Tag Archive: Loom Knitting

Ta Da Tuesday

Hat done. Yay! Already started the next one.

I love decreasing on the Flexee knitting loom.

Another walk! Same trail. Kali wanted to come. She starts with wanting to run.  I try to do my best. But quickly she’s tired and I feel cruel as I have no choice but to kind of drag her along. She won’t let me carry her. It’s already equally far to continue the route to turning around. She’s okay now. Chris and I did just fine. Everything is slower with Kali. It’s like taking a toddler for a walk. A block is miles!

Obviously when I screenshot, I didn’t realize I was chatting with my son’s Significant Other.❤️

Here’s the latest projects that have seen progress.

Most of the wing, arm, to the waist, done. I am loving this project. Wish my body let me stay with it more.
Charity yarns, charity socks. I think they will be striped or scrappy.

Spa sock for a gift. This is cotton and acrylic. Very soft and will work well for post bath and lotion

This wool doesn’t have enough strength to be socks so after trying and frogging twice, I decided to make a hat or two.

I did get a new scene going for editing book 2. Not as much as I want but, hey, it’s something. Progress.

We got a little rain and snow this morning, but I think we are into Spring again. The mesquite bushes are getting leaves. I do hope we get more spring showers. Our area is in exceptional level of draught. That is dryer than extreme.

Happy Spring, everyone!

This was fun today. When my glue dots quit working I used the QuickStik. It worked very well!

This is about 1/3rd done. I thought I was at the halfway point but realized that I still have part of it rolled up at the bottom. But isn’t that bird cute?

There isn’t much finished since yesterday, but the spa slipper is nearly to the heel stage.

I like this cotton blend and wish I had lots more. I think these slippers will feel quite nice on tired feet.

When I post this, I plan to write a new scene for my book rewrite. This part of the writing process is harder than that first read/edit. I have to think more while trying to keep my creative brain open to new ideas. So there’s that. I’ll let you know if the scene works out.

How’s your Friday?

Still kind of tired so the week is going slow. ☹️

I got new glasses.

$15 at Amazon. Blue Light Protection, well, what it says on the box up there. The bottom part is a 3.50 and it gradually goes less. I wish the top was just clear as I still have to glance over the top for farther away, like television. But they help a lot for reading, knitting, and Diamond Painting.

Speaking of which:

Half of the bird is done now. Oh. And I got a QuickStik. Still new at using it but some people love it. I’ll let you know later.

Oh, and using the ruler is wobbly after hitting the middle section of the picture. Again, maybe there’s a learning curve.

My friend gave me new yarn. Are you feeling the giddiness I felt receiving it? Whee! ❤️❤️❤️🤗

And this cotton blend calls to being spa slippers. Couldn’t even keep it off the loom!

I still haven’t climbed back into the editing chair. 😢 Maybe tomorrow or weekend will get me going.

It is slightly warmer lately, but the wind keeps me inside. Even so I’m cold. I’m working on my diet to see if that’s the problem. With some foods unavailable in our stores I’m needing to be creative. Time for some shifting around.

Sorry. Not sorry. Just didn’t finish the Sunset Beach. There was only straightening, sealing, and painting a frame, but for me the straightening is the hardest. Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll ‘gird my loins’ and face it.

The socks are nearly finished. Just putting on the ribbing.

And it looks like I’ll have just the right amount of yarn for both socks.

Editing/reading first round is nearly done. I’m happy that I almost doubled my goal for February. I set up this months’ goal as just finishing. Though the project has nearly 58k I set the goal (extended last months’ goal) to 60k. That will encourage me to write a couple thousand to build a few characters up.

Sorry cell picture of the computer screen doesn’t do well. But hopefully, you can read it. I have 45,190 in my project so it seems an easy goal.

My passion this week has been my reading, first edit of Haven Above and Beyond. Or until I choose a better title, Haven book 2. My goal when I started February was 25,000 words read/edited to yWriter7. I have ended February with 45,190. Nearly 50k! I’m more than pleased. And I’m excited about the project. I can’t wait to dig in and rewrite, elaborate or kill parts of the story to make it better.

The heels are done on the socks. It won’t be long now!

My body hasn’t cooperated to finish the last bits of the Diamond Painting. Maybe tomorrow.

I have started working with the Trapp recorder book as it is for the English/Baroque. Then I review what works from the other book. I’m starting it over sadly. I had finished that book.

Now I need to go finish a library book that is due tomorrow.

Well, not quite but close.

Still need to straighten, paint on the frame, and seal.

Almost ready to heel. Well, the one on the left.


I did meet my February goal of 25k words moved into yWriter7. In fact, I surpassed that number and set up for part two of Haven book two overall edit.

And on this Finishing Friday we started with the freezing fog. Pogonip or rime. Here’s how it looked from the warm side of the curtains:

It is like snow as you get light flurries. But you can watch crystals form on the bannisters. It’s like that science experiment of growing rock crystals. So awesome to look at and just an incredible sight.


My day-to-day life in pictures. 😋

With the backlight, you can see how my poor eyesight and eye/hand coordination wrought. When I get done I’ll straighten it all up. My purpose for sharing, though, is those white squares have symbols to let the Diamond Artist know what color tile to pop in. Maybe you can see why I get cross-eyed by the end of a session. And yet, I LOVE IT!
Nearly finished.
New socks started. A bit of yarn-chicken as I wonder if I’ll have enough of this white for a whole pair of socks.
Yeah, I’m back to playing my recorders. I thought I had German recorders. But the sound was off sometimes sharp or flat. I figured with practice my breath and fingers would get better. Nope. Now I find out I have Baroque recorders. Different fingering to learn. From the bottom double hole go up to one above the first single hole. That next hole up is smaller. That is the key that shows the type of recorder you have. So back to the drawing board so to speak.
Just so you see there is still editing progress. I’m feeling positive I’ll hit my goal before the end of the month.
Quick weather report. We got a dusting of snow. And it’s cold!

Done with the dots and Mod Podge. Tomorrow, black paint framing.

Yesterday, I kitted up the new project.

Here’s the preview and key.

The ‘diamonds’ come in little packets. With this project it’s even better as they are in little ziplock bags. The numbers correspond to the key on the canvas.

One side of cellophane bag.
The other side.
I have these containers that I think are less dumpable. So I labeled per key.
Progress so far.

And knitting is still keeping me out of trouble. This pair going to the charity. I’ll give the play by play when finished.

So soft. I wish they fit me! Not really. I feel good that someone might feel more comfortable in their life.


This has been such a busy day that I can’t believe it is already over. Where did the hours go? I did finish a sock. Oh, I had my NaNo project, Crystal, open all day and I was actually working on the character developments I needed. And Check☑ I got one out of 8 done. And I copied the story from yWriter to WriteItNow. But during all that I was watching season 4 of Dawson’s Creek. It’s so sad to watch the kids all go off to college. It’s called Dawson’s Creek and yet nobody but empty-nesting parents are at the creek. This show so reminds me of times with my teenage daughter, yikes, 20 years ago! And I never watched these last couple seasons as we all moved and my own empty-nest happened. But enough strolling down memory lane, that sock mate won’t knit itself. By the way, this is my last week of being 71. Yikes! It’s all above ground and healthy. Can’t complain, right?


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