Tag Archive: prison

The Walking Dead Vol. 3: Safety Behind BarsThe Walking Dead Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Younger me would have been appalled at the me that LOVES The Walking Dead. Do I love zombies? Heck no. But like birds and coyotes, they exist in Robert Kirkman’s TWD. Some would understand if I use the words, “puppies and kittens”. Just not so cute. What else exists? As much inclusion as it possible without it being awkward.

Where would you prefer to spend the apocalypse a farm or a prison? A farm would have a good amount of food if you can keep it fresh and healthy. When the zombies stroll all over it and threaten to kill you, then that is not so feasible. No electric fences can keep them out. They only want to eat you. Innocent from their point of view. Hard enough to keep the farm free of pests like mice and coyotes or other predators. Shooting at them will bring more, in hoards!

Seemingly a strange choice is a prison. But with bars and double sets of high fences that normally keep the bad folks in, now becomes the best place of safety. Plus all the food that is still there. Clear away the walking dead and you have a safe place to raise a family. And set up the farm!

And so it is that Rick Grimes and crew end up in the prison. If you watch the show this kind of order happened to our fearless group. They tried camping in volume 1, the farm in volume 2, and finally, in volume 3, they move into the prison. But some people are still with us, others don’t exist. It is fun to compare the writing of both comic and television show. The story remains, for the most part, in spite of the changes needed often for the length of time a show can run, whereas the written one can go on forever if we all want it. (Yes!)

Once, again, I need to say, I prefer the Kindle version to the paperback. Though I would like to collect the comics, I can’t read them without a magnifying glass. The Kindle version allows me to click on the picture and take it frame by frame. Then if a certain frame has a font that is too small I can pinch it bigger. Bravo, technology! I miss the smell and tactile enjoyment of real books, but at my age with my eyes, I’m happy I can still enjoy books and comic books! By the way, the Kindle version is cheaper and it is free with Kindle Unlimited! YAY!

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Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison
Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women’s Prison by Piper Kerman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have to admit that I picked up the hardback copy from the library after watching the series on Netflix. The tree version hurt my eyes to read so I went ahead and bought my own Kindle version. I’m glad I did. This book was worth every penny! I could listen to text-to-speech while I read. It might have been even better to have the audio-version with human voice but this was just fine.

The beginning was very satisfying as it mirrored the Netflix version. The book proceeded from there a little less raw. It did feel like Ms. Kerman was putting a good spin on her experience in prison. The Netflix version puts in a lot more drama. Which is the real version? I don’t know but I feel like it may fall somewhere in between. I think the Netflix may take other stories about prison life and show other things that may go on.

Piper Kerman’s writing kept me engaged and wanting to know what was happening next. I was impressed with her zen attitude and reserve while describing some of the horrid things that go on in prison life. Even though I am twice her age I could identify with feelings she eloquently expressed.

Everyone should read this book. Men and women alike, all ages and races. We can all appreciate the message and maybe help create a better world.

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