Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “clump.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!

As many directions as my mind wanted to go with the prompt, this is what I thought of. How many years of putting on mascara only to have it clump or smear. I haven’t worn makeup for at least a decade. Between eyes that are smaller than they were before, not to mention the crop of wrinkles begetting wrinkles, I don’t have a mirror situation to work with my old eyes and inability to stand that long. Not too mention so many other things calling me to get busy. All more fun than makeup. Though, I do enjoy nail polish, a pluck or lotion. But yarn! Diamond painting! The newest binge or book. All far more fun than standing in front of a mirror attempting facial improvement.

I used to have a vanity I inherited from my grandmother. It smelled of her perfume and powders.

It looked kind of like this one. Mine had a cushioned stool. The wood was blonder. Ah, I miss it and the hours I spend singing Beatles songs while primping.


How I feel in my head as I stream along. Actually: