Tag Archive: German


Who knew? It’s fun!

Ich Bin Müde!

Sorry, I’m stuck in Duolingo German! I am tired! Three days this week, spending 3 or 4 hours driving. I’m worn out. And I need to go back tomorrow.

I remember when I was 22, my husband and I drove 4 hours to see our folks. At that age, 4 hours of driving a day were tiring.

Some people here do this every day. They drive those hours to get to and from work. They must have terrific jobs, and they must pay them a lot of money because I’m going through a lot of money just going back and forth.

Anyway, my husband is spending one more night at the hospital. They found that he had two ulcers from taking medications that were messing him up. So maybe the fall that sent him to the hospital actually found things before they caused too much trouble. They just needed to watch him overnight.

At another time, I could have stayed with him at night, but with the fear of COVID19, they try to make sure that there’s only one visitor and the visitor can only stay during the daytime.  I think that my own fear, having heard how much the hospital is dealing with new and more dangerous cases in younger people, has me extra cautious. Even though we are vaccinated, I fear that there are still strains or other types of flu just waiting for those who aren’t vigilant. I haven’t gotten the other cases of flu for decades as keeping isolated during outbreaks. At the time, I thought I was allergic to the vaccines. It was a doctor that told me not to take the shots after a bad outcome one year. Now though, I’ve heard they are no longer making them with albumin, so I may be taking the shots from now on.  But like many, I have a few immune issues, and so I have been conscientious. It isn’t that I’m afraid of dying. I don’t like being sick. Been there, done that, and being in bed unable to do anything while being miserable is worth fighting against!

Well, midnight is creeping up, and I need to get to bed and get ready for another ride. Okay. It isn’t all horrid. I am getting lots of singing done. Great for breath and mental health! And the view through the mountainous areas with trees and the occasional deer is so peaceful. I’m glad that the pain I used to get through that part of the ride is down to just a little achy and not an all-over pain storm. Still, I am going to be happy without going any more this week!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

have a good weekend


This stream of consciousness is due to Linda G Hill, hehe. Come jump in and float with us!

Man, I can’t believe that I still had to take it easy today. Yep, another nap day. I did get some done on the sock, but did nothing on the hat. That one seemed to hurt my arms so I backed off.

Wow, I wish my stream was moving! I guess I shouldn’t have waited until nearly midnight. There are some really cool things happening but I don’t want to jinx them by saying too much before they actually do happen. One I think I can claim is that one of my Hat Hugger friends is going to start helping me with my German. She only spoke German as a child so school was a nightmare for her. And she is moving her mother in to live with her and her mother speaks German even better, so I dread and look forward to learning the vocal language. I feel pretty good about reading it and doing the exercises on Doulingo but I know my mouth barely does English so I will have to force that social anxiety even farther. It was fun to visit her little homestead and hear her talk about her Pferd and Enten und Hühner und Hunde. It must confusing for folks who learn English when they hear the Queen’s English and those from New York and those in the south and we, who think we have no accent, in the Pacific area. Because when I took German in college, the teacher said things one way, and then to hear the speaker on Duolingo, and my new friend’s accent, the difference is so far that it is hard to understand. Apparently, her’s is of the northern area of Germany.

The prompt is Man by the way. I thought I would use it more than just that first word. My man is still healing from his broken shoulder and still working on physical therapy on his other shoulder, so we try to find the humor and not kill each other when we have the barometric pressures adding to our discomfort. At least it is warmer now. But the rains still mess with the roller coaster BP.

Do you remember how we were taught that if a child or animal are very emotional you lower your voice to help calm them? Well, when Kali first moved here she would be shaking so I would get very close to her ears and tell her secrets like how much I loved her and how good a dog she was. She listened so intently and often adjusts herself so that her ear is right next to my mouth so I can tell her more secrets. It is so cute! Somehow I have to get a picture of that. I also like to give her little kisses right there near her ear. She listens so intently that she starts sounding like she whispering secrets back. So much adorability in one small pooch!

Okay, the stream has hit a damn. Kali gets the last bark:


Man and woMan’s best friend!




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