Tag Archive: reno-tahoe

The Spellslinger (A Fistful of Daggers #4)The Spellslinger by S.M. Reine

Sara Reine has done it again. I love that we get to visit our favorite characters over and over in an ever-renewing timeline. Once again we visit the Reno-Tahoe area which for me, makes for one more character to enjoy.

Through the characters, Ms. Reine asks questions that remind me of why I loved Sci-fi for all my life. With deities, angels, and demons, subjects like philosophy, religion, and why things happen the way they do, and how it applies to our norms, all this comes up in the course of the story and makes the reader think. That is my favorite kind of writing. It isn’t preachy, it doesn’t even set up any rule to follow. These are questions the characters present as they chase down the next plot twist.

Ms. Reine writes so well and keeps the reader involved. I almost always finish her books quickly as I don’t want to stop reading until the end.

As always, I suggest a person go back to the beginning, Six Moon Summer and read the gazillion other books, they are all terrific. I can’t wait to read the next book! What will she come up with next?

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The Second Coming: A Mythpunk Urban Fantasy Novel (The Ascension Series Book 8)The Second Coming: A Mythpunk Urban Fantasy Novel by SM Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OMG! I love Elise Kavanagh and James Faulkner! But this is the best book about them yet! Since they had entered the deity, I had supposed we wouldn’t get the same action-packed story that they used to give us. So wrong! I wish I hadn’t been so sleepy both nights (hot, miserable days can do that to you, and then even once you fall asleep you can’t stay there! Ugh!) I would have finished this one in one night! (Okay, need to put the exclamation point away!.)

Once again, Sara Reine puts the story in the Reno-Tahoe area and so I’m engrossed knowing about where she is describing and how it looks now (or at least the last time I visited last year) and how her goddesses/gods have changed it with each reincarnation of the world. This time into the future.

Though I loved seeing Elise become a human avatar, giving birth, nursing, and attempting motherhood, as I have gone through most of what was described, four times, some might not find that aspect of the book appealing. But stick with it, let it be your reason not to go through it, or learn Elise’s lessons ahead of time (better than Dr. Spock or even Dr. Sears), or see what a woman goes through. Even this goddess found that an arduous path and she’d been through all kinds of pain and suffering. Giving birth is not for sissies! Nursing can be challenging! Mastitis is real and can cause severe illness and hurts like hell! And try all that while being the target for assassination and kidnapping! <—sorry, I can’t help myself. Think of the exclamation point like Elise’s Infernal Sword of emotion!

I love that Ms. Reine included some flashbacks. I’ve read every one of Sara’s books and feel in touch with all the characters, even so, I have my favorites. Elise is one, as is Rylie, and Dana MacIntyre (hope I spelled that right). I thought I knew all Elise had been through, but I’ve forgotten a lot!

It is always hard when writing a review because some of the things I want to say would be spoilers. But there will be friends from the past. There, that did the trick!

Sadly, I have to find something else to read now. Let that be enough for you to know I highly recommend the entire collection of Sara Reine! If you can’t afford it, see if you can get your library to carry the books. Especially those in Reno! Starting with Six Moon Summer and enjoy the rest of her world beyond!

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SpellsmokeSpellsmoke by S.M. Reine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sorry to be late to the party, again. Between computer/internet issues and smoke making my eyes too blurry to get online to write this, I am about a week late for this review.

I am always happy when I get to review yet another of S.M. Reine’s books. She has got a library full of her own writing at this stage. She never stops! So I couldn’t wait to read Spellsmoke. Unfortunately, I seem to have a huge amount of books to read right now and some are waiting for reviews. It’s hard to be fair when you have favorites. Wink, Wink.

When a book starts with Meadowood Mall… I’m hooked. I knew of every aspect of the walk through the mall. Even Dippity Dots Kiosk! And Borders! I love when Sara includes Reno and other places many of us know and love in her stories. Who knew so many demons and vampires walked the Washoe County streets? I wish I would have gotten to know her when I lived there!

Okay, Lincoln Marshall is not my favorite character. He maybe is equal or above Cesar but most people will like them, I think. What I liked was meeting old friends like Rylie and her wolf clan. Which reminds me: Please, if you haven’t started these series’s Start with Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon, #1). That’s when you meet Rylie Gresham for the first time. Lincoln comes later in the series. But recurs often enough you get to like him.

Oh, and we get to see Sophie Keyes the historian again. She’s a little weird, but I like her a lot.

Ms. Reine is bringing up touchy issues in this book but handles them with grace. Thing like racism and abuse. I’m proud of how she presents these and finds ways to explore both sides and introduces other angles not in a dogmatic way but rather in ways we all need to think on.

I can’t wait to read book three in this little series. We weren’t left on a cliff but were given enough to want to continue. I hate putting Sara’s books down and go back to real life!

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Lonesome Paladin (A Fistful of Daggers #1)Lonesome Paladin by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Though Cèsar and Lincoln are not my favorite characters, this book had me a Reno. I love it when Sara Reine centers her stories in my old haunts. Once I am immersed in the town, I care about what happens there. Who knew there were so many demons, vampires, were-creatures, fae in Reno? I’ve thought I’ve seen a glimmer here and there, but I figured it was a figment of my imagination–or was it?

I started this book around 9 PM last night and couldn’t stop reading until finished a little after midnight. It was a wild ride! While I told you my non-favorite characters, I was excited to know we would get to see Ophelia, Cèsar’s sister. And I enjoyed getting to know Sophie Keyes.

I always enjoy Ms. Reine’s books. That’s why I’m always happy to receive a request to read and review them. Thanks for the opportunity! And I love the side topic Sara was able to present in this book to make an educational moment or two.

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A Different BlueA Different Blue by Amy Harmon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am sad to finish this book. I was lucky to listen to the Audible version. Tavia Gilbert’s narration brought all the characters to life. There is no time that I thought I was hearing all one voice. Each character stood out on their own.

Whoever recommended this book to me, thank you. It was a book that I relished every minute. The main character had that spit fire attitude that I always enjoy. Think Max in Maximum Ride, only maybe even more so.

Though this is called a romance by other reviewers, it isn’t sappy and full of angst like other YA books. In fact, the romance is on the back burner as Blue tries to find her identity.

I even loved the secondary characters. I don’t know if they read as individualistic as the narrator made them sound but they were all lovable.

I almost gave the book four stars as there was a moment I nearly quit reading. It seemed to take Blue into a Jesus saves moment. Not that that is a bad thing in itself. It just didn’t fit with the rest of the story and I thought it was going to stay religious preaching rather than be a story of a person growing. Luckily the author didn’t stay with that theme and allowed Blue to continue life trying to be a good person. Never in a preachy way, just living as life came to her. It almost gave a realness to the story rather than distract. That could happen.

There were points where the book could have ended but the author remembered to cover all the loose thread and tidied up the ending so nicely.

One thing that bothered me is something that always bothers me. Why did Blue stop being herself? Just because a guy finally accepts and love abounds doesn’t mean a woman should become all sweet and pliable. It became too close to the common story of happily ever after and I don’t think that is acceptable now. There should be a part two where Blue realized what all brides need to learn–we have to stay ourselves to make a whole not lose ourselves and become the other person.

I highly recommend this book. Let me know what you think

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Silver Bullet Silver Bullet by S.M. Reine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another quick read. The only reason it took me so long was because it was a bit too intense to read before bed.I must admit that even as distressing as the story became, there was enough humor to offset it.

This will not go down as my favorite S.M. Reine series. I like the others that are with female leads. Riley is so sweet and strong. Elise was a tough cookie and even though she ended up a demon, she always fought for what was good. Cesar is mostly boring to me. And the worst part of the story is that the women in this series are mostly arm-candy.

All that said, the story itself is engaging. I want to know what is going to happen next. And since this one is set in Reno-Tahoe area, I felt quite involved. AND I look forward to the next book in the series, Hotter Than Helltown.

Keep cranking them out, Sarah! Your books are always unique and fun.

By the way, this was a free read for honest review.

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Paradise Damned
Paradise Damned by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, I can’t believe that I am finished with another of Ms. Sara Reine’s series. This, book 7 was the finale of the Descent series. It was gripping!

This one had you moving from Reno to hell and heaven and places between. It was a nightmare of Genesis, origin of man, angel, demons and the many things that could and did go wrong.

I love Elise Cavanaugh and James Faulkner. The tension between this couple that draws them closer and farther away keeps the reader on edge and only wishing for their safety. Both are flawed but strong characters who play out their lives in Ms. Reine’s worlds. The plots and worlds are equally strong and believable.

I am so glad I read this series. But remember that it is best to start with the Seasons of the Moon series and then start Descent series with Death’s Hand. Though I think one could read the books out of order, I have found that each book is built on the one before and you can feel the characters growing and the plots thickening.

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Review: Defying Fate

Defying Fate
Defying Fate by S.M. Reine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Taking a break from Elise in this book. Climb into James Faulkner’s mind and life. I liked meeting his son and previous girlfriend and seeing how that dynamic affects James’s life.

If anyone has been paying attention, I have been working my way through all of Sara Reine’s books. She is very creative and has an odd combination of fantasy and real life. This Descent series centers in the Reno/Tahoe area and I find myself wanting to go check out the landmarks. Maybe I will find the Dance studio and meet James or Elise. But then we are suddenly cast into Hell or Heaven or a Haven or other dimension, often that mirror the Reno areas and I wonder if I could find those places and the nightmares, demons or angels that hang out there. Do suspend disbelief.

Since my computer wasn’t working right, yesterday, I couldn’t write this review properly on my laptop. Instead, I found the next book and started reading it. Yay, Elise is back in that one!

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Review: Dire Blood

Dire Blood
Dire Blood by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t know what I can say about this book that I haven’t about the series in general. Each book has been non-stop action. I can’t stop reading long enough to write another review. Except this one. I haven’t bought the next book yet. I have used up my book allowance for this paycheck. But you can bet I will in the next few days!

Ms. Reine knows how to write in a way that keeps the reader engaged and wondering what will happen next. All her characters are realistic and interesting. Her main characters are strong yet flawed enough to make us believe.

I hope this isn’t a spoiler but something happens in this book that we have been waiting for since the beginning. Are you curious? Check out Six Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon #1) and keep reading all the wonderful stories that S.M Reine shares. Wonder if I will ever catch up reading this prolific writer’s work!

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The Descent Series: Vol.1
The Descent Series: Vol.1 by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sometimes when you read something that doesn’t work, you have to put it aside and come back with fresh eyes. That is what I had to do with this series. The first time I tried to read it I found myself getting messed up with the dates and years. This is where a tree book would have solved my problem quickly. But with the Kindle flipping through pages to see the beginnings of each chapter messes with the ability to sync between apps. So I let it go and started this again a couple days ago. I still had that date issue but plowed on through and–wow! I was glad I did! Turns out that things resolve themselves so that you can figure out if it is in the past or present moment. So don’t worry about it.

Okay. If anyone knows me, they know I am not into werewolves, angels and demons, etc. Nightmare stuff for me. So, take it from me, that S.M. Reine can tell a story that will keep you focused on nothing else but her story. Yeah, there is a lot of blood and guts, and all the above. Yet the characters she has inhabiting my world (yeah, Reno!) are likable and flawed. There is enough faith in these characters to know that the good guys win and make it a better place to live.

Did I mention Reno? Ms. Reine placed her story in my city and I could picture everywhere than she mentions in this book. I have to admit that I will keep on the lookout for zombies and giant spiders near the university. And watch out for demons here, everyone!

The pictures I see of the author make her look like she’s twelve, but she is a fantastic writer. Not a word is wasted, every word moves the story and you just can’t wait to see what her young mind can make real next. You would think I would understand how it is she writes so well with as many of hers books that I’ve read, but I am more amazed with each book.

For those of you just getting started I’d read the Seasons of the Moon series first and then move into the Cain Chronicles then you can do the side step into the Descent Series. I still have a couple more of those and then there is the Ascension series. I plan to read them all. I can’t get enough of this author’s words and worlds. Well done!

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