Flexee fine-gauge wool socks were farther along. The one on the bottom was that full ball finished. I didn’t like something so I had to tink back to the white part. I’ll have to do that to the top sock, too.
Ready to learn Turn heel.
This is the pattern I’m following in my knitting class. My next step is ‘Turn heel’ on the first sock.
Sock 2 cuff finished. Now on to the leg.
HiyaHiya Fliers sock cuff finished. Now I need to watch the YouTube for the next part.
One bamboo sock nearly to the heel. Sock number 2 nearly there, too. (CinDWood sock looms)
Almost halfway done with the Sunflowers.

I’m learning so much while having a great time. Oh. And here comes NaNoWriMo! First character is nearly formed. Pensées is the working title. Olive Odette Pensées is my first character. The story is starting to form. I can’t wait! Who’s joining me?

Two weeks!