Tag Archive: #Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Stream of Consciousness Saturday, Pro

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with pro.” Find a word that starts with “pro” and use it any way you like in your post. Enjoy!

Prompts by Linda are always fun and most challenging. Professionals probably have no problem promoting prose through this WordPress program. The prolific are providing their readers with many provocative and thoughtful daily posts. I keep promising myself that I will produce more, but not yet a pro(duce).

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “a word that contains a silent letter.” Choose a word that contains a silent letter and use it in your post, or write about words with silent letters in general. Enjoy!

Though I wanted to actually write something creative today, I found it rather tough after working on my other projects. Oh, and we are busy watching Moonfall and now Night Sky ( both quite interesting) I’m too tired and distracted.

Here are the experiment hats.

side view of the needle-knitted hat
another side needle-knitted
top view needle-knitted
top view of the Flexee Fine-gauge knitted hat
Side view of Flexee fine-gauge knitted hat
other side views of Flexee fine-gauge knitted hat

The needle-knitted hat turned out a little too big and the Flexee a little too small. The Flexee colors made it easy to do a two-by-two ribbing. In the needle-knitted hat, I found it easy to find where the purls were and where the knits were, so I did a one-by-one ribbing.

I loved Moonfall. (HBOMAX) My favorite kind of movie!

And I am quite into Night Sky on Amazon Prime.

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “key.” Use it as a noun, a verb, or use it metaphorically. Have fun!

“Key!” she shouted. It made no sense to me. What key? What did I need a key for?

She was pointing down toward the table in the mud room. There was a key. But why did she shout? What am I supposed to use it for? I barely had the time to think. A huge man was behind my mom. Suddenly she was tumbling down the stairs. It took me no time to realize she was dead. Her neck bent sideways at a ninety-degree angle.

Without another thought, I took the key and ran to the car. Luckily, those keys were in my pocket. I wasted no time getting out of town. This seemed an impossible mission. But we’d had so many break-ins at home and work that I knew it had something to do with me. In that sense, I was a key. People were being killed. People I loved.

An old motel just out of town offered me the respite I needed. While sitting at the old bed, hoping the bed bugs would be kind, I looked at the key. Not house, not car, bank? Why me?

These questions would have to wait. A strange sound came from the bathroom. A toy wind-up monkey?

end of stream

Stream of Consciousness Saturday

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is starts with “u.” Find a word that starts with the letter “u” and use it however you’d like. Bonus points if it’s the first word in your post. Enjoy!

Using the protocol taught by Undercover Spies United, Ursala peeked out from under her umbrella to observe the undertaking before her. Rain hit her in the eye, but she was persistent. Besides, it merely cleared her dry eye problem.

Usually, the minister conducted a eulogy over the casket. Instead, he seemed to be giving a puppet show to the mourners. The children were laughing. So unusual. But this was not a real person in the casket. The children’s network had lost a star. Ulysses, the underdog, had been a favorite for all. Uttering his last words while not using child-appropriate language caused his death.

Ursala had to make sure that it was all done tastefully. The network was still under contract. Another company was ready to use the dog once the make-over was complete. It was all understandable. Just unfortunate for Ulysses.

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “wallpaper.” Use it however you’d like. Have fun!

Wallpaper has become a symbol of the angst of new technology. Each new phone, Fire, and computer has wallpaper choices. They try to get me to choose something with buildings, but I reject those pictures. I like the ones with nature most prominent. Sunsets and beaches are my favorites. How about something like these?

Photo by Sebastian Voortman on Pexels.com

If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably have already picked up on the themes of my life.

In real life, I prefer no wallpaper. Mostly it makes the walls feel busy. My life and home are too busy to have it appear on the walls. I don’t even enjoy putting up pictures. That’s funny in that I spend a lot of time making pictures! I wish I could just do the pictures and let others pin them on their walls. I like the process.

Well, back to my newest Diamond fun. Wallpaper begets this wallflower.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Prompt of the day, per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “wash/awash.” Use one, use both, use ’em any way you like. Bonus points for using both. Enjoy!

Plans for the ADD person are complicated at best. But with the addition of nearly 100 degrees, cleaning vomit from the dog who seems not to get along with her meds, then the trips outside and all the normal things to do in a day. My plans were awash. Not laundry. Just washed away.

Instead of writing or getting projects into yWriter7, WriteItNow, and Scrivener, I found a video game that I could download from the game group I bought from ages ago. I have a ton of writing that needs editing and moved around. Overwhelm much? Yep!

The story is horrid. The games and hidden objects help distract the heat and guilt of not doing the jobs I should.

So I bathed myself in non-adulting for a change! Take that, adult world! Awash in fun for a change!

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

The prompt from Linda G. Hill:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “the first 2-5 words at the top of the closest printed matter.” Open (if necessary) the closest printed matter to you. Use the first 2-5 words at the top of the page any way you’d like in your post. Have fun!


It’s Never.

That’s right. It’s never. Different than forever. Different than now. Endings. They are as sure as beginnings. And just as unpredictable. ‘It was a dark and stormy night’ could easily be an ending as a beginning. Think about it. The main character feels solid in her growth and the reader knows there is no more story. Even still it could end because it was a dark and stormy night. Hey, better that than, It’s never.

What happens in never? Is Peter Pan the only one to deal with that? Never grow up, never grow old. Like that’s the worst that can happen? Never to have learned, never to have lived seems worse, don’t you think?

Somehow as I read the first two words of the Julia Cameron title, ‘It’s Never Too Late To Begin,’ somehow, I heard the ending of an argument between a man and woman and the woman is shouting, “It’s Never!” That shouted in my head. Maybe that’s the result of too many hours watching shows and hearing fights. Still, can you hear that argument?

“Well, what’s it gonna be, Mabel? When are you going to grow up” [staying with the aforementioned Pan] “Are you going to pay these bills? Now or ever?”

The woman grabbed her hoodie from the coat rack. “Never! You made these bills. You pay them. It’s never!” She donned the sweatshirt and pulled up the hood. The door slammed satisfactorily behind her. She smiled as she realized Never is a good place to be. It was a dark an stormy night. Her kind of night.

Photo by Nikolett Emmert on Pexels.com

Here’s me wishing for rain.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “—amble.” Add letters to the beginning of “-amble” to make another word or use it as is in your post. Enjoy!

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Writing my memoirs is like ambling back through my life. 72 years of shambles and rambling through brambles. Ouch! or take a gamble with this choice or that. Though it is fun to revisit with my grandparents and aunts and uncles, revisiting death or car accidents can sometimes feel like it just happened even if it’s been decades since the actual occurrence. Still smelling the cedar of my grandparent’s closets or the ever-present scent of laundry soap can make me feel warm and secure. I have learned new ways to find my center.

Remember that friend you went to Renaissance Faire with? Remember a day of laughing while sitting in a creek on a hot day? So many memories to take that stroll. I do love a good amble!

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on Pexels.com

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Linda G. Hill says: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “clear.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy! Follow the link above to learn how to play!

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

“Clear!” The Hollywood doctor yells as the body on the table jumps. Clearly, acting is taking place. Often they hit that defibrillator several times, and, hopefully, the pretend patient is saved. The music plays dramatically, and you sit on the edge of your seat. Then, whew, the physician drops the paddles and sighs.

Seeing the screen clearly now, I can read what the actors are saying. I can’t stop talking about how great it is to have a bright shiny new eye where a poor blind orb used to be. Heck, I am back to writing this blog on my laptop. I can actually see the screen better without glasses than with. My brain is trying to catch up with the new input. I’d love to see how all that works. If an older person needs to keep making new connections to keep their brain healthy, having cataract surgery has to help keep the person young.

Meanwhile, I haven’t stopped with my knitting or diamond painting.

Scrappy socks
nearly halfway done

Oh! And though there have been days I couldn’t see well enough to write, I still have managed to get back on track with My Life which will have another title, like maybe Chicken Dumpling Soup or Moving. Anyway, heres where I am:

yWriter7 tells me if I write about 900 words a day I will be able to hit my 20k goal on the 31st.

Monday morning we leave at 7AM to go get my right eye decataracted (that can’t be a word!) Tuesday morning we leave at 5AM for my recheck at 7:20AM. I’m not a morning person. Never have been. But for this I will manage. Because by Tuesday everything will be clear.

Photo by ATC Comm Photo on Pexels.com

Comprehending the world is getting harder and harder. My brain just doesn’t want to compute the possibilities. The negatives are piled together with so many others it is hard to pick them apart to analyze each one to find the place to pin my hopes. No one could compare one life to another. No one can compensate for the losses in the recent past, current, or future. Compelling information of fake or real news keeps us all complaining about each other and the world at large. Complex feelings overwhelm us in confusion.

Why not compliment each other for the good we can find. We could spend time composing our thoughts, making compassion our mission. As my mother used to say, “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything.” Granted she could have held on to her own advice most of her life. But one piece of gold can compensate for a lot of mud.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “comp.” Find a word that starts with or contains “comp” and use it in your post. Enjoy!


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