Tag Archive: mystery

In Want of a Knife (Vampire Book Club #5)In Want of a Knife by Nancy Warren
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I’m so sorry. I found this to be the most boring of all the series. I guess even Nancy Warren has to have a bad few days of writing.

Hollis McCarthy (the Narrator) made it sound pompous and unrelatable. I couldn’t stay awake to it even while playing my games. So, the shortest book took me twice as long to read.

Worst of all, the murder wasn’t even brought up until near the end of the book. The story was about how our main character was trying to figure out why the producer was in town to make a porno of Jane Eyre. And how this witch doesn’t get arrested for murder in any of these books amazes me. She is always there when it happens or nearly so.

And I still can’t figure out how the lady with the watch was electrocuted. I listened to that part a couple of times. I just had to know that it happened, and there is the whole case. Bah!

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A Poisonous Review (Vampire Book Club, #4)A Poisonous Review by Nancy Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve gotten so behind on my reviews, so this will be short as I barely remember it. Look, it isn’t a boring or bad book. It is perfect for when you don’t want to read something heavy—a beach read, maybe.

Hollis McCarthy (Narrator) lends her skill to the fun writing.

Leprechauns are a new addition to these gentle paranormal reads. Between ghosts of ancestors and the vampire book club, this witch has another cozy (read that ‘murder’) mystery to solve. It sounds silly, but the story reads well for young adults. It is not scary or juvenile. Just a nice bedtime read.

As of this moment, I am reading the next in the series. They are all fun.

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A Spelling Mistake (Vampire Book Club #3)A Spelling Mistake by Nancy Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hollis McCarthy narrates this fun book. So far, I have enjoyed every one of Nancy Warren’s books. So much so that I forgot to review this one and can only say it was fun like all the others. You see, what happens is I finish one and order the next right that minute and get lost in the next adventure.

As always, the only problem I have with cozy mysteries is the murder. Why? And the witches or vampires never cause it, just a grumbling human. Aw, well, it gives us something for the book club or knitting club to solve besides how many stitches or pages we’ve done.

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Chapter and Curse (Vampire Book Club #2)Chapter and Curse by Nancy Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is another fun book club book with vampires, witches, and ghosts who are both witches and ghosts. Again, there are murders not caused by the paranormal but by grudge-holding humans. I’m almost finished with book three and trying to remember book two. I can’t stop. I love these as my bedtime stories! This was quite the adventure between Nancy Warren’s writing and Hollis McCarthy’s narration.

Again, I must mention my only aversion is the actual need for murder. Can’t mysteries be less lethal? I find the mystery of where I left my brush as exciting, especially when you have a large family.

Still, the fun of a bookstore and now a new house to look at with unknown antiques is fun. I love the cats, witches, and vampires, the non-bitey types.

Now, on to the next review.

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The Vampire Book Club (Vampire Book Club, #1)The Vampire Book Club by Nancy Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh, boy. Do I need a 12-step program for Nancy Warren’s books? I can’t stop! I’m already two books out from this one and haven’t written the review for this one yet.

May I stop for a moment? EVERYTHING about these books is fun, except the murder parts. And don’t blame the witches (at least the good ones) or the vampires. It is always a human with a grudge or two.

Reading is one of my favorite hobbies. In the olden days, I wouldn’t be caught without a book in my purse. A purse should always be big enough to carry a book or two. That way, I could read while sitting and waiting in the car for kids or long lights or even in an unmoving traffic jam. Standing in line at the DMV or at the Theater, out came the book, even if I merely got a paragraph.

Now, I have a different book on old cell phones tucked away in the bathroom or next to my bed; two different Fires hold different books or types of books. One Fire has games that don’t require much thought while listening to a book on the other Fire. The audiobook is my favorite venue now, but I do read the occasional paper book or Kindle on the phones.

I have books that require a lot of thought. I save those for daytime or waiting times. At nighttime, fantasy and lighter Sci-fi play with me.

So you know these are my nighttime pleasures. The dream of the last series was a yarn story in my house, where the knitting club met. This series, though having the occasional visit from the knitting vampires, is in the home above the bookstore the main character owns. This is my other dream life.

My husband and I met, dreaming of owning the noisiest bookstore ever. I planned to have a music area. If you want quiet, you go somewhere else. I wonder if the vampires bookclub would still meet in my imaginary bookstore?

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The Vampire Knitting Club: Cornwall (Vampire Knitting Club: Cornwall, #1)The Vampire Knitting Club: Cornwall by Nancy Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After reading the Vampire Knitting Club series, I couldn’t stop. I ordered and started immediately on this one.

Whoa! Wait! New narrator. What a shock. I got used to the other one. But after I got used to her, Piper Goodeve (Narrator) is a good choice for a new witch. Best friends with our former series star, Lucy, Jennifer proves to be a fun character to hang out with. And she can hold her own.

This new place gives that bit of travel I like in a good book. And more knitting, more competent knitting.

I haven’t mentioned this in any of the series’ reviews, but I wish we could do a cozy mystery without a murder. But that seems to be how it is. Oh, well. It is still fun.

And guess what! I’ve already started and finished the next book. On to my next review.

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Leave the World BehindLeave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I saw the movie a while ago. It did the book justice. I will have to watch it again now that I read the book. Well, I listened to the audiobook through Libby, the library app. I highly recommend both ways to enjoy this thrilling story.

Here is the first part of the blurb about this book:

“A magnetic novel about two families, strangers to each other, who are forced together on a long weekend gone terribly wrong.”

I think that says it all!

Add to that the wonderful voice acting by Marin Ireland. Wow! Make sure your nails are long enough to bite.

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Herringbones and Hexes (Vampire Knitting Club, #12)Herringbones and Hexes by Nancy Warren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

One more fun Vampire Knitting Club! I am sad to know that there are many of these left. The story continues, and I feel that saying much more becomes a spoiler. It was fun figuring out if plans would come to fruition or if another murder could be solved.

I love Nancy Warren’s dry humor in her writing. Her reader, Sarah Zimmerman, knows how to vocalize it. If I didn’t have a lot of other books, library books, to read, I would be set to listen to the next of the VKC.

If you get the chance and need a fun, cozy book or series, try Ms. Warren’s.

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Diamonds and Daggers (Vampire Knitting Club, #11)Diamonds and Daggers by Nancy Warren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading serious books, I like to take a reading vacation. The Vampire Knitting Club is a fun place to go. Not your usual vampires. These are sophisticated, mostly non-neck-biting types. They meet in the original owner’s residence above and below the yarn shop. They knit. Anyone who knows me understands my affection for the wooly soft stuff.

It is the original owner’s granddaughter who owns the store now. Her grandmother is now a vampire. It was the only way to save her life. But she can’t be seen in the shop. It really upsets the customers to see their favorite yet dead yarn expert walking around.

Each and every volume of this series is fun and wrapped around some murder. Don’t doubt for a minute the pointy needles are harmless. But they do remind one of the canine teeth, don’t they?

Add to all that, the grandmother and granddaughter are witches. Well, the granddaughter didn’t know that until she inherited the shop when her grandmother supposedly passed. Now she is learning to knit and to ‘witch.’ In this particular volume, she is learning about her athame. Dagger.

Sarah Zimmerman narrates the Audible version I was reading/listening to. She isn’t too irritating, but her attitude seems a bit too high society for the main character, but you get used to it. At least you don’t get lost. And the author writes a wonderful story and keeps you engaged and wanting more.

I have already finished and started number 12. These books are a bit of a drug of fun for me. I hope you all get to read them.

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Garters and GargoylesGarters and Gargoyles by Nancy Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sarah Zimmerman’s narration is a bit off-putting. But after a while, you get used to her cadence and the smirk in her voice.

Once again, the yarn shop is where a batch of late-night knitters gather. These knitters just happen to be of the vampire variety.

My biggest problem with this book is that by now, Lucy, the store owner, who inherited, sort of, from her grandmother, who is now a part of the night shift yarning club. Lucy is still just knitting scarves and having a hard time. With all that help, she should be much farther along in her abilities. I wish I had that many teachers helping me figure out how to deal with the dropped stitches or tangled mess a distracted mind can create.

That’s not much of a problem in the long run. Lucy is learning to be a proper witch and trying to be a good person. So I shouldn’t complain. The rest of the story is fun. And the cozy mystery wrapped up in yarn pulls you in.

I love this series, and I already have the next book lined up for when I have a few moments to take a bite with my needles clicking.

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