Tag Archive: love

Sad Sunday

I love it when family and friends come to visit. I absolutely turn to jello and can’t find my keys to the new-to-me car I’m so sad.


Then I spend the ride home thinking about the good feelings of no bra, no shoes, and sweatpants. And fish and chips. And a wonderful newish car. I look at it and even though I am comfortable and self-soothed, and Kali snuggles, I miss the daylights out of my family and friends. Even the recommended Daylight Savings Time nap didn’t take away that sad.

Back to life as we know it. Watching Doc Martin season 9 while knitting and snuggles. I am feeling grateful for all the love, happiness, and health that surrounds me. I wish it for all of you, too!


Your prompt today is brought to us by Willow!. Thank you so much, Willow! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there!.

Per Linda G. Hill:

       Your prompt for JusJoJan January 13th, 2020, is “subscribe.” Use the word “subscribe” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Willow had some good points on her blog about a point of view she doesn’t subscribe to. I have to admit to agreeing with her. I don’t subscribe to the philosophy that people deserve their life conditions. I think it is a way to ignore issues we feel helpless to deal with. Do you think that the rich man deserves his wealth? Do you think the people in cold, homeless conditions deserve theirs? Many say a person lost their fight with cancer or other deadly diseases. These put the onus on the victims. Christians are often the worst at that kind of thinking. I guess that book in the Bible about Job has been ignored lately. Did he deserve all the horrid things that happened to him? Did Christ ignore those in need or sick or young or old? I like to remind myself that, okay maybe a bad decision or two put some people into positions of need, but not always. And who are we to judge them? I don’t remember God/dess handing us deity positions. Have we not made some mistakes in our lives? Our job is to be the heart, soul, arms, and legs for Him/Her. To be understanding and loving to those in need is what we are assigned. A big word I think about is Grace. It doesn’t go to the deserving, It is there. Just there.

This is not to say that people who work hard and attain a certain amount of achievement shouldn’t have it. But rather, how much heart were you able to keep while getting there? Others, if you walked in their shoes, could have worked even harder than that rich person but never attain that monetary fulfillment. They may have given their very last meal of Ramen to help someone. Who is the wealthier now?

The person who survives a deadly disease may have taken the steps to stay as healthy as they could in their position but another may have done all the right things but the disease hits them harder. It is not how hard or smart a person works in the end.  It just is!

That is not to say we don’t do all we can to stay healthy and help our own situations. It isn’t even to not try and manifest our best lives. I do believe we can work toward goals and dreams. I do believe that a healthy attitude can take us a long way. But let’s not lord it over those who didn’t attain or survive. We do the best we can. Faith, hope and love.

I subscribe to LOVE. And yes it hurts sometimes. Some might take advantage. Some might not get what we try and reach. But our jobs are being LOVE.

Stepping off the soapbox. I just needed to get that out there. I hear so much negativity lately. People wonder where manners have gone but talk of bootstraps and cages for the illegals. Holding up a mirror. Job didn’t deserve boils and to lose all his money. People deserve love and help from people. Not a manners issue. A love issue!


The person with a smile and a helping hand is the richest.

The Hope Chest: A NovelThe Hope Chest: A Novel by Viola Shipman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was personal for me. I recently lost a dear cousin to ALS. It was through her mother that I got my antique hope chest. It was one of those dome-lidded train trunks. My grandfather and brother lined that hope chest with cedar and the lid with velvet. With all that family involved in this chest, how could I not fall into the thought processes of the day? Girls grow up and have families. They get married. Become someone else’s. That’s not all bad. (I’ve grown to accept that a hope chest could just be hope of growing up and having a place of your own, not put the hope into another person.) But I had a wonderful family full of aunts and uncles and double the grandparents. No matter how life at school or home was, there were other relatives of love I could rely on.

My hope chest aunt taught me to knit. All the cousins, girl cousins, learned to knit slippers. My other aunt taught me to crochet and sew. Mom didn’t have the patience for all that but having a fantastic extended family gave me hope and taught me what I think everyone should know. That you can love past differences. The uncle attached to that aunt, taught me how to tie my shoes. That uncle and the uncle attached to my crochet aunt, taught me that even if you disagree so much with ideas the rest of the family hold, everyone will still love you. Just disagree with you.

My brother, who helped my grandfather fix up that chest, was killed in a car accident. That grandfather died of Parkinson’s. Even that chest disappeared in the many moves of my life. But the love of that family is still there. My cousins and I see each other on FaceBook daily. It is the only reason I haven’t left social media. It is my new hope chest. It’s in my heart. And so is the cousin who isn’t with us anymore, at least not where we can see her.

This book brought all that up for me. Sure, in ways it is a little hokey. But it wasn’t a stupid romance novel. It was about people who love or learn to love and help each other. The writer wrote characters I could believe. The mom was a little too strict with the little girl, seemed she wouldn’t let her be a little girl. But there are people like that. The woman with ALS seemed a little too perfect, though in pain and having the disease. The husband was every woman’s dream husband, so maybe not so real. Even still, when a book can reach into your heart like this one did and you see and smell the garden and the lake and feel the love, that’s a good book. Bring your Kleenex.

Thank you, NetGalley for letting me read this gem!

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The Writer's Digest Sourcebook for Building Believable Characterwriter's Digest Sourcebook for Building Believable Characters SThe Writer’s Digest Sourcebook for Building Believable Characterwriter’s Digest Sourcebook for Building Believable Characters S by Marc McCutcheon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my go-to book for NaNoWriMo. It is great to set up characters for your book. I don’t know how others do it. I have a program called WriteItNow that is good for generating names. Other people use that program for everything. But I write in yWriter. After I have my names, I go to this book. I have tabs set up for different characteristics and I use a number generator on my phone to give me the characteristic according to the list of each page. I try not to cheat. If the character is very flawed it is easier to write them. Between the name and the characteristics, a story seems to emerge.

The beginning of this book has a character development questionnaire. I have found this handy, also. This is the best book to get me started writing and helps me keep writing unless my characters are stuck behind boulders and not moving. Then I need bigger help. Probably a sprint/prompt=sprompt will get my characters out. Or I’ll pull a George R.R. Martin on them.

If you get the chance to buy this book, you will be buying a treasure!

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The Midwife: A Memoir of Birth, Joy, and Hard TimesThe Midwife: A Memoir of Birth, Joy, and Hard Times by Jennifer Worth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As an addict of the BBC show, Call the Midwife, I couldn’t resist getting the Kindle and Audible versions of the book. As usual, the book is better than the show, but not by much. Books always give more insight into the thinking of a character, something film cannot capture properly.

Jennifer Worth’s memoir takes us to another time and the way people were then. Science, especially nursing and midwifery were new. Much was done by ‘old wives tales’ in the beginning but as medical science developed, giving birth sometimes took back steps. Ms. Worth shows us the mistakes and the achievements womanhood gained when men took over the most female of jobs.

But these aren’t just about the theories. We learn of Jennifer’s life as a nurse and midwife as she lived in the convent of nuns. The characters of the TV show are there in full glory. My favorite, Chummy, isn’t seen as much as I’d like (neither is Miranda Hart in the show as much as I’d like). But it is comical to watch her learn to be a midwife in her tall, elegant way.

I love how both the show (which seem to stick closely to Worth’s story) carefully lead us through patients lives and how pregnancy and motherhood impacted daily life post-WWII. Jennifer Worth’s writing is impeccable and yet poetic. It is fun to watch as she grows to become a stronger person and midwife as the book progresses.

Oh, and a note for the lovely narrator: Nicola Barber. Though it took me a minute to get used to her, I was so happy I did. She could do the cockney or the more proper British if needed and kept my interest piqued.

I would hope everyone reads and watches these as there is much to learn here. I can’t wait to read the next book.

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Everything I Never Told YouEverything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! Just Wow! An author friend recommended this book stating that it was the best book she’d read in a long time. She was right. It was the best read for me in a long, long time.

There was a drowning. The family responds. That’s the extent of it. BUT we are allowed in all the characters’ heads. What led to the present moment? Who can take the fault? Who might be innocent?

This bit of mystery only leads to the inside of your own head, your own family history. It is amazing how the author does that. How she keeps the story so interesting that I had a hard time putting it down, even when it was 4 AM I couldn’t let it go until the next day.

The most interesting questions the story brought to mind is how many of our goals and passions are leftovers from the previous generation? I made me look at my grandmother and my mother and my own daughter. And even now, I wonder how much of my mother’s pushing of piano practice, for instance, brought about my son’s participation in a band? How do our personal goals affect others around us, from family outward to the occasional associates. This book brought about a strong link between us all that I think we often overlook.

And then let’s add to the story the things that make us unique, our nationality, ethics, religion or politics and we see how we think the other person is wrong. How the tearing down of others is tearing us all down. In this case, the family is half Chinese, half American. They live in a place where they are the only ones of color. Racist slurs are slung at them. When that happens, when we are bullies in any fashion, one has a hard time separating true hate from imagined hate.

As usual, the fictional family reach their own conclusions and don’t communicate with each other. That speaks to me. We often forget to say what we should. We think the other person already knows, or doesn’t need to hear it again, or doesn’t feel taken seriously. Relationships are hard, even the best of them. That’s how our fears and hurts hit as bullets on those we should give our best to.

All of these ideas came to me as I read this book. I bought the Audible version (I had a credit lying around). I know now that I want to read this again. I will have to buy the Kindle version when I get the chance. Oh, and a word about Cassandra Campbell (Narrator). She did a great job acting out the different characters. It was due to her skills that this book came to life for me.

Thank you, Patty B. for the recommendation. I loved it!

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Love Is LoveLove Is Love by Mette Bach

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There should be many more books like this one.

I fell for this book on NetGalley from the title alone. It is something I believe in my soul. The blurb gave me more information as to what direction that love might be heading.

There are some who might not get it. But not only does this book cover an unusal love interest, it addresses all of our insecurities. I was surprised at how I still have many of the self-doubts that the main character has.

This is a book designed for the teen but works well for all the young at heart.

What I think I liked best about the book is how the author explains how one chooses to go through the procedures to become the opposite sex than of their birth. How one should restrain judgement when looking at another is a great theme here.

The book ended to soon. I would have loved to see what happens next. Maybe there will be a book two?

I highly recommend this book to everyone.

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Hold Back the StarsHold Back the Stars by Katie Khan

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t like romance, well, maybe the occasional You Got Mail or Nottinghill, but mostly I find them boring. I DO love me some space, dystopia, futuristic sci-fi. This book has all four elements. Within the science fiction setting there just happens to be a love story. It was fun!

Spoilers are threatening to spill out of me as I write this and seem to be overwhelming my brain. I seem not to be able to give more of my opinion without them and I refuse to put them here.

I might like to read this again. I can think, if the author would like the suggestion, of a way to make a book two, or at least an alternative ending. As it is I think she did put in two different endings.

If any of my friends read this, and I hope they do, I hope we can have a bit of a discussion about the endings.

This story will stay with me for a while. Think of Gravity the movie mixed with a strange dystopic earth threatened by meteors. SO GOOD!

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Gratitude and Life

Today I am full of gratitude. I have so much to be thankful for, family, friends, pets, habitat. I think these are played up in my blogs often. But last night one of the things I was afraid to mention happened for real. We have a sofabed! It is used. But still looks quite nice and we didn’t have to pay a thing for it. You can’t tell what it looks like, and I knew if we were lucky to get one that this would happen. The first thing I did when it came in the house was to cover it. With a cat and dog that shed in white and a cat that sheds in black, there was no sofa that was going to look nice in the spring or summer without a cover I could wash. I should have taken a picture of it but cell was in the bedroom and only now did I think of it. I’ll try to share that later.

I have been wanting a sofa since we got to this house but somehow the budget couldn’t do it. Now, because local friends helped, I will have a place for company to sit or sleep. Since most of my family and friends are at least five hours away I wanted somewhere to entertain and put them up. This will help so much! And since it is under the picture window I foresee doing my knitting there as the room warms in this next season. Love brings love.

On a whole different topic: I thought it was spring. I went for that nice walk yesterday and though the wind and spitty rain threatened, it was actually comfortable for me in my sweatshirt covered in my windbreaker. Woke up this morning to snow on the ground. It didn’t stay long the rest of the day was a steady light rain. We hardly noticed as we did the ‘outside’ things today. Kali didn’t want to the first out but the rest of the day was easy peasy. We hardly got wet. So that’s a promise of nice weather coming. Yay!

Most of the day I spent watching NetFlix while loom knitting. I am still on sock number one for my brother. It is slow and tedious. My hands and eyes can’t do a lot at one time so I’m working on another Hugger Hat using the Andalusian stitch. It, too, is slow going but not so tedious that it hurts. Since I’ve already put the knitting away for the day I have no pictures.

I watched Pete’s Dragon. No Candle on the Water but it made me cry at the end.


Then I binged on Grace and Frankie

download (2)

What a fun little show!

All Good StoriesAll Good Stories by Linda G. Hill

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As an author of a busy, fun blog who is a single mom facing some special needs tests, trials, and triumphs, Linda G. Hill won my admiration long ago. I love reading her blog. I enjoy participating in her challenges. So it is understandable that I had to read her book.

Remember the challenge question in When Harry Met Sally? No. Not the restaurant scene. Wouldn’t we all want what she ordered? No. The question was: Can best friends that are male and female remain friends or is it inevitable that romance would play a part? Sally believed in the friendship as I recall whereas Harry said that friendship can’t stay in that realm. That sex was the most likely outcome.

All Good Stories attempts that question once again. This time it is through a series of smaller stories (started as A-Z challenge on Linda’s blog) that tell of the ebb and flow of friendship of Jupiter and Xavier. I won’t tell you how the story goes. I will merely say that there are topless pirates and bookstores involved. And there are laugh aloud situations. This is worth an evening with popcorn, at least. I enjoyed it and I think you will, too.

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