Tag Archive: free-from-author-giveaway-day

The Royal Cleaner: Books 1-3The Royal Cleaner: Books 1-3 by L.C. Mawson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well, this was fun. And different. It is because of the differences that I give it 5 instead of 4 stars.

This was an ARC that I begged to get to review. It didn’t let me down. I don’t know the author so I have nothing forcing the high rating. I liked it. A lot. In fact, I want to read it again. When you read using mostly text-to-speech it is easy to get lost. Luckily, the book was so well written that I wasn’t lost for long. Still, it wasn’t repetitive. Never boring.

There is a lot of magic. Some I wish I knew, including a dream visit situation I don’t want to ruin with spoilers. As if witch and demon relationship isn’t hard enough they are lesbian. Oh, wait, reverse that.

The romance isn’t overdone or overly codependent. What a relief! And though the main characters were fantasy beings their problems seemed human and real.

I loved Coraline but Mina and her daughter grabbed my heart.

Oh, for those that see the title and think it is about house-cleaning. Think Scandal from ABC Thursday line-up. Only not Washington D.C. The kingdom of magic. Kerry Washington would have fainted at the stuff these ladies had to deal with.

If you get the chance read this three in one book. I love reading all straight in a row like that.

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Cast in Balefire (Mage Craft, #4)Cast in Balefire by S.M. Reine

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am so sorry that it took me so long first to read the book and then to review it. Life. That’s all I can account for.

Marion is still an amnesiac. I have to admit that this has gotten boring to me. Now that the world has changed so it makes it even harder to understand who is who and what position are they at now. Ms. Reine’s universe has gotten quite complicated and there really needs to be a glossary in the back or front of the book to look up the characters and where they are now.

The strange affliction has Marion married while in love with someone/something else. I just find myself confused and somewhat bored. I’m giving this 3.5 stars rounding up to 4 as I do enjoy seeing the old gang of wolves, etc. But this new world is just not as fun for me. Thanks for letting me read this book. I look forward to a satisfying end to this part of the story (…fire books).

Still, I think everyone could love SM Reine’s stories starting with the Six Moon Summer. This author is so prolific that one could read forever and not catch up. A clinker or two is just fine as it moves the reader to the next book in the series(s). (How does one pluralize more than one series?) Still, Enjoy!

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The Fruit Of The FallenThe Fruit Of The Fallen by J.C. Burnham

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book has taken me a LONG time to read. It was my first experience with Wattpad. Wattpad is a wonderful idea. But for people with eyes like mine, it is very difficult. The font is not adjustable. There is no text-to-speech to help me out. I should have spent the money and read it on Kindle but by the time I knew it was on Amazon I was about halfway through the book.

Then there is the story itself. I loved the nice quiet fun parts in the school. But most of the book was suspenseful and gave me anxiety. It seemed from the beginning to be a paranoia-producing plot. I didn’t know who to trust. Who was the good guy? Who was the bad guys? And there were so many names to keep track of that I felt I needed a program.

But I did like the main character. She was well, developed and had guts. Even as a small child.

Maybe if you read it you won’t have the troubles I had with it. Maybe it was just me. If your eyes can handle it try it on Wattpad as it is a free read. If not, go ahead and read the Kindle version. Maybe as a quicker read it will have more continuity.

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My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Whew! It has taken me two days to get into a mind frame where I can write about this book. I couldn’t read it at night because of the subject matter. Kidnapping happens. This was realistic. The story was so strong that I didn’t notice any typos or grammar errors. It was all about keeping the main character alive and whole. And Brooke Brouillette, the author, made the character, Savvy, very realistic and likable.

As a parent, this story played on all my strings. One would hope your child would know how to react and stay safe. But that helpless feeling a parent has while trying to find your child, no matter how old they are, just terrifying! The reason I gave this 4 stars is only that the author wrote such a believable novel. I wouldn’t have read this book if I had known its subject matter. Just not my kind of book. There is enough of this on the news. I read for escape. So 4 stars is quite high considering.

By the way, this edition was given to me for an honest review. There you have it. If you like scary and thrillers–this is it. Thank you Ms. Brouillette for allowing me this read.

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FemmeFemme by Delia Strange

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Disclosure, I won this copy in an author giveaway.

New planets and beings, new mores and fashions. Talents. All the things I like in a sci-fi fantasy. But this one didn’t quite do it for me. Maybe it is not for my demographic. There was a lot of angst of the adolescent or new adult. Maybe they would actually love it. In fact, there were some lessons in the story that I thought would help many young people without being preachy.

Even so, I want to know what happens in the next book. I will try to get around to reading it as soon as I can. But, YAY! for strong Femme and sci-fi!

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Questionably Human
Questionably Human by Miss Kitty Roads
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a freebie from author for Fourth of July (2012). Thanks!

Wow, since I have had this book for nearly two years, I am sorry it took so long. I am hoping the author has taken the time to edit this book. The reader already has to suspend disbelief on this erotic sci-fi, but to have so many errors, especially ones that made me have to stop and reread a lot of passages, made this a rough read.

I loved the story and the characters. Keva is one tough cookie and sexy as hell! Even when she is shot she fights to save her mate. For those that are turned off by language or erotic situations, this is not for you. But for those willing to enjoy a different type of story… this is it!

There is space travel and evil scientists all the things that make a good sci-fi, Miss Kitty Roads just took that kind of story and made it sexier. Thank you for letting me read your story. Sorry it took so long for me to get to it.

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Tears and Triumphs of a New Author
Tears and Triumphs of a New Author by Robert Thornhill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is for Kindle version ASIN B008ED36EC

Thank you, Robert Thornhill, for letting me read your book. I am so glad you had the giveaway day so that I could see the road ahead.

Mr. Thornhill has invited the readers in to view his life as a budding author. He tells how at the young age of 66 and retired, he found writing to be his passion, one he never knew he had. How this guy wrote so much and stayed so passionate about his subject matter and used just a finger and a thumb to typed two series plus this book, is absolutely amazing!

Since I have been on the road of writing through 11 books of my own, I understood that passion. But I must admit that I am a bit envious in that I don’t have a perfectionist wife to read my stories and get them to the next level. Still, I gleaned a lot of good ideas and feel more ready to start on the next steps.

I think all new authors would do well to read this personal account of the rollercoaster ride to publication. Robert never gives the opinion that he knows better than the rest of us. This is merely the paths he took and the lessons he learned. I found that refreshing.

AND this book got me curious enough to order his first book and see what its like. I’ve got to admit to loving the title.

My only problem with the book is the repetition. There were parts of his story that got repeated a few times. Being in the editing mode, I see that it can happen very easily. Hopefully, he and his editor/wife can look at that. From what I hear it is fairly easy to go into the Kindle versions and fix things.

Regardless, I will be sharing this book with writer friends of mine. We all need the kick in the butt to get to the next level like Mr. Robert Thornhill. Even this 64 year old youngin’!

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GIRL TALK Letters Between Friends
GIRL TALK Letters Between Friends by Vicki Hinze writing as Kali Kaye
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was an inspiration to this non-letter-writing person. It made me want to write letters! I have a friend I met in 6th grade who managed to write to me often enough over the years of our developing womynhood that we are still friends now. Reading some of these letters made me think of our own. But now that we have email and cell phones we are both horrid at doing it. I have another friend who wants to exchange letters and she has written me, even though we live a couple miles from each other. But <> I haven’t followed through yet. Must get busy and write letters.

Letter writing is such a lost art. I remember when I moved from my parents house into a city far away that I was writing letters to them and other relatives all the time. There is something about writing pen to paper to help one to connect to themselves and others. If for no other reason, this book is worth reading for this inspiration.

I would guess that the womyn in this book are my age as the timeline has them in 7th grade when I was. I think that was why I was thrown off by a few things that felt needed a bit more research. But rather than getting nit-picky I’ll keep this review on the story itself. It told a wonderful story of four girls who stayed friends forever no matter what. To think that a teacher’s assignment could work such wonders! I loved that each person was individual and each had lives, goals and dreams of their own. I loved how it showed that opinionated people who are in opposing camps could love each other through it all.

I labeled this chic-lit but it was far deeper to me than that. It is a light read that takes half a day to read, but it had depth to it–and it inspired me. That’s worth something right there. I wish it hadn’t ended so abruptly. I want to see what happens as they get in their 60s and older.

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Review: Sacerdos

Sacerdos by Elizabeth Amisu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Elizabeth Amisu has created a new world, similar to our own, but futuristic while encompassing old world beliefs.

I wouldn’t call Sacerdos a sci-fi but it feels like it at times. Mystery, though? Not cloak and dagger, gum-shoe type. What I have come away from this first book with, is the mysteries are the questions about this world and the main character, Caelara Lessien Teneo’s life and new found abilities. On that line, I would call this a fantasy. It is similar yet different from other young-adult fantasies I have read.

Before I get into the nitty-gritties, I do think young-adults who love fantasy will love this book. When it becomes available again, I think many of my issues will have been resolved. I may have become jaded on the YA fantasy genre. Please take that into account. Do notice that I did still give the book four stars. Much of that was for world and character development. Well done!

There were many errors, typos, etc. But the story held true no matter what; it kept me reading. There were many boring parts that had me questioning which book I should be reading instead. But again, I had grown to care about the main character enough so that I wanted to see what would happen next. There was war, and bullies. If you think it is bad going to one school with bullies you are snatched away for a time of R&R to another, colder school with wool blankets and more bullies. And more war. All that fighting wore on me. And though the book didn’t end on a true cliffhanger, I made sure that the next book is ready for me when I can read it. So, um, yeah. Almost excellent.

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Review: Undrawn

Undrawn by Conchie Fernandez
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclosure: I received this Kindle version book on an author giveaway day.

Honestly, have you every let something sit on the shelf too long? That is what happened here. I wish I would have read it right away. I usually have an email back up to let me know how I received a book. This time, I only had the tags (shelves on GoodReads) that I set up when I got it. So this review isn’t timely. Sorry.

I have a problem reading contemporary books. They are too real. I like to read to escape everyday situations like family dysfunction and death and how those two problems play out in real life. And though this book is well-written, this is what jumped out at me: dysfunctional, rich family with high expectations. Throw into that a gay son, another son who would rather pursue his art, who won’t be following into law school, who has diabetes (type 1)… bossy oldest brother… Real life. I suppose if you are living in an enchanted land this would be the story for you. For me? Depressing.

The author, Conchie Fernandez, has made the kind of book you don’t want to put down. You want to see what will happen. You want to see if there are any redeemable moments for any of the characters. So I would guess that it is hope that drives the book. Ms. Fernandez’s characters are realistic. Her research seems strong yet subdued. It is a quick read and inspires me want to paint.

As I said before if you are escaping reality, death, cussing, etc. this isn’t for you. If you want to read good writing, great characters, enjoy!

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