Tag Archive: self esteem

Read top down, then bottom up.

Way to Go, Linda. Eight years of Streaming Consciousness Saturday!

Sometimes in a person’s life they need more ‘atta girl’s. Not always. Sometimes just everyday keeps us going. But I have found that when I feel least alive and I can’t find motivation for even breathing, I need to stop and take stock of my day, week, life. While it is nice when others congratulate me. I find my own boost in saying, “Look at that! Look what you survived, created, loved!”

This blog has been that for me. Day-to-day can be dull. Downright angsty. Especially these last two years. So I am learning to see small accomplishments. Not earth-shattering wins. But things that make me smile and feel alive.

Today’s win is I ran out of Haven 2 to edit. There were 52,053 words altogether. There was no ‘the end’ and quite a few undeveloped characters, scenes, and plot bunnies to work on. I have a better working title: Haven, Above, Beneath, Beyond. My next step is to work toward 60k a full story, minus stuff that needs to be deleted.

Confessions of an Ugly Girl (Ugly Girl Series #1)Confessions of an Ugly Girl by Alice Wasser

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finally! A book that isn’t about the thinnest, sexiest, and most beautiful people. Is anyone else as bored as I am by this trend in books and movies/television? Heck, I’ve gotten to where I can’t tell actors and actresses apart as they all attempt to look the same. And they are always striving to be the same age. Don’t other ages, shapes, shades, orientations, etc. deserve adventures, love, money, their story told? And don’t get me started about the lack of strong females, having many of them in the same show. Look, I’ve spent my last year reading books by women with female main characters. Once I was convinced of this lack I started seeing how badly our reflections in films, have also been in short supply. Oh, and take a look at the news, no matter what channel you watch. Okay, stepping down from my soap box…

So when I saw this title for free I had to grab it. It was fun and yet had good strong bones of reality. The main character isn’t needing a man. She has a great career with plenty of income to cover all her needs and wants. The job is boring but she likes it. But she would like to meet someone and have romance in her life. Her perception of herself is that she is ugly and fat. Is it her reality that keeping those things from her, or her own self-image?

Then she meets someone who’s picture shows he’s far too handsome for her. He likes her, flirts with her… on the phone. When they meet she finds she has some of her own biases to overcome. I love how well the author expresses this relationship and its growth.

Because the main character is an actuary the book is full of random facts that I feel add a lot to the story.

Oh, and I may as well include that the love interest is a quadriplegic. Now here are some life issues to deal with. This is such an interesting story that I had to grab book two to see what happens next.

Please, if you get the chance, read this book and see how some of the non-rich and famous and gorgeous people find their way to love.

View all my reviews


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