Tag Archive: war

All the Light We Cannot SeeAll the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Now I can’t wait to see the movie! This was a good book! Anthony Doerr wrote beautifully, and Zach Appelman could do all the characters very well. In fact, when he did the female voices, I didn’t hear the belittling tone I usually hear when a male portrays a female.

This was a scary step to take after the heavy historical facts of Rachel’s book. I was so worried that I couldn’t handle what happened to the beloved characters in the book. It doesn’t end with a happily ever after, but it felt real yet enlightening and full of love.

To show how captivating this story was, I didn’t get to sleep until 4:30 this morning, and I had a long drive to stay awake for today. So far, the strength of the characters in the book sustained me. Maybe by this weekend, I can watch the show.

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Accessory to War: The Unspoken Alliance Between Astrophysics and the MilitaryAccessory to War: The Unspoken Alliance Between Astrophysics and the Military by Neil deGrasse Tyson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

War is not my thing. Often it feels like the author is trying to tell us we need a war if we want to explore space or see new inventions. But it is the opposite of that. He has researched points to prove this is how it has always been, and, please hang on until the end of the book, he has some answers as well researched and thought out of how we can improve our lives, save us from global warming and other imminent disasters, and finally space travel for good not evil. Yes, I prefer Star Trekking to Star Warring.

I could listen to Neil deGrasse Tyson all night. In fact, the other night, I did just that. His voice is soothing, and his articulation is precise. I’m not a scientist or a historian, but I felt this wasn’t over my head.

I highly recommend this book, especially the audio. I picked this up on Libby, a great place to read for free! Libraries are the greatest!

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 19: March to WarThe Walking Dead, Vol. 19: March to War by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

No question about it, I love The Walking Dead, not the zombies; they represent the problem humanity has to deal with. The books and show are about how differently we respond to the threat. This was made clear during the pandemic. Back then, Robert Kirkman understood how people could change with a huge problem.

In this issue, all the problems Negan and the saviors have brought bring all the groups together to fight for their independence.

This was written before the show, so it is interesting to see the original intent. I have to admit that the show is better. I never say that about the difference between books and shows. But in this case, the story grew up into the show.

I don’t like war and shooting. But in this case, it is necessary for most people to live peaceably in the future. Ugh! I even hate saying that. But it is true.

The story varied but was nearly the same as the show. Some characters are subbed in for others. But the storyline stayed the same.

Please check out the Kindle version of these comics. You can enlarge the pictures or font to see it all the better than the paper product.

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The Last Bookshop in London: A Novel of World War IIThe Last Bookshop in London: A Novel of World War II by Madeline Martin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m so sorry I am finished reading this book! I wanted to live with these characters. No, I didn’t want to live during a war, especially while bombs were dropping. But I love living with book people who love to share books with those they love. Oh, yeah. I already live that, sans bombs!

Saskia Maarleveld (Narrator) keeps the story live. Not even a moment did I remember real life while in the book.

I love stories about females during World War II, but they are often soft mushy girls who do not seek their inner strength. They often fall in love with the guy and become arm candy or the like. Not our main character here. She seeks her own worth and, in the process, finds a fellow book lover, even before she has become addicted to the same.

Please, if you get the chance, try this book. I think you may love it as much as I did. I was lucky to pick it up on Libby, but I am seriously thinking of getting my own copy for when I want to curl up in a guaranteed good read. I hope you love it as much as I do.

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A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War IIA Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II by Sonia Purnell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Juliet Stevenson (Narrator) kept this story alive. I felt I was right in the moment with Virginia Hall as she attempted to end the war on her own, seeing that few men could do what this poor, disabled woman could.

This book was written very well. I often find nonfiction biographies boring and stilted. The author was able to write this with the urgency of a fictional spy thriller.

In this day of women losing rights, this will strengthen your determination to keep everyone free. This was a true American who happened to be a woman. Please read it if you have the chance.

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Ashes in the Snow (Movie Tie-In)Ashes in the Snow by Ruta Sepetys
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Though gruesome in content, this was a beautiful book. I love how the author portrayed the main characters and historical content. I must admit to not knowing this part of history at all. This story gave me a better understanding of what happened.

Emily Klein narrated the story flawlessly. She varied the voices enough I knew who was who.

This story is a movie. I plan to watch it soon. Meanwhile, I won’t soon forget this family’s struggle, and no doubt thousands of others went through it. And the messages of what could happen to people when life gets to the point where neighbors are not trusting neighbors. When bigotry gets power, it isn’t good for anyone. And when love is involved, you see that life can be a bit better even in the worst situations.

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Beneath a Scarlet SkyBeneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark T. Sullivan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a compelling story. I loved that I got to ‘read’ it through Audible on Kindle Unlimited. It was quite interesting.

Normally, I don’t like war stories. And my mission has been for quite some time to read female writers and female main characters. Mostly because in my early life, I only had male books to read to. I am feeding my inner child. Even so, I make exceptions. This one qualified. It is based on a true story, and I did love the main character in most of the book.

Pina is the main character, and I think I loved him because he tried so hard to help his loved ones, and then he tried to help others to safety in a world that was going wrong all around him.

I highly recommend this book, especially the Audible version. It is longer than my usual read, but It kept me up until 4 AM a couple of times. I just didn’t want to leave him to fight without me. And the story, probably because it is based in a sucky reality, stayed with me into my sleep. I pray we never have that kind of thing happen in the world again!

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WunderlandWunderland by Jennifer Cody Epstein
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This should be required reading for everyone. Especially now.

It was difficult for me at first as I thought maybe I was reading pro-nazi propaganda. But the people who suggested this read for me would never have recommended that kind of book. So I continued reading.

The book was written through differing points of view and differing times. It feels like a memoir at times as it gets quite personal.

Instead of it being propaganda, the author gives us an inside look into how a person/nation becomes less free-thinking, how certain biases become bigotry and hatred. She shows us how group-think and gang-mentality forms, even in the most loving people. Peer pressure and lack of trust promoted by the people in power move all the people into fear. I think that was my take away.

I would have given this book five stars but my experience with text-to-speech with this back and forth in time and differing personalities was difficult to figure out who was talking and when. Without eyes on the text, I would get lost.

If you can, please read this book. I think I may want to read it again and take notes. Maybe I’ll give more stars next time.

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Elephant Company: The Inspiring Story of an Unlikely Hero and the Animals Who Helped Him Save Lives in World War IIElephant Company: The Inspiring Story of an Unlikely Hero and the Animals Who Helped Him Save Lives in World War II by Vicki Constantine Croke
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I love elephants. Such smart sensitive beings. And this book is by a woman so it sort of fit my requirements of reading diet. The guy was a human being who cared, so I dismissed my final mission of female main character. Besides, it is about WWII so the chances of the main character being female was diminished as women were back then.

The writing was dry, historic. I wish there was a way to get into it all more deeply. It seemed to be a his-story. Bits about elephants were interesting but I wanted more. I wanted to know more about his wife who seemed very much of kindred spirit.

Still, had I not read the book, I wouldn’t have known about how the elephants helped in the second world war.

Many people have given this book high ratings. Maybe you will, too.

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War ChildWar Child by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this a couple days ago. But I still remember the story with fondness. I was afraid to read it. The title, War Child, made me think this was going to be a book about war. Then I started reading and the first few pages showed that indeed there was to be war. Definitely not my type of story.

This was written by a member of our writing group that I think of as a friend. It was that friendship that caused me to continue reading past the part about war. Spoiler: This is a story about peace. A beautiful story about peace and how it could be attained.

Okay. There was one thing. Yeah, it was a short story. I always want more. No, it doesn’t leave you on a cliff. It’s just that I really liked the characters and wanted to hang with them longer. I’m sure another chapter or two could come out of this. Please, Margaret, please?

Meanwhile, pick it up on Amazon. It’s only $.99. Well worth the lessons that could be learned by all of us are within its pages. Try it! 🙂

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