate Your Health with a Step-by-Step Guide to Timing Your Ketogenic MealsKetoFast: Rejuvenate Your Health with a Step-by-Step Guide to Timing Your Ketogenic Meals by Joseph Mercola
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Hmm. This book seems to have a lot of differing reviews. I seem to be in the middle ground. I didn’t hate the book. I did find some interesting information here. The most coming from a documentary he recommends, Stink! Which is less about Intermittent Fasting and more about additives in foods and everything else in our lives. I rented it from Amazon. I was interesting, yet it made me feel a bit helpless.

As for the book, some things are explained better than Doctor Fung’s books but so few in comparison that I’d advise that you just read Dr. Jason Fung’s books. The thing is, Intermittent Fasting should be easy and not cost anything. But nearing the end of Joseph Mercola’s book, there are so many things a person should purchase to keep all the elements working to optimum health. Even a sauna. Nah.

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The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes NaturallyThe Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally by Jason Fung
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I actually finished this one a few days ago. It was a library Kindle book. As usual, I used text-to-speech to get through it.

I read the Obesity Code first. So this is the follow-up book. The information is similar in that it is about Intermittent Fasting and how it can help both conditions, obesity, and diabetes. I found both books quite interesting and inspirational. Though this one seems to have redundancies and often repeated itself. I figure that was to keep the medical eyes reading. There were a lot of charts to help prove Doctor Jason Fung’s theory.

If you are interested in IF, please give this and his other books a look. I think I need to get the hard copy as a reference.

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Thus Thursday

I’ve shared my favorite break-fast of salmon, spinach, and cheese. But I have another that is sans cheese. And it was so filling I had to put up half for later.

I had made a sweet potato yesterday. It was too big so I put half of it in with the salmon and spinach. I had Bragg’s Liquid Aminos to give flavor. I recently bought these noodles. Check them out!

These add texture and fiber without too many carbs or calories. 👍

The Keto Vegan: 14-Day Ketogenic & Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan (With 51 Tasty Low-Carb Plant-Based Recipes) (The Carbless Cook Book 7)The Keto Vegan: 14-Day Ketogenic & Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan (With 51 Tasty Low-Carb Plant-Based Recipes) by Lydia Miller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I like that there is a keto diet for vegans. This book outlines that plan well. I wish I had unlimited funds to support my dream eating habit. Still, I bought the Kindle version for my own references and followed recipes when I can in the future. Meanwhile, this book and others by this author are on Kindle Unlimited to peruse to see if it would help seek a healthier lifestyle.

I am still doing Intermittent Fasting but still need to find a doable food system for my particular needs. I look forward to trying some of these recipes in the future.

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Today Is MondayToday Is Monday by Eric Carle

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What can I say? It’s Eric Carle!

I picked this up at the library because I wanted art inspiration. I have always thought Mr. Carle’s work visually exciting. From the Hungry Caterpillar and Angry Ladybug, I was in awe of the way Eric could make his own prints and cut them into amazing pictures. The other side of that is his books are so much fun to read aloud to kids.

Having had a few accidents where crepe paper got wet and left an interesting stain behind. (Cleaning said stain wasn’t fun but I loved how the stain looked–though it didn’t belong there.) I realized when I read the first Eric Carle books to my kids that this was crepe paper stains cut and reformed into fantastic illustrations. I have learned since that he uses tissue paper to make his own prints. Makes me want to play with this method.

This book had pictures that looked less like crepe or tissue paper but the visuals didn’t disappoint. The story was rhythmically satisfying. And at the end of the book, the words are placed into a song. I think it would be a fun way to teach a little songwriting or other musical lessons. So with this book, we get so many things to learn.

I didn’t miss how inclusive the author was to minorities and the handicapped. All done in a sneaky way that most children or adults might not notice. But on each reading of this book, the onion can be peeled back to show children new lessons.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Handbook
Apple Cider Vinegar Handbook by Shae Harper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This isn’t so much a read straight through book. It is informative in the beginning, then there is a break down of disorders and conditions by name in alphabetical order and how ACV can help. The back of the book is dedicated to recipes, some even this gluten-free/vegan can enjoy. Though I like the Kindle format, this might be a good tree-book to have on hand. I have often heard of the AVC tonic and have taken it when I remember. I like it cool in the summer but hot in the winter. There are so many uses for this wonderful inexpensive liquid!

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