Tag Archive: Starry Night

Per Linda: Your prompt for JusJoJan January 2nd 2023, is “constellation.” Use the word “constellation” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Thanks, Willow, for today’s prompt. Click on her name to check out her blog.

Look at all those stars!

As Van Gogh illustrated it seems they are in motion. And they blink in and out. Magical. Even when we know the science behind the beauty. We are in awe.

As a young person, I gazed at the stars and learned the names of the constellations you would think that my favorite would be the archer. Sagittarius, after all. But I gravitated to the serpentine creature between the big bear and little bear. Draco. I could hear him call to me.

One day he joined the constellation of characters in my books. There are nearly as many dragons in the books I write as there are people. Dragons can teach, transfer in time and space, form living areas for everyone when the planet surface becomes uninhabitable due to meteors falling.

Best of all, dragons are a reflection of our inner being. That’s why my favorite dragon is Enelrad. Her mate is Sirch.

We can be brave and fly between bears (or the stars). We can fly between the constellations.

Someday I will be able to publish Haven’s stories.

Things I’d like to Try

Van Gogh’s Starry Night with the first image taken by the James Webb telescope by alpgenart

I’d like to add this to my Van Gogh wall.

On another level, I want to learn better ways to fix mistakes in knitting. I tried a lifeline as I remembered doing a long time ago. I spent all day fixing my mistake. For future reference I’m posting the YouTube I should have watched early this morning. Hope it helps others and future me.

One-Liner Wednesday

Starry Night becomes Sunflowers

Can’t seem to turn it. But the picture is on the bottom of the frame.
Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday

Making Monday

I wish I could say I finished something but, nope. Still I like seeing progress. A couple things are getting close.

Tomorrow I’ll finish Starry Night. So few uncovered symbols (lower left, blues).

The next two hats are nearing the decreasing section.

The scrappy slipper socks are at the cuff stage.

I’m feeling more confident with my HiyaHiya Fliers. Half the cuff of sock number one is done. These are so thin, like wires. This is meant to be a small sock. I only have this one skein so this may be just a first try. I think I shared the YouTube a few days ago. The hard part of watching is the presenter is using continental knitting. It’s been a while since I tried that so I’m having to learn using my right hand against learning as she uses her left hand.

I hate/love following my passion. There are only so many hours a day and somethings get lost in the shuffle. Like recorders and pianos and singing. Like writing and editing. Like other artwork. I miss those pursuits. Like old friends and family. Yet the knitting is calling. I barely put half an hour on the diamond painting. I’m putting in about the same on the treadmill. It’s something! More than I’d get done otherwise.

Finishing Friday

Since the bear and other toy haven’t progressed at all since last seen they don’t rate a picture. I promise, this weekend I’ll stuff, sew, and make faces. On them and myself!

Does it count if progress was made then tinking had to happen? I’m almost to the point of the dreaded goof. Then the hat will become.
This hat shows promise. Two inches then time to decrease crown.
This latecomer hat is nearing end of brim.
Scrappy slipper socks farther along than before mad frogging. Ankles and cuff are all that’s left. Yay!
Starry Night is nearly finished. Tomorrow or Sunday. It’s inspiring my own inner artist to come out.
My Van Gogh sketch wants to be transferred to canvas then painted or pasteled. Scary. I’ve never done a painting outside of the occasional paint-by-number. Wish me luck!

Finishing Friday

This is the feet and pants of the bear I’m learning to knit. See yesterday’s blog for the YouTube.

By the way, see the end of the needles? These were part of a little box my mom gave me decades ago. I don’t know what the gob is. Maybe putty? Gum? And I’m not sure but that these may be ivory from the days when we did such horrors as chop of elephant tusks for our knitting or makeup supplies. Still, it is cool to have inherited my mother’s needles.

This will be another hat.

This little squiggly doll was made a year or so ago. I don’t like stuffing and sewing so he went into the WIP cave of lost souls. But my daughter’s new interest in knitting toys gave me a boost to try and finish him. I need to stuff and sew on the arms and give him a hat or hair and a face.

Two hats
Frogged and remounted socks.
A lapdog that wouldn’t let me knit.❤️
On my last third of the diamond painting.

This and That

Found on Facebook
Progress, though slow.
This yarn was too thick for this project. The G size crochet hook is larger than this yarn. Besides it was hurting my arms and shoulders working this tight. So it’s been frogged.
So now this KB loom will be making a hat.
As will the cable needles and the Flexee fine-gauge loom. I guess I’m on a hat kick. But I really want to work on socks.

I hope you have a great week.

Finished Friday

FINALLY! After many frogs and tinks the needle hat is finished.

It looks small but it fits my big head. There’s lots of yarn left in the skein so I may attempt another hat. These are donated yarns so they go to the charity.
Almost to the decreasing part of the crown of the hat. I can’t wait to see how the two hats compare.

The socks are all in the position last seen. I guess my hands needed a hat break.

More than halfway done with Starry Night.

I’m loving, well, loving hating my treadmill. I know if I keep it up I will make healthy progress.

That’s it for now. Wish I had progress on any writing. But we celebrate what we can.

My condolences to my friends across the pond.

Have a good weekend!

Hope you had a wonderful three-day weekend and celebrated a thoughtful, safe Labor Day, for those here in the states. And for those elsewhere, I hope you had a great few days.

It is Fall here. 94-100 degrees during the day but leaves are littering the porch and driveway proving a huge drop at night. We have hit high 30s (F)! Can you believe it? Really, this time I’m ready to let go of what used to be my favorite season. With no chance to swim and overwhelming flies and moths, bring on the chill!

So what are my latest WIPs? Many will look familiar but believe it or not, much progress has happened.

This is new. I’m trying HiyaHiya Fliers to make a small sock. These are the sharpest thinnest needles I’ve ever worked with. I really want to learn this. I have to try in small bits. This is soft thin yarn so not the best for socks but easy on my hands as I learn.
This may look like no progress but I had to frog my last try so I’m actually 4 rows beyond where I was before. I’ll probably finish the cuff tonight by bringing up the loops attached to the markers to to pegs.
So these scrappy yarn slipper socks are my least favorite project. The acrylic yarn too thick to work on these fine-gauge looms. But I think they’ll be warm for someone.
These two look familiar, too. I’ve made no progress to the hat on the Flexee fine-gauge, on the left. I’m wanting to do the crown decreases at the same time. I had to frog the needle-knit hat on the right. As of today,  I’m two inches from the crown decreases. Maybe tomorrow?
Almost to the halfway point on my diamond painting, Starry Night. Sitting in the new office chair is far easier on my back and arms than the piano bench. I picked up some cheap sets on Wish that we’ll be getting from the post office tomorrow afternoon. I’ll let you know how good or bad it is.
I finished diamonding both sides of the mobile. Tomorrow I’ll seal them and figure out how the chains and jewels work for hanging. I hope they catch the sun rays through our north-facing living room windows.

I’m feeling much better having crackled my back by moving pillows. It quit hurting. The bladder infection seems gone. No more pain. No temp. Here’s what I took besides drinking tons of water.

What are your WIPs? Oh, and

With the shoulder hating me, I am doing less Diamond Painting.

The upper fourth(?) is almost done. The left corner will be finished tomorrow. I just have to be happy with small successes.

Meanwhile, the hobby that hurts the least is needle knitting. Even loom knitting hurts if I do too much.

I’m experimenting on two knitted hats. The one on the Flexee fine-gauge loom is an inch longer. I’ll need to make the needle hat longer to catch up. But each have the same amount of cast-on and stitches. Well, the Flexee one has two-by-two ribbing on the brim as opposed to one-by-one. Needle knitting is slower for me but I feel good about how it looks. I’m curious to see if they will be comparable in size when done.

Same yarn. Much more pure white than cell shows.

I do have a couple pairs of socks in the works but they’re a bit too painful. It is the yarn and pattern I was using before the shoulder thing that is making it hard. If it were a good sock yarn it wouldn’t be so difficult.

Scrappy slipper socks
The plastic markers need to be remounted onto the pegs. That will make a picot top to the brim. I like how the stitches look so far.

I’m feeling better. I haven’t had to take Advil or use ice all day. And I could do 22 minutes on the treadmill. Not very fast for a mile but something, ya know? Lots of shows to catch up on.

How I feel now. Looks a bit like the walking dead. But I’m just showing how the shoulder feel.

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