Tag Archive: sea turtles

I can’t believe I’m involved in three diamond paintings at a time.  I straightened and sealed the Sea Turtles. So that on pay day I can mail it. It still looks the same so I’ll use a past pic.

This was a fun project!

While it was drying, I decided to go with the peacock next. So I’m geared up ready to go. Here’s the opening.

The usual pen, cushion, tray, wax and baggies. Those cellophane bags the drills come in were so full of static. I think because today was windy, snowy, rainy, and back to wind.
I can’t wait to start this beauty! I have books on that center fold hoping to iron it out by tomorrow. We
I got this much done so far on the lighthouse. Click on the picture to see the diamonds and empty symbols. I learned, just now, that this lightpad doesn’t need to stay plugged in. It can be charged! Yay! Small wins, ya know?
Except for hiding the yarn ends, I finished these.  They seem larger than the size 7. But as slippers they may work.

So the founding of the day was trying not to dump diamonds everywhere especially with static making them fly. I only have two hands people!

I so hoped I’d be finished today but my back started hurting so I had to quit. But look how close!

Just the fin and head of under turtle, and a tiny bit of sea.

And, so close on this pair of socks. Just the cuff. So, again, probably tomorrow.

I hope these are size 7.

Toes done, now ready for that comfy arch part.

These will be small. I hope to try the fishlip heel on these. I’m told it is easy. If not I’ll tink back and do the Fleegle Heel. It’s so easy.

While Diamond Painting I enjoyed zooming with friends or listening to The Mammoth Hunters. While knitting, I have been enjoying The Flight Attendant. (A comedy, thriller yeah, more thriller.)

Sans popcorn this time.

February must be fading away as the flounder doesn’t seem so large.

I bet fellow flounder thinks sea turtles fly!

Sorry you’ve had to see these so often. It’s hard to photograph my recordering or uking it up.

Finishing bigger turtle’s top fin. If you click on the picture you can see tomorrow’s fun.
I seem to get hyper focused on these, too. I’m on #24 of 43. The thing about crossword puzzles is how you have to mind-read.
Starting the heels tomorrow. Trying for size 7.

I’ve been trying to rebinge The Walking Dead. I’m finally on season 11 on Netflix. This Sunday we’ll see the what happened to Rick and Michonne.

It has a lot of dark scenes. I don’t like how they show dark as I can’t see anything. I guess people who have better televisions can see but between our TV and my eyes, I tend to concentrate on my knitting rather than strain my eyes.

I’m enjoying a second read of the Clan of the Cave Bears. I love listening to this second book, Valley of Horses while Diamond Painting. It helps me sit there longer. I think this is my favorite of the series. Does anyone know if they ever did a TV series? No, there’s no way it could be as good as the books, but still it could be good.

My constant Flounder not just in February is with time to sleep. Especially if it’s a good book! Bedtime doesn’t even have diamond painting for a side distraction.

Here’s that holey bendy bits and the rings bits. How do they fits?
Bendies at the top and bottom of the three chains. Ringies hook the top of the chains to the heart and another hooks the big gem at the bottom. Squeeze the hole parts onto the chain with pliers. Make sure they are on tight or you will be flustered and floundering and possibly throwing all the bits. Two suncatchers more to go. Enough frustration for this day!
Progress, mostly halfway finished

Real flounders entice sea turtles down to floor. The flounders are having a feast!

Another pair of slipper socks. I’m incorporating that nice stretchy arch I learned with the no-show socks.

I’m getting a little better with chording on the ukulele. I almost don’t have to look when changing from C to F to G7 and back to C all the while singing. Almost time for a new lesson. It’s supposed to be a 30 day course, but my soft, achy fingers needed more time. I’m still learning day 9 a couple weeks later.

The recorder comes and goes. Teaching myself and my fingers soprano, alto, and tenor. I can finally reach all notes on soprano and alto, though not consistently. I can barely get the top three holes of the tenor.

And. AND I CLEANED THE PIANO WELL SO IT WELCOMES ME! Maybe tomorrow I’ll actually play!!!!

A quick note. Door push-ups, floor to ceiling stretches, then more than 30 minutes or more than 5 miles on the stationary bike. All still happening. So some things are growing into habits. Others are still work. But a lot of flounder still happens. Ah, well, it’s February!

Floundering February

How is it already Sunday, almost Monday? The weekends seem to affect me now as much as they did when I was working. Back then, the time that was my own was filled with all the things to get ready for the work week and take care of the house. Now it’s just a rhythm change. Chris and I watch sci-fi, fantasy, or disaster movies. Just kind of like our date time. Today we watched Daybreak on, um, I think it was Hulu. It was pretty good to be so old.

Before we found a good show to settle on, we were watching vet shows and Sunday Morning and UU, where they celebrated Mardi Gras. 

I got a bit more of the Sea Turtle done. (Just the back leg and tail).

The backlighting seems to show all the wavering lines. Guess I need to hit it with the straight edge to straighten it out. What’s funny is that that little tail bit took longer than the sea parts. I think I am not used to the confetti coloring and need to get more efficient with my trays. I’ll share that later. I think this is going to be pretty when finished with all the colors.

Time to do the recorder. Then scales on the keyboard. I do think all this floundering is making progress. But it is slow, for sure. By the way, I took a few moments while the computer wi-fi loaded that sea turtle picture, to practice chord changes and You Are My Sunshine on the uke.

Practice makes progress.

I finished these ages ago but never did the sealing or chaining them to the hooks and beads. So tonight I sealed side one. I think by Sunday I’ll have them ready to hang up.
I was able to last longer this time finishing the strip on the left side. This has a lot of color in it. Even the water is varied in its blues and greens.
I finally have a I, IV, and a V. Okay, I needed to do a quick note to myself as to how to do the G7 (V). But as I sing as I strum, I’m teaching myself to work with chords instead of each individual note (how I was taught all my life).
Here is the next batch of chords I’m working on. Yes, I cheated by adding my own I and IV chords.
On the recorder I’m playing with the G major scale and arpeggio, and that minuet. On piano both are easy but trying to be smooth with breath and fingers is the challenge.
This song has memories. I was learning it in voice class when my grandmother was dying. I hadn’t memorized the lyrics but by her hospital bed as she was nearing the end, my cousin asked me to sing a song. Here I floundered, all I could hear was The Ash Grove. But I couldn’t. I didn’t know the words. It’s quite beautiful and fitting for the situation. So I sang nothing. I did get to sing In The Garden at her funeral.            My work on this is to get smooth enough to record them to sing to.
I can play all the melody songs on my soprano recorder. But now I want to learn the harmonies and all the alto recorder parts. Again I hope to record and do duets with myself.
I found this pair of socks I’d started and somehow forgot. So I’m farther along in my family gift than I thought.
I’ve made a little progress here probably 3 more inches then start the heel.
One more inch and the arch gets made. I’m really enjoying these sneaker no-show socks. I nearly have the pattern memorized.
Rock on, Friday Night!

Petualang Baru

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