Tag Archive: instructional

How To Write a Beloved (and Bestselling) Memoir (Creative Catalyst Series)How To Write a Beloved (and Bestselling) Memoir by Laura Bradbury
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I started this short read when I couldn’t sleep one night and finished before I knew it. It was very informative.

Laura Bradbury, the author, kept the information accessible and alive. Though I read this via Kindle Unlimited on text-to-speech, I am thinking about buying this as a paper book for reference.

If you are writing a memoir or autobiography like I am, this is a great book to help you along. I’m still at the “Messy” part of vomiting the story out. But as I get to the following stages, I want to check in and see what Ms. Bradbury has to say about it. She even covers editing and publishing. I love that she aims to help you write it with a creative bent.

Because it was so inspiring, I picked up her first memoir in her Grape series, My Grape Year. I can’t wait to dive in.

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Embrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash CreativityEmbrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash Creativity by Felicia Day
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This has been on my Currently Reading list for a year! It wasn’t that I was struggling to read it. It was digesting and doing the homework. I highly suggest doing it the way a friend and I did it. We held each other accountable as we worked through all the tasks, well, most of them. We often thought about bringing other people on board but realized adding anyone else would make it harder to stay on task.

Both my friend and I found many of our creative issues met through Ms. Day’s carefully set up agenda toward creativity.

Felicia kept us going, her sense of humor lightening some old personal issues of social anxiety and performance anxiety, worries if our art is good enough, and seeing us through those walls we had built up for ourselves. Ms. Day told us about her own issues and helped us see from another point of view. And though her problems were from a young mother’s perspective, we could relate, having been through her issues, and could apply the precepts to our seniors years. We all feel insecure about our soul searching writing and artwork.

Whether or not you use the book in the buddy system or solo, I think you will find depths in your own abilities if you take your time and work on the tasks.

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The Beginners Method for Soprano and Alto Recorder, Book 1 (Hargail Performance Series)The Beginners Method for Soprano and Alto Recorder, Book 1 by Sonja Burakoff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I picked up the Kindle version of this book first. Later I ordered the paper version so I would have the book online or without electronic aid. I had a soprano recorder I was learning to play and decided to try the alto, too. I love how the book showed the fingering for both recorders and even combined to make duets that both recorders would play a part.

Every couple of pages, the book gives a new note or two. I am happy to say that I have played all the songs in the book, the soprano melody, and the alto melody. I am glad they were, for the most part, easily recognizable folk songs. That meant that this first go-round, I could concentrate on the fingering, which is far different from the piano that I’ve played all my life.

After a music hiatus, this book was the perfect way to get back in and enjoy music.

Though I have played the melodies, I plan to use this book the following way. I have an app or two that will help me. One will play the metronome, and then I will record each part of the duets presented. It seems like a fun way to get even more acquainted with the fingering I have mastered. I know I still need work on breath and tempo.

After this book, I have many more beginning recorder books to play with. Each has different approaches and ways to perfect what I know to get to the next level.

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The Recorder Fun Book: for Young StudentsThe Recorder Fun Book: for Young Students by Larry E. Newman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Of all the books I picked up when I decided to play the recorder, this one wins. I needed something fun. All those kid or folk songs to get you going are here. The pictures that are fun alongside the instructions of notes, breath, and tongue articulating kept me going.

Unlike reading books, this one I had to take two steps forward then one step back. But in the end I have played from every page. I think eventually I will buy the paper version to fall back on later. Meanwhile, I have many other beginner books to try out.

If you don’t read music, this book could be for you. Having the tune in your head helps you know if you’re playing it right.

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Intermittent Fasting 16/8: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To 8-Hour Diet, Which Makes You Live Healthy, Lose Weight, Burn Fat and Age Slowly with Autophagy and Metabolism, Including RecipesIntermittent Fasting 16/8: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To 8-Hour Diet, Which Makes You Live Healthy, Lose Weight, Burn Fat and Age Slowly with Autophagy and Metabolism, Including Recipes by Asuka Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I finished this book a few days ago. Probably more like a week ago. So my thoughts on this book are vaguer than fresh. Still, I remember many recipes at the end of the book that made me wish I owned the book. The information was useful if this were the only book you’ve read on Intermittent Fasting. But I was happier with Dr. Jason Fung’s research.

The author did include some personal stories and addressed those who are older and need more help getting healthy. Both of these kept my interest until the end. It’s free with Kindle Unlimited, so who can complain?

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The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes NaturallyThe Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally by Jason Fung
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I actually finished this one a few days ago. It was a library Kindle book. As usual, I used text-to-speech to get through it.

I read the Obesity Code first. So this is the follow-up book. The information is similar in that it is about Intermittent Fasting and how it can help both conditions, obesity, and diabetes. I found both books quite interesting and inspirational. Though this one seems to have redundancies and often repeated itself. I figure that was to keep the medical eyes reading. There were a lot of charts to help prove Doctor Jason Fung’s theory.

If you are interested in IF, please give this and his other books a look. I think I need to get the hard copy as a reference.

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Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50: The Essential Guide to Get a Healthy Life and Lose Weight. Learn How to Detox Your Body, Support Your Hormones, and Increase Your Energy with Great Meal Prep.Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50: The Essential Guide to Get a Healthy Life and Lose Weight. Learn How to Detox Your Body, Support Your Hormones, and Increase Your Energy with Great Meal Prep. by Jason Watchers
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

My son (45) was told his cholesterol was high. He is thin and seemingly strong and healthy. He decided to go on an Intermittent Fasting diet. It seems to be helping him get even healthier. So I have thought I could do this kind of lifestyle change without too much trouble.

I found this book was Kindle Unlimited, so I picked it up. I read it in a day. Well, not all the recipes. I don’t cook, so I will have to wing a lot of this. But I have found that rescheduling when I eat and when I fast to be the easiest thing. I make sure not to eat after 8 PM and then start eating again after noon. During the eating parts, I try to eat as healthy as I can and watch my portions. Seems easy so far. The hardest is that my body is used to eating breakfast after years of hearing that it was my main meal, etc. But two days in and I don’t miss it. I know. There is a lot more to it. But this book is a start. I will be referring back to it again and again.

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Round Loom Knitting in 10 Easy Lessons: 30 Stylish ProjectsRound Loom Knitting in 10 Easy Lessons: 30 Stylish Projects by Nicole F Cox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a gift from my daughter. At first, I thought it was going to be too easy. I’ve been loom-knitting for a couple of years now. And though I didn’t read the book word for word I did enough examining the patterns and instructions to know that this would be a great book for beginners. But there are lots of more advanced patterns. Many I have bookmarked to try later.

I highly recommend this book for anyone into loom knitting or thinking about getting into it.

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Sock Loom BasicsSock Loom Basics by Leisure Arts Inc.
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Since I haven’t read every single pattern in this book, I can’t actually judge in entirety. Still, I did find it easy to follow in a couple of patterns I did use. The illustrations are far better than most of the loom knitting books. I do plan to keep it as a reference. There are still a couple of the socks I want to try.

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Changing Your Pain Pathways: Ways to cope with pain in daily lifeChanging Your Pain Pathways: Ways to cope with pain in daily life by Bronwen Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been doing chair-yoga for a while. It is one of the things I do to help become healthier in spite of the pain. One of the YouTube tutorials I follow features the authors of this book. Cara, Sarah, and Bronwen. As they are introduced I tried to decide who was who. Here is the link to the lesson:


Now what I had thought was the one in the middle and the one on the right of the screen looked like sisters. Then I thought they might be twins. Thereby I named them Cara and Sarah. The one on the left didn’t look related so I figured she was Bronwen. I went online to see if I could find these teachers’ pictures. Nothing that helped my curiosity. But then I discovered their book. With fibromyalgia and arthritis competing for my full attention, I thought maybe I could find something that would help me become healthier and have less pain. I found the Kindle version was cheaper so bought it. I would suggest if you have the money get the paper book as it is a workbook with pages to fill out as you move along.

The workbook idea is a good one to help you realize your points of pain increases and decreases. It helps you see how your mind can steer you to better health. And even more important how you can help others to see what you are going through and how they can help you. People caught in chronic pain cycles find themselves bullied in every direction.

As it happened I was in the middle of a flare and reading this by text-to-speech helped me reflect on my pain and my methods of relief. I don’t take many drugs for it as I found they made me sicker. The occasional Advil and CBD for sleep. The rest of the time I use distraction therapy. Keep my mind working on interesting projects.

I will be picking up this book again in the near future to do the exercises and journal what I learn as I go. Thank you for the tutorials and this book to all of you involved in it.

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