Tag Archive: friend

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “bagged.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

How is it that Bagged seems a happy, positive thing. Yet sacked can bring you down?

We are finally done with my travels. My friend brought me home. Everything I’d bagged is now put away, or at least near the desired home.

Tomorrow we plan to bag more food and water and take a little trip to take a hike and enjoy nature’s beauty. Fun is in the bag.

Gone are the days when a day enjoying yourself could result in being sacked. See what I mean?

I hope you have a great weekend! Here’s another way to be bagged:

What Day Is It Anyway?

Another quick one. I think it is Thursday but the heat and tooth have me wondering. I am on an antibiotic and the pain killer. I am feeling better but still not quite energetic enough to care. The joyful spot is I have a friend visiting today. 6′ and masks. No hugging. But lots of fun and chatting that help me forget the bad and the day.

I promise by the weekend I will catch up on as many blogs as I can.

I miss you all!

The Good News and Bad News Part 2

Under sepia skies, I bade a tearful goodbye to my friend. It was a nice long visit, though never long enough, you know? The good news was we didn’t get hit by lightning that was horribly close. We were dry, though the rain was torrential. By the time the storm was going strong, she was in a motel down the street to make an early departure the next day. We were back into our house and into our normal day by day lives.

The whole journey started out right. We got to Bend to be ready for my husband’s operation. His part was followed through perfectly. His ride came through the middle of the night. He even got the numbing shots and was ready for surgery.

I woke early as I knew his actual operation was to start at 7. I texted him to see how he was. He called me with the voice of depression. “Bad news,” he said.

Anyone who has ever had a person start a conversation that in a sad quiet voice knows the extreme levels the imagination goes to. Well, that he was talking meant he wasn’t dead. But did they chop off his arm? What happened?

The cadaver bone didn’t get delivered. (That very sentence makes one see the good news and bad news, ya know?) That was how they were going to fix his shoulder. Surgery was canceled. Could we come and get him and take him home?

My friend had a motel room for two days. Though it was to help me and my husband, it was part of a very expensive vacation for her. If she tried to get out of the second day, she’d have to pay for it anyway. She was thinking we could take him home then come back and spend the second night. That trip is an hour and a half. The math of that trip would have been three hours to spend a night then the ninety minutes back down to our house again. That is a lot of driving!

The plus side, and possibly our selling point for staying, was how insanely comfortable the beds were. I got my own little room and for the first time in ages, I slept a whole night without getting up every hour! My friend says hers was the same.

As it turned out C found that his ride hadn’t left town so he got a ride back home where he could catch up on sleep and we got to stay that last night. Woohoo!

Both of us have health issues that make true tourism next to impossible, but we got to run some errands and just hang out.

Most importantly, we were able to find a microwave to replace the broken one at home. I knew we’d be welcomed home with that achieved.

Yeah, not that one. That’s a Pixabay picture.

So anyway, though things are back to normal for now. Hubs has to be back middle of next month to try the surgery again. This time my friend can’t come and help me. But I suspect that as summer proceeds I will be feeling less pain and be more ready to make the drives myself. The warmth of summer always helps me.

I missed all of you and will have to take a few days to catch up on all your blogs. Hope you’re having a great summer so far! S’up?!


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