Tag Archive: #Ta-da Tuesday

Ta-Da Tuesday

I’m in love with these. Sadly, they are not my size. Hopefully, they will be finished after a bit of ankle then a cuff. Can’t wait to see the finished product!
Long leggings. I love the colors, but am not as excited doing these as actual socks.
These are ankle and cuff from being done. I hope I can finish these and the pinkies on top by the weekend.

Really, I’m more excited about actually finishing my laundry today. Oh. I still have a couple dishes in the sink. You’ll hear my Ta-Da before I go to bed.

TaDa Tuesday

My hands are tired. But the heels are turned. Just the leg and cuff left to do. Yay!

Ta Da Tuesday

I finally organized my wig stuff I’d been playing with since before Halloween. Now it’s all in it’s own bin.

Then I started organizing my hobby shelf. Just the art cubby.

Now I can find what I need.

And now I can get back to


Yes, my diamond painting and piano are calling.

But before I can go to bed these two are wanting attention.

Tuning and a chord or two, and Aura Lee.

Ta-Da Tuesday

After months and so many tinks, nearly remaking these several times over, I finally finished my Sneaker Socks. These will bring back all the memories of the wedding and Wisconsin. I brought these and the hat I just finished a couple of days ago. The hat was helpful as it was easier and didn’t need the concentration these socks took. I constantly made mistakes and had to find my way back.

So comfortable!
Low enough for sneakers.

I didn’t think I’d like that ribbing in the foot area, but it feels like a foot hug. I love it! I may add that to future socks.

I know I’ve shared the tutorials before but these have helped me a lot!

She has a three-part knit along.

I followed most of it. But the bind off was too hard for me. Instead I went with my fav, Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind off. Even that had to be tinked and redone a couple of times.

Ta Da Tuesday

Finally finished.

I was so proud of my husband. As he held up the Afghan he said, “If you had a blocking frame it would take care of the curling.”

I stood there, my mouth ready to catch flies! How did he know that? He said his grandpa made one for his grandma who was a constant crocheter.

It is now in the box being mailed to my daughter. I will talk more about it later.

Ta Da Tuesday

I need a hat for me in all this cold. So I made one. Yay!

It self stripes!
It’s a little too big for the form but fits my head perfectly!
This yarn is soft as butter and seems to knit itself.

I finally got progress on the dragon. There is so much black that I’m checkerboarding to keep it interesting.

Ta-da Tuesday

Finally finished with Sunflowers!

Ta Da Tuesday

Not sure I like this. I can’t understand what I’m looking at. I still need to straighten drills, seal, and paint on the frame. I think this set of four dragons will go over my bed.

Here’s the next picture. It is harder to see than the one above.

It’s the process not the end result. So tomorrow I’ll be ‘kitting up’

Oh, and it’s snowing. I’m hoping we’re getting enough to pull us out of an exceptional draught. It sure is cold!

It’s April?

This was a shorter fold up brim. And the crown decrease I love. I have enough yarn for a child’s hat. These are wool so not everyone could wear them. But sending on to the charity. I think they will be warm for those who have to be out in the cold.

Yay! I’m about halfway done!

I took a day off walking. Between the snow blanket covering the ground for poor Kali’s 6AM outside, developing winds, and achiness walking didn’t happen. The snow was melted by actual wake up at 9AM. 😢

Word count as of last night 7,376. It’s coming right along. 😊

Ta Da Tuesday

Hat done. Yay! Already started the next one.

I love decreasing on the Flexee knitting loom.

Another walk! Same trail. Kali wanted to come. She starts with wanting to run.  I try to do my best. But quickly she’s tired and I feel cruel as I have no choice but to kind of drag her along. She won’t let me carry her. It’s already equally far to continue the route to turning around. She’s okay now. Chris and I did just fine. Everything is slower with Kali. It’s like taking a toddler for a walk. A block is miles!

Obviously when I screenshot, I didn’t realize I was chatting with my son’s Significant Other.❤️

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