Tag Archive: Scarlett Royal

I’m sorry to have to combine days but, well, life, ya know?

First, I was busy making these while binge-watching shows on television.

A friend’s daughter had a baby boy. By the way, the snowman is for the big sister. The octopus is my own creation. The hat and booties are the patterns from the KB Baby Looms.

The snowman is from Scarlett Royal.

Then I got busy thinking that working my 10-stitch afghan to keep warm while in my living room. But it had been nearly a year since I worked on it and I couldn’t get it to work right. I’d forgotten how I was working it. It was lap-size that that point. I was really unhappy with it all so I frogged it. The whole thing. It took most of the day. (Frogged=unraveled=ripped. Sounds like ribbit, get it?) I kind of like doing that as I know I will have more yarn. I like the sound of the ripping. But then I make yarn cakes with my  Yarn Winder.

I don’t often make that many cakes in a day. I couldn’t sleep last night for the pain in my winding arm. I still didn’t finish until mid-day today. Then I started my new 10-Stitch using Kristen Mangus’s pattern. I’ve made about five inches now, Can’t wait until it can keep me warm again.

Meanwhile, there was no need for companionship as this one is always within my reach, like now.

Isn’t that one of the sweetest faces around? And she understands a lot more than a lot of people!

Jot It 18th

Streaming and Jotting 19th

Television prompt


50 Loom Knitted Stuffed Animal Pattern Collection50 Loom Knitted Stuffed Animal Pattern Collection by Scarlett Royale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is kept for its reference capabilities. I have not made every animal in the book. But I have made enough to know that I am happy to have the book.

One of the problems I have with the book is that sometimes the patterns can be confusing and there are a few errors. But the best part of this book is the links to the tutorials. They take you right to the YouTube teaching how to make what you want to make. My latest is the snowman, that looks so cute! And it had very little sewing.

I would like to someday get the paper version so I don’t have to be on the computer while making these little cuties. But in the meantime, this will do!

View all my reviews

Loom Surprise

Look who just jumped off my loom!

Oh, wait, wrong picture!

Okay. Not exact. I need to work on it more, but for a first try not to bad, eh? Oh, Once again, I thank Scarlett Royal for her pattern and tutorial of making the dog.

Loom Knitting News

Here are some of my latest creations for charities:]

These little guys are fun to make. Thanks to LoomaHat.com for teaching us how to make them. The big one I made on the KK 24 peg. The little one I did on my Martha Stewart 24 peg loom which is much smaller. It’s fun to see how different they turn out. I usually use up my scrap yarn on these.


Hey, everyone! Here is my very first needle knitted hat! I started with a provisional cast on and then alternated inches of purls with inches of knits and even cast off first with the circular needles, then finally on four Double Point Needles. Please allow me a moment of awesome pride. Okay. I’m over it.


So, my brother and my son said this looked more like a young lion. But it is a cow. This is one of Scarlett Royal’s inventions. Okay, so I should have used more tan color but this is what I had. I think a kid will like it. The curlycue of yarn on top is the bow holding the label telling about the Hat Hugger group I get the donated yarn from and who gives our creations to the charities.


This lion was fun to make but the mane is hard for me. I count to nine without knitting fairly well. Keeping track of nine rows of two seems impossible. So some lanks of mane came out too long. I just took some ribbons and tied them fancy like the Cowardly Lion in Emerald City. Notice the pink arm. I ran out of the yarn I used on the rest of the lion as I reached the last arm. Since these go to kids in the clinic I figured I’d give him a cast. Hopefully, this guy will find a kid with a cast to commiserate with.



This is many shots of the same dragon and his little hat for a baby sibling. He likes the mouse. He thinks he is supposed to ride on it. He’s just a baby dragon and doesn’t know better. By the way, the lion and the dragon are Scarlett Royal patterns, too. I love her minis best and the sheriff here in town as requested I make a lot of these as he loves handing them out to the homeless kids or kids at the clinic. Because they are tiny and are easy for the kids to hold and enjoy. If the sheriff wants minis I make minis, what can I say?



I really enjoyed making this hat and love how it turned out. It was made on KB white loom with the small gauge. I just did three knits and three purls (rib stitch) all the way to the top. Because of the small gauge, it took quite a while to finish. The yarn is bumpily but very soft. It has that gradual color change that works up so cool. I have a ton of this that I took from Hat Huggers because it is so soft. So I am making another one with smaller rib stitch pattern. I think this will make a good hat for someone who might have bad/no hair days. It’s so soft and fits low on the head. I have to admit I am tempted to keep it. I won’t. But I can wish.

Newest Creations

A friend told me that March 1st was National Pig Day. She was making the piggie to celebrate. She did an awesome job. It was Scarlett Royal’s gem. It looked like fun so I made three. Two still need to be stuffed and sewn closed but here is my finished project with the matching baby hat.

The color of the hat is the actual color of both. By the way, the hat is alternating e-wrap for a few rows and then flat-wrap on a 24 peg (blue KK). Now to make two more matching sets.

Rewards of two days of 2 mile walks three angles of the same sunset

And finishing this cute little guy:

Life is good.

Loom Knitting Sunday

No prompt. Just pictures, as bad as they are of what I’ve finished recently.

The tiny sock took me ages because it was on the KB2 loom that feels like it will break as you work. I’m glad my friend Kay gave me the metal/wood one for Christmas. I plan to use it next. By the way, I frogged this sock. It was merely a learning situation. Speaking of frogging, that hat I was knitting on the circular needles has been frogged once more. Yep, starting over. I’m learning, slowly!



This little doll and toddler hat were fun and easy. Both projects are LoomAHat.com (doll here) patterns that I have memorized and modified here and there.

I don’t know if you can tell what this is. It is a mini goat and baby hat. The yarn has fun little bumps all over and that makes it hard to see features. I can’t think of something this yarn would be good for. I doubt the baby will like wearing the hat. It’s kind of itchy. But it makes a cute bag for the goat to hang out in. The mini goat is a Scarlet Royal pattern (scroll to the bottom of the page), the hat from LoomAHat.

Meanwhile, I have two other socks in the process, the knitted knocker, and the circular needle hat. Since I am being requested for more toys I will work on them the most and do these harder projects a bit at a time.

Newest Loom Knitting Projects

I love making these comfort dolls. I have the pattern memorized. All I need is leftover yarn and go to town. LoomAHat.com is where to find this addicting tutorial.




Scarlett Royal’s mini animals are another favorite. This mini-elephant is found here. They work up very fast and take very little yarn.



Oops, this little fellow strayed from his friends.



No single pattern here. Make a baby hat on the 24 peg loom. Turn the hat inside out and bring the cast-on loops back on. Divide up the loom to add tentacles. This little guy was an experiment of leftover yarn and three different loom knit curlycue tutorials. They say that preemies like these squid/octopi. Oh–I ended making this guy reversible. If it doesn’t go to a baby it may go to a kid that likes throwing a ball around.



Yes, another elephant. This one is so soft I almost kept it!20180101_121951


Here’s my squiddy of the day. I’m getting better at the tentacles. I made this like a ball, too, so it can be a versatile toy.20180101_183738




I can’t remember where I learned about the Brioche or even if I am spelling it right. It was fun and I will try it again sometime. It went to charity alomg with most of the toys. (The dragon with to a friend.)







These little hats are reversible and will be warm!






I love this camo yarn. I need to get more of it. I love how it stripes up so pretty! By the way, sorry about the dog hair on the hat below. I don’t live in a vacuum and there are dog and cats that donate their love, too.






Well, that’s most of them. Some are too dark to see so I didn’t share those. Some I’ve forgotten to take pictures. About five or more are still in progress because I can’t seem to ever just do one at a time. I got a new sock loom from a friend and I have several other new looms to try out. As most of the new projects are with the yarn from a friend, they will go to friends. But those done with the donated yarn go to charity.

I want to make sure that credit goes to those I learned from, the Santa Hat is LoomaHat, the toys are LoomaHat and Scarlett Royal. The cowl hood is mostly Tuteate. The rest are combinations of them and my own ideas.







Loom Knit Safari CollectionLoom Knit Safari Collection by Scarlett Royal

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I can finally give a review of this book! I made each and every animal featured in this book. Yet I have to take responsibility for the less than 5 stars here. That makes me a little sad. You see, I am not as good at reading patterns as I would like. I have been loom knitting since about February of last year. Mostly I feel I have learned to watch YouTube instructions better and better. In the process, I am gaining the ability to read patterns, but still not there.

What does this have to do with the book? Well, each of the patterns in this book has a corresponding tutorial on YouTube. Except for the giraffe. That one leads you to a Ravelry page with a picture of the giraffe but nothing else. So there was my problem. I only had the pattern and did my best to help the giraffe come to be. I think I did okay. If you follow my blog you will see my nearly finished giraffe and a hat to go with it. I need to add eyes. I want to make the long lashes I love so much on giraffes so for now, the baby is sightless.

Oh, the other problem I have to own is my inability to count. The poor lion had a few curls that were a bit too long. But that is not the fault of the author. She did a fantastic job writing the instructions and filming the tutorials. Maybe she could teach us some hints as to how she keeps track of small rows and the like?

Anyway if you go to darsword on wordpress you will see my results. (I can’t put an URL on here. Hope you can find me.) This book was reasonably priced. I just wish I could afford Scarlett Royals other books. She is a great designer of loom knitting items. I can’t wait to learn more from her.

View all my reviews

Here are pictures of what I have made:


I made the elephant first. Since the yarn is donated I often don’t have the right colors or enough of said colors. Hence the psychedelic elephant.


I didn’t like how the monkey’s muzzle turned out so I added lips. I don’t have glass eyes that Scarlett Royal suggests. So I made these on the spool knitter. The lips I did that way, too. The hat is Tuteate’s pattern. I followed her tutorial on YouTube as I do most of my knitted things. The reason I made a hat with ears is I made most things with the donated yarn for charity and my group said that they gave my things to the local clinic. I thought that the hat and monkey would be fun together.


See what happens when I run out of the right color yarn? Colorful arms! I still haven’t made the eyes for this guy. Again, I don’t think the glass eyes would be good if the recipient of the gift might put them in their mouths and choke. My brother suggested whiskers. You can’t see them very well here but they are there. The nose was done on the spool knitter.


The giraffe was the hardest as I had to use just a pattern. Still, I think he turned out okay. I still need to make the eyes. I hope I can make eyes with long lashes like real giraffes have. The hat was the Tuteate patter except I used the ear pattern from Scarlett Royal’s animal patterns so I didn’t have to sew it on. And I didn’t close the way Tuteate does hers. I used Scarlett Royal’s Kitchener stitch to close. I think it worked out quite well. Oops, I just noticed I need to sew close the ears. Well, I wasn’t finished when I finished the book. If I think it makes a big difference I will post the finished products here.

And though he isn’t in the book here is another stuffed animal using Scarlett Royal’s YouTube:


My friend suggested steam or flame from the nostrils so I added a those bits.


Eyes are done on the spool knitter. Since this is going to an adult I will get the glass eyes instead.


I love how the spike knit up. I added the wings from Scarlett Royal’s bat pattern. I will add pipe cleaners to these so they can stand out. I made this dragon with my own materials is for one of my best friends who is crazy for dragons.

20170715_13272820170715_13275120170715_132803I love him! I can’t wait to make more of him for me and my other friends who are dragonphiles.

But will this next one has nothing to do with the book it is the latest of my tiny dolls. This pattern is by Denise of LoomAHat. This is the cupcake doll. I added the ears–just because I wanted to! These are so fun and easy and versatile. This will go to the clinic.

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