Tag Archive: mythology

The Land of Painted Caves (Earth's Children, #6)The Land of Painted Caves by Jean M. Auel
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was my second “read.” I just listened on Audible. This time, I was less enchanted. I felt it was repetitive, repeating so many stories from the previous books. I wouldn’t say I liked Jondalar and got mad at Ayla several times. And the Zelandoni (I’m not sure how to spell the one that relates to the first one–Audible) didn’t seem the wisest of women either. And the grand adventures of the past books weren’t there. But it was fun to live in the story just a little longer. But I wasn’t as gooey as I was in my previous read. The review from a few years ago is below.

It is the times, my attitudes of now and then? I didn’t feel the same this time.

Why did I have to read these so fast? Now, there are no more cave-bear books.

Sandra Burr. Listen to her performance of these books if you get the chance.

I feel I have already reviewed this series. Before I reread them, I will try to find pictures of the places, the caves, and the types of people these books are about. It would be cool if Jean M. Auel could write a companion picture book. I must admit to having my curiosity piqued about the prehistoric times when womyn were warriors. I am glad that the author spent so much time researching these stories. Her knowledge of the geography, flora, and fauna made the world of Ayla come to life.

If you haven’t read these yet, you owe it to yourself. If you have, trek back to the Caves.

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The Shelters of Stone (Earth's Children, #5)The Shelters of Stone by Jean M. Auel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Below is a previous and better review than the one my tired mind can express at this time of night. It includes all the praises of the narrator, Sandra Burr, and the author Jean M. Auel. Besides, I really want to get started reading/listening to the sixth and last book of the series. My cousin told me she had reread them recently and that she didn’t like the last book. I’m anxious to be reminded how I felt about it and re-enjoy the book again.

I highly recommend this series if you haven’t read it. And if you have, a re-read is always fun.

As with the others in this series, I listened to Sandra Burr on the Audible version while reading along on my Kindle. I have really grown in awe of Ms. Burr’s narrative abilities. It is like I see only the characters and landscape in my head rather than thinking it is an actual person reading to me. How she can maintain the voices of each character so seamlessly is baffling! I’d love to see her in her processes, preparing for each part of the story and each person represented. Just amazing!

Ms. Auel’s story is still fresh and keeps me curious as I read. There are parts that are getting a bit overdone, but considering that this book doesn’t involve the travel angst that the previous books had, stay-at-home boredom seems inevitable. Yet it isn’t boring.

The research evidence throughout all these books is overwhelming! Yet, it is presented as part of the story. In this way, Ayla’s story comes to life. You want to believe that this little family did exist.

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The Girl Who Fell Beneath the SeaThe Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I think others will like this book. I think I might have liked an audio version rather than the Kindle text-to-speech. Maybe it was just I wasn’t into it. I put the speed faster to finish the book.

It had a good storyline. Which is why I feel it was just me not being in the mood for it right now. I do love the cover, so beautiful. As was the concept. So just take it as a me thing. It was a Kindle Libby, so it was free. Try it; you might love it!

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Starcrossed (Starcrossed, #1)Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

So, not my kind of book. But you’ll love this book if you like romance, especially paranormal romance with Greek mythology built in.

I must admit Devon Sorvari (Narrator) did a fantastic job telling the story.

Look, I realize I am not the target audience. So I don’t want to be mean or disparaging. I did finish reading, so it kept me engaged for that long. I don’t see reading the rest of the series. But I know others will love it. It is written well. May I just use the part I loved most: Flying. I’ll not ruin anything with spoilers with that bit.

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Anansi BoysAnansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Lenny Henry, narrator made this one of the most fun books I’ve read (listened to) in a long time. There were so many quotes that I wanted to put into my blog. But that would be spoilers. Go to GoodReads and look them up once you’ve read this book. I would be doing my diamond painting and then suddenly I’d have to stop because I would be laughing out loud. I’d have to calm down before trying to place the little gem into the picture.

What can I say about Neil Gaiman that hasn’t been said? His writing and imagination is fantastic.

This is considered book 2 of the American Gods. But I don’t know if you need to read that first. I did read AG a bit ago and loved it, too. But it isn’t necessary to enjoy this shorty but goody. Okay, maybe it isn’t so short. But after the tomes of Outlander this was a nice break.

I only decided to read this because Whoopi Goldberg is going to star in the theatrical version. Now I can hardly wait to see it!

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Siren Magic (Sirangel #1)Siren Magic by Lucia Ashta
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a fun diversion from the more serious reading I’ve been doing lately. However, I hate reading about yet another mermaid, not in the water. That’s my inner spirit. I miss swimming so much!

In this case, the mermaid is part angel. And she knows nothing about any of her powers and is put in a totally new situation to her—legs on land, with wings.

It was an excellent bedtime book. It was exciting while soothing. So much so that I had to pick up the next book and started reading it last night.

If you like the occasional fantasy and don’t mind a young adult bent, this would be fun for you, too.

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Urban Shaman  (Walker Papers, #1)Urban Shaman by C.E. Murphy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you like urban fantasy, this will do the trick. The main character, Joanne Walker, is tough with faults making her human enough to believe. She pulls from Native American shamanism and mythology to get the spirit world jobs done.

I got a little annoyed with how often she was getting injured in what seemed like hot temper issues or emotions flying. But it was in character with the auto mechanic of the police department. The female cop is not being respected enough to get a beat. Suddenly the shaman in her starts waking, and all hell breaks loose as she tried to solve a string of murders.

It was a good read, and I may read others in the series sometime.

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The ForetellingThe Foretelling by Alice Hoffman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a fun mythological story to read before bed. I always love an Alice Hoffman tale. I wonder if this could be made into a movie like Practical Magic? A tribe of women living their truth in their own time. And HORSES. Yep! All the fun things a fem could want to read about.

I may have to read this again sometime when escape isn’t my only intent. Or even if it is. I could jump into this world again. Maybe take it slower and absorb it more.

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Come Witch or High Water (Witch Detective #2)Come Witch or High Water by Constance Barker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazon Kindle, PLEASE! Please back away from pretty book covers and at least put a book number on the front of a book! PLEASE!

I thought I had downloaded the first one first. In the end, at midnight when I usually read, as I open the book so I can listen to the text-to-speech. I can’t track well enough to read real books. But still, would a book number hurt you, especially for the TTS folks!

I have to admit, I often felt I missed something. Things were referred to. I felt in the dark as to what the author was talking about. But I thought maybe there was a series before this on that the characters were alluding to.

It still was a fun little book, in spite of getting it in the wrong order. I will now have to read it again after I read book 1 properly. At least I know it won’t be awful and I can read it on triple speed just to find the bits I didn’t get during this read. It is short and I think others will love this series. Oh, and I picked up books 1 &2 on Kindle Unlimited.

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American GodsAmerican Gods by Neil Gaiman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What if you mix a radio show, comparative religion, with a road trip? This is it!

Look, I see a lot of differing reviews on this book. I think if you are able to listen to the Audible version you would like it better. The many actors bring this far-fetched story alive. The narrators: Ron McLarty, Daniel Oreskes, and full cast (whatever that means) make you see gods, goddesses and dead people and other characters. They help you feel the cold, the pain, smell rot or smoke.

I don’t know if I would have liked the book had I just read it without the Audible narration. I think it might have been more meandering and possibly boring. What kept me going was wanting to see what would happen to the main character. And having a bit of interest in other religions and cultures I wanted to see how Neil Gaiman would portray them and the war between them as they were fading into the obscurity of disbelief.

This wasn’t my favorite book. It is very male-heavy. Goddesses and women were given little time or depth. BUT I doubt I will forget it and may want to read it again in a few years and see how it affects me then. I highly recommend using the audio version to immerse in this world, which may be America, but a different dimension than where most live.

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